Eadeline Armstrong Neoelire Louise "rustrorfi born on Janusry 23, 1911. e ie the third flnughter of John S. Tsllman and Loniea r nrv Dhe h3d two Sisters Maude Horrington ond.firf. Creofier I . The family left Vinemonnt in l9ll one moved to nemilton. M9 eline attended Jest Avenue and Simeon gtreet lublic Schools and graduated for? 9 commercial course fit the Eamilton Centrel Colleeiote Street. Following th"t she worked three years for Otis Feneon Llebntor Co. She joired the First Unitefi in l923. lot She attende "oak Chanel where ( 1e U.C.A. '1" "fit? toeether builte end helos in "on" finys with the euehlv work. I indeline worried Clere P. Arms. returning to the old ftnily hO' hove two chilfron Ferhe, TrS.( "no hoth livine ir Vinemount. lor frordchiidren. m, f The. morried have three \A) 1 17' l .2 ---u CVO (D An active renter of our Inrtituto 9e convenor POT 'Ed :53 secretiry fvom lfi " lofielire likes to do everythi.5 " esoecihlly oi History.