MolhenlnsIIIuIe enIertaIns aI gardengg' Mayor Jack W. Watson, of Stoney Creek, greets Mrs. Aroti PBHY'W Mr. Erland Lee, party, Wednesday afternoon, when the Mother Institute en- : - tertained the delegates from the Federated Women's In- I i I I "'*'4<<AAA1----------"_--'--fl-hi--?--fl-n--'-"--»---.Asn.. .s .. ~': Bridge, P. E.» I., of the World; Mrs. J.»Phil- iph Matheson, Oyster Bed President of the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada; Mrs. Everett Small, Essex, Ont. stitutes or Canada confer- and; Mrs. \ 'cutta, president of the AssOciated Couéitrylivolmeg Otf ThelWortl . . , ence, which was hem a, Gu_ granhk £36,6-, EESaIHIeet . .> I ~ den party in Battlefield Park, Stoney ree 11 en enma cos A ink n "km mar "-98 0;), elph University last week. ram . \ D. H. Rogers, president of the Stoney Creek WI and second f the geaumfil green (fawn of Mme. .Aroti Dutt of Cal-, The tea"; tables peer the Mrs.- Philip Matheson, Oyster Bed Bridge, RE 1., president 0 Battlefield Park made anim- cutta, India; President ofthe Inarquge 001:3 vet" attra- \ rated Woinen' s Institutes of Canada. pressive setting foragarden' Associated Country Women c zve ecora wth gold- hued bowls; of blue corn- flowers, these being the 111-; stitute colours. ., , The Institutes w refde- lighted to have with "Mrs. McKinley Morden, one of the President of ,the F w 1;tworemalningchartermem- 1: of Ontario; and Mrs. Homer Greene, ChairmanoftheWo- men's Council Mississippi U. S. A. weréthefirstguests to arrive They were follow- ed by some 400 ladies re- presenting Institutes from Victoria, B C to St. Johns, Nfld. The guests were wel- . .comed and bade good-bye by. members of the Stoney Creek and Saltfleet Institutes, all beautifully gowned in Cen- tennial costumes. The guests were received 1' by Mrs. D H Rogers, Pres-- ident of the Stoney Creek Institute; Mayor J. W Wat- ; 'son of Stoney .Creek; Mrs. Harvey Eller, Fonthill, Area President; Mrs. Neil Hop- kins, lstf vice Pre_.s of the District of South Wéntworth; Miss Marjorie Lee ,daughter of the Co-Founder, the late bers. Background music by Mrs. ' Thomas White on the o'rga'h, in the new band shell, was, ' greatly enjoyed" . I ' Festivities came to a close with everyone feeling the af- ternoon had been a; great success. Manda»... see 1.... a.»