33...??- fi' 1 al'ri-_ l inemonnt Wlfi ' VA" Mrs. E. B. Acton lV'incland, Jordan - , Instthui'c' Hollis Birthday Party '3' Sponsors Party In N owl Hall Vinemount, Aug. '6 .-- A garden party, under the auspices of the Vinemount Women's Institute was the ladies' baseball game. "we" 10 the members of the Drama Johnson accompanist; Mrs. Bruce 1 Community Bench, June 22 -i ,The ladies of Communll.y.Beachl .W.I. met for their first blrthdayl party'on the lawn at the home or Mrs. M. Bolton. .The table was dec- orated in whlte and gold with blue $10 will be given the Community Beach Baptist Mission for the build- grounds of Mr. and Mrs. ll]. . ers, R. Clarl'cux ll'CSldin , met. at was decorated m blue and gold as l ' l g ' President Of W.I. Welcomes llocllaway Branch . Vim-hind, March 1(l~"llc Vinc' , , .. Lorne held at the W.I. hall With a and gold candles and threefilcely Hand-Jordan branch of tilt) Wom- '1'" "T0112" tfgasx;:.s rep". 1 v At seven o'clock arranged baskets of roses, lilies and innis Insmmfi'w with [he preside" num. . I over N 000 arge attendance' other flowers in season. The cake showed the room? S ' the home or Mrs. L. Cosby. Roll ' ' ' ~ ' l ' is as " rasslcs, resulted in the centre iece. Mrs. W. Crozrer: ( , . , ,. , ,. Scnbmg m such ,chc _ .Gnmey and - Gras- ' presided to? the business with Mrs. lam ."as am." Cred ."nh all" coin County VON" we" I'mwl" ' ,the Grrmsby girls defeating . Eld din th min: ms. ,nnlaliun of gills (or the lnslltulc H V .m Cmccr Fund. C'N.'.B., ' sies 13 to 5. The president of the 1" er reg. gt em t" d hnmnr. Members hroughl.' their CPCPr'h'V' mr'mcul societics- dinners, ~\ ' wel- Reports w?" given mm e58" ' donations of linen and colton for A)", L . .l ,md com W.I., Mrs. DennlS Shuker. d mg committees. Mrs. Phelps read 0mm, dmsgmm "Show we". joulng lhc flltllllbcol'lguntl'he fair _ . ' . . . . .. . . . 00 coined the guests and eklfi'e-SS)e atpgptggn %':égistrjft§::'filnheli present for the newly formed ducting anlm'lowl acmmcs' _ thanks on behalf of the 1mm"? 8' y ' a o o ' ranch nl, Rockaway. Mrs. R, "no .uno l: presided lrrkc, convcnor of the citizen- Musical March Fast. lo Rnwhidc.', Smithville W.I. Smithvillc, April 18 ---- The un- nuzll meeting of the W.I. was held wilh a balance on hand after sub- Lin- Vll'c. Clnrcncc Merritt ' l N inslnllnlion of officers as - - lshi dcparlmenl. ol lhc Inslilule, iol' illC . B Ac. . Grill and friends Io;- the work m fund. P . , 5; Fr Sidcnt. Mrs- E- - i (lonpd to make such an attractive lights. K. Emberley, district pres-' l{fix-owl]icc--pcrcsidcnts. 'MTS- 1:2"le ' . ~ » . - E. y » . ,_ f . , » cc; sec . - stage and unto-date kitchen. She I ffigtkolgaiaaugiédiohethéaizinlgg "Wily" losen'rgngirlgs. Mrs. A. G. Shium. ~imam].u:l,ch'lTxi'mr Hodgkins' meni immduce'i "'0 Chairman for X the'worlg and progress during the 'Roch , gavel a "1?me liéndt'f'g' l ELTS'fililliic. director. Mrs. K. Aw- lhe evening Frank Lennard, MP». ( year. Mrs. Elves and Mrs. Pilklng< o c a._p.mch°f'1 an" "m ion . rcl- branch dirQCfors, Miss A. Lav- who, having been in the hall many 1: ton took over the entertainment < .['R'115'[C':1:;e15 tall" "Zimtlfifi . 3' Mcsdnmcs G. Smith. W~ Cope: times before, couldn't speak nightly t fortlhte eveining. Winners Not ulna mzm'beer' a? the: ggvemmcml '_ F. {lmmanl'Ele ].Trcll::;lll:;: e 'm rovemen s, ., con ess an races were rs. . I w . . .. .55 'J' . .. noughuflf ththek'tclhell 1' Elder, Mrs. Wren and Mrs. Long. Sl'l'geslmg that 5mm" rcmgmhpn' - and sick convcncr, Mrs. S. espema 3 m e l ' t.d of the l' Visitors were Mrs Henderson and be made to mark the day?" "vhmhw l\7 H- cwhw convcncrs. TirS- 1- The program cons'se dd} 1 Mrs Noseworthy Lunch was sew. Newfoundland formally JOlllS the ~ i 9 3 5' 'st M_ Reece. Stand. mnowmg amsts; Jame? TwaB 9' ' ed by the tollowing hostesses" Mes- Dmmnmn' It was ms" agreed that ' WNW 'm'ilccs'. Ci 'zcnship and Stone)' Creek. "10815910: Ruth 3" g d B 1 P-nd t H' d ._ the secretary be authorized lo rcg- l lmg "9mm" n..mblc -, avricnl-' ' ' ' H 11'? 'Wmlam flmes 0 ton' l "g on' en el ' ' ~ cllucillon Marlo lit. y E- 10"'mp M7199" am on' -l 1 son Parker Owen and Elder. 15'" '1 mmplamt ""1" "'0 C'B'C'i. . i d, c-mudizui industries MW Lang. 111321013"; Mrs; La"? 55511;; I". was de'cided to have «garden ,againsl the change of program on i_ ills]; Ho'dgkim, Sn; Communiiyi am. swney creek Quar e V ' party on Saturday, June 25' on the CBL at 8.30 m lilo mornanr l'romi 'acli i" and "mm rclmions' Mrs ' . ics. . Wallace, elocutionist, StoneyCreek2fi Do" "any: home the {69mm of 11m meeting being, :l'l0\\'ill'(l Julinson, .llrcéislfimcigggorflrsu . William Davies, ventriloquist, with g , ' "W". mud, against me Change) hirs. L. P. killmsv' hismriwl' to , 1 Joe and his talking dog. Hamilton; '4' Ho} csscs [or (he evening were? "v C' \lfi'WhSmfr'shn'mL A vote 7 and Ed Travis, Vinemount, 80 years E . Mm A. G Rocha Mrs. H. \Vm; scorch. l'l Edema! m [he rc_ . ; old, old-fashioned dance; Andy J A . shire. I\ 's. L. Solo. and Mrs. C.' 9[.U"'nl'5_ lun' Mm K. AwmgiR " Devine, song and dance, Hamilton. ' ' ' ' Sinner. Lillie Marilyn Cosby. aged: mmg "wilful V Mrs. H. 1. Ha {i g Mrs. G. A. Gliddon SCCOmPaniSL V l Clhrcc. assisted most charmingly inl limion"alac'erygvhich a social houribi 'n Recewe Git" ' W.I. . scum: l'mch' I illrichlu'g'c of Mrs. lock Tl'lcc "dial S! Mr. Lennard, on behalf of the i Yincha Tnnw I lhcr commillcc \"us anOS'Cd' '_ til" w Institute, presented the coachiof Harmon, June 25 -- The June --------- s " ' Mrs. 117ml fioslcllywufidfsfizd; - the winning ball team with gi ts, - , I R k Linc {inn our 'llfl . . 'h for each of the players. He also. fifiéggofihzhgvfidelid: $0051:fo ; o , [1' 0C ton mum "mm-cs in lhcvparlgh presented Connie Jacobs with a " w e '3 e. i souVCnIrS were "0" Y " _ gift from the W.I. for selling the draw. The winners were J. V. Clarke, Tapleytown; Dr. Norman Vickers, 4 Grosvenor South, Ham- ilton, and John McLeod, Vine- mount The following ladies were in charge of the several booths: Home baking, Mrs. Adam Reid 1 most books of tickets for the lucky _ home of Mrs. T. J. Baxter with a large attendance, Mrs. J. A. Millen, vice-president, Local Council Wom- en, Hamilton, was the speaker, she was introduced by Mrs. Baxter. The president, Mrs. Claude Kirton presided. Mrs. Elizabeth Whaley Plans Socials Rockton, March 14,--Mrs. Clif- Eford Morden opened net homel'for' 'the St, "Patrick's tea of the Rock: .ton W.I. The president. Mrs.' Thomas Edworthy, presided for a l The l w - H Almond. c. l H. Sicncci, Mrs. . i--'A. hlcrrill and H. E. Patterson. k f C. . "1 Visit Younng W'J. l' l Mrs. G. W. Cnvirr cnicrluincd n assisted by Mrs. Clare Brand; ice it read the,ml{mtes and Correspon' ' Shm't busmess 595510" When don?" mcmbcrs of the ('ummnnilv llcnrh '1- cream, Miss Annie Johnson, Mrs. Sew; thh Inell'ded '1 latter {mm : tions of 512 were made to the \\'_nmcn'< lnslilulc. inc \'llllllgC\[ in. O'Ferris Vv'eylie. Kay Weylie and ,1 585$}.fifjfi'gx'iefleaggfigufi Canadian Red Cross and $10 to some in lhc thflcci m... .1. m. ' Ferris Waylie; hOL dogs: MW 5011" A d b p ' I the North Wentworth Scholarship lnformnl (CA on Monday evening Beam. Mrs. Charles Kiel]; soft [I Poem conapose y Mrs. Futch- . Fund. The institute is purchasing |n mccl llcr gum. "ho ucrr nu. uc- drinks, Mrs. Neilson, Mrs- Skinu- '-- er' was Yea ' A Shower for over" ~ 25 folding chairs. Plans were made {mics to [lie A.C.\\'.W. Maxim of tiles; candy, Mrs. Albert Oldfield Arthur Fortman. '7 / ange Annual W.I. Meeting Mount Hamilton, March 28-- Mrs. K. F. Emberlcy president and Mrs. C. A. Alderson, secretary of South Wentworth W.I., were named delegates to the district summer annual meeting at' the spring executive meeting of then body, held at 16 Market Street Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ember- ley presided. _ June 2'was set for the district annual meeting, at Stoney Creek United Church. The annual meet- lng committee members chosen are: Mesdames K. F. Emberley, C, A. Alderson, Lawrence Elder, Neil Hopkins, Angus Jackson, Adam Calder. Stoney Creek. Com- Lsens boxes was the roll call re- sponse. A large quantity tlons was received. Mrs. Byron Armes reported on ' the South Woolworth district on- ' nual at,Stoney Creek. Mrs. Austin Smith was appointed convener for a draw acthe library tea at the home of Mrs. Austin A. French early in the fall. Plans were made (or the annual picnic July 1. Mrs. Byron Armes. Mrs. Archie Smith, Mrs. W. J. D. Turner and Mrs. Claude Kirton were named the committee. Donations were made to the flower énd birthday funds of the branch. Mrs. C. A. Alderson conducted a spelling match which was won by Mrs. Robert A. French. At the social half hour Miss Maude Leslie entertained at teacup read- ing. Assisting the hostess in serv- lng tea were Mesdames Claude of dona- J :1; Kirton, Lawrence Almas, B yr 0 n. 2r Its. Armes and C. A. Alderson. (or card parties March 23 and April 8. Mrs. Clayton Riddell re- lated many interesting facts per- taining to the building of the Beverly Township Hall in Rockton, which was completed in November, 1850. Mrs, Murray McKnight read fat-paper 'on current events pre- pared by Mrs. Norman Denholm. Mrs, Gordon Cornell gave an in- teresting paper on local points of interest. Contests" were conducted by Mrs. Thomas Edworlhy and . Mrs. W5 L. Taylor poured at an attractive tea table centred with ' daffodils. ' _..... - . .. _ n..u..,: I'hllrnh Women's Institute Caislorville. Sept. 25 --- The IWomen's Institute entertained the lBinbrook branch in the church lhall on Friday afternoon. Mrs Loyal Coyne presided for the busi- ness session and Mrs. Orval Bell l\\'as in charge or the program as follows: Solos, Mrs. W. J. McEvoy; W.I. inlcrcsl in lhc uorlil .'ipl'lCl'C ucrc discussed qnd many ideas tx- changcll. Miss Agnes Gordon lzng- lish. of Norihcrn liclnnd. who is . employed in [he pmlllry (livisinn'of ' llic Dcnnrlmcnl of Agricuhnrc nf Norlhcrn Ireland. and Miss Mary McGuire of Wcslcrn Alhll'a m. were spccinl glicsls. Miss McGuire owns 5.000 :irrcs in hcr ronnlry and 2,000 sheep. , pa er on immigration 'Mrs. J. Ber- ' unngWMrs. Arthu: l Laidman; piano solos. Mrs. Lesli: l Laidman. Mrs. Lcslie Laidman 10 #-- Thc'v Miss Margaret Rouse. Mrs. C. .' munity Beach, and Saltfleel. w. 1. iGrcensvil' I ' ' H 'w.ll be hostess branches. Mrs. ' le Immune i . , v Ham, Bush was appmmed mm ,Pldns Annual At-flome music committee, Gl'ccnsville. March Mrs, Embefley Spoke on the ad_ Giccnsvillc \Vomcn's lnslilulc mct'.' visabllity of supporting well-or- ganized groups within the county. Silence was observed in memory of the late Miss Nora-Frances Henderson and Mrs. G. Hambrook, secretary of Winona W.I. The branches will subscribe to the $25,000 W. I. scholarship. It was announced that a new W. Li handbook "was in process of print- ing_ and that. the Junior W. I., aclileVEmenl day will be held in' Melrose United Church, April 22.' A letterpf greeting and welcome Will ,bo'senl to the newly-organ- ized Alberton Junior W.I. branch. A letter, of thanks was read from the Polllckdamlly in England for food'vparcels received. Mrs. W. J. Mllva was named representative 10 the Federation of Agriculture- Meddames. J. H. OIlVer, I. D. Pan ".11 6 Mrs. Thomas Hewitson the nominatl z commlt' "£11 tees}? 4 (. ,liam McArlhur, all new grand--fie. '5" grand: , . at llic home of Mrs. D. Borman.l Splendid reports were given by, 112:- Tl'onsuror and Sunshine confii \'cner. Plans are being made forfi an al-home in lhc township hollu' on Friday, April 8. A box of {Godlr is being senl (0 England againly lhis monlh. Mrs. H. l\ vin, Mrs.lp B. Shr'ppfll'rl am Mr H. Smllhi'] worn anpnlntcd n committee to C him: in :i r'lnlc (if nl'fii: lows JPN-50. Mrs.' Gordon Ofiold, M . Y. McCamllcss and Mrs. VVl~ i n 'molhm-s, rcarl aniuslnglslories ol'd 'the old days. AJ'pnlnst was wo 'le 1by MKS. Gordon Oliold. A prize fo b 'havmg the oldest grandchild wnsln 'won by Mrs. VValiar timilh. Final sc plans were made for the Kiwanis th 'Club luncheon Tuesday, March 15,iM in tlle.townshih 118". Mrs. George 1u {Marsh'gave a splendid ,demonslm- limb the afternoon were Mrs, :Mnort'. Mrs, P., Y. Z'chdecsS .Mrs J. Sutton. Mrs. Gordon 0""th :won the prize {or gucs'b ' drcn. ' g mom'slh .'in . porch for books from Wentworth lion nn candy making. Hos(csscsldii HIM: and'lic 'Peltigrwln (In. Community Beach W.I. Community BeaCh, Nov. 28 -- Mrs, M, Bolton was hostess for" the ladies of Community Beach Women's Institute when they met at her home. Everyone enjoyed the demonstration on making and serv- mg fancy sandwiches conducted by Miss Marion Cook, home econom- ics instructress of Sallflcet High School. The W.I. is participating in the wreath placed on the Man- ,ument November 11 by the Sun. fleet Intstltutes. it was decided to set aside a sum of money for a building fund. Mrs. Nolt and Mrs. E. owe.l handed in proceeds from card parties which will be sent to Miss Millikan, of Wentworth Children's Aid. Mrs. T. Wren offered her Lending Library. Mrs, W. Crozier. president, was in charge of the meeting 'and Mrs. J. Emmerson acted as secretary-treasurer. A contest was won by Mrs. Game" and Mrs. Owen. Lunch was "mad by Mesdames Bolton and Bmer l' j,