I 7L". .. SCHOLARSHIP PRESENTATION The l 980 F W10 Macdonald Awards presented at the University of Guelph to successful applicants. Back row L-r Dorothy Van Esbroeck, Karen Risebrough, Patti Zaa'anyi, Janet Partridge, Katherine Viens. Second row ' L-r Kathryn Schellenberger, Dean Janet Ward/aw, College of Family and Consumer Studies; Miss Molly McGhee, Director Home Economics Branch, OMAF; Mrs. Keith Hiepleh, President, FWIO,' Tammy McLean, Charlene Grooms. Front row L-r Susan Coles, Theresa Paolasini, Carlene Weatherall. Anne Marie McGregor. 21 The Winona Women's in- stitute sponsored a special St. Patrick's Day euchre at the home of Mrs. Frank Keegan, starting with a Dessert Lun- cheon. _ . Delicious Desserts were made more appealing as they were placed on a table beautifully decorated by the hostess. , Euchre prizes were won as follows: High score...Mrs. Frank Keegan; Low Score...Mrs. Al. 'Margueratt; Toss prize...Mrs. Andrew McConnell. / Responding 'to an invitation from the-Vinemount Women's . institute, Mrs. Frank Keegan, Mrs._.Andrew McConnell, Mrs. J. A. Thomas, Mrs. J. R. Costen, Mrs. R. S. McIntyre and Mrs. G. A. Furier attended _ a Spring Tea held in the _ Christian Education Building of Rock Chapel United Church. In spite of very foggy con- ditions, the Tea was well at- tended ahd everyone had a pleasant time. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shaw, Robin, Maureen and Alex of Peterborough, but former residents here, visited in the district on March 15th and 16th. ' On Sunday they attended Tapieytown United Church for the Christening of their grandson Adam Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Shaw. The Rev. Robert Fretweil of- ficiated. A family party was held at the home of the baby's parents following the morning service. by BILL MORISON Mrs. F. Weylie presided over the Vinemount Women's Institute meeting at the home of Mrs. R. : Deuxberry. This was a combined meeting with some regular business and planning for the year 1981- 1982. All members were invited to attend the District annual meeting,- which will be held at Fifty United Church on . May 28. Tickets for the noonday luncheon were made available. Members enjoyed the 4-H Club demonstration held at the home Of Mrs. G. McLean on April 8. The girls prepared and served the foods and the Home Economist from Dominion Stores demonstrated "Cooking with a Wok" and explained how to make an interesting and quick kind of ' pie. On Wednesday, May 6, the 4-H organization will hold an achievement night at Bin- brook United Church at 7.15 pm. The project title is "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" On May 20, the Institute members will have a special outing ~ a visit to the Towel Factory in Dunnville. Mrs. R. Weylie will be the con- vener for this event. After lunch, the hostess and host entertained the Institute members with pictures of the family's recent trip to Florida, Mrs. Dorothy Jones, one of the 32 Provincial Board members and an active member of Orkney Branch W.I. in Wentworth North, was a special guest at the November meeting of the Vinemount Women's In- stitute. . d Her topic. Assoc1ate Country Women of the World, is of special interest as Canada will host the 19t33 world-wide conference .in Vancouver at the UniverSity of British Columbia campus, Where 2,200 delegates are H ". registered to attend. This will be Canada's 'I second chance to host this important event. Thirty years ago, the conference i'was held at Maple Leaf , Gardens in TorOnto. Over 60 . countries of the world are involved. "It is certain," said Mrs._ Jones, "this organization has been doing things right, as it is celebrating 85 years of service helpinggwomen of the world in a caring and sharin rocess." Presidgnt Alice Hadden thanked the speaker. and presented her with a Jewel case. During the business Vinemount W.I. meets and plans portion of the meeting two , new members were welcomed. Reports were received from conveners Ada Paolasini and Carrie Shuker. Alice Hadden reported that she had participated for the V.W.I. in the wreath-laying ceremony of Remembrance Day at Stoney Creek. The club voted $25 towards the 4-- H Club girls' awards. ' The Lee Homestead Will have its Christmas Open House on Dec. 1 and 2. The public are welcome. Several members will join with Doris Deuxberry to Sing Christmas Carols on Dec. 2. Other Branches Will be carolling on Dec. 1. . The collection of "Pennies For Friendship" appears to be a small contribution but the Federated Women's - Institutes of Ontario are using these donations for many .worthwhile proiects, one of which is "Fresh water for drinking and sanitary purposes in needy coun- tries". ' Faye Carter, Iolla Scott and 'Ada Paolasini assisted hostess Doris Deuxberry to serve lunch at the con-- . clusion of the meeting. The Christmas meeting will be held on Dec.'15 at ' 1:30 pm. at the home of Violet Fortman. Roll call will be answered by ex-- changing Christmas gifts ' and bringing a gift for a hospital patient. ----Bill Morison . fizz. .