.u, "Niagara We): QWW {ammo magnum, Welland, Canada LOUIS BLAKE uurlv LOlJlS BLAKE ourr FRESIDENY December 8th, 191%. I It) WWI/WM"! t 19%" 21's. Angus B. Jecltson, W ' ' sartonvnle, mmmfli ' 4 xwwwiA MM] Ontario . fi'l's is: K, Dial MT . mm on W V W Wow/Cl W W 11th will I think mery ya; W W very well so you may call the» a )W suit me W fixture. <1 'J W >Wmm W t ,r i. a, ' I. As to the dinner, the t1. limes _ W V r is very kind and I am glad to 2100va kW! W: W 3 W M w or in whch In C Jackson. WM shall have my on All 1 would need to know is: not. be necessary , i, .? at 'Jrhat time will the soup to not M Yours elncerely, // W; ~ [WV mm WT)? yin/w: Louls Elllulce Duff. W LED/P . , Wyn/MM WW' Mam/LT a ;,- I ' I 11' the roads aruh'zgdse it will (Mth W" to bother liir. liLnEllA'rlzp News, JANUARY, 1946 Page Ti. IMPERlAL ORDER DAUGHTERS OF THE EMPIRE NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS l82 L0\\'TIIER Ar ' 't' ' TDI<0\'T0 4, CANADA (Spare did not Mrmi! intlxlsiml of the 1.0.1) greetings 7'UEL'i'Vld u! the Victoria Birliliial Cullle'ellu' in (he Onnbm' "ch€rnlzd A Zc'f'rilll's. .\ lrlrsstlgu ix, therefore, [m'nml ill this irrlw.~l'll.1./1,) We, the NATloxar. CHAPTER or THE I.\l R!.\L ORDER, DAUGHTERS or 'rlll; EMPIRE, in our forty--fourth annual meeting assembled, as}; you, Mlzs, CAMLKOX Dow, President of the FEDERATION or WOMEN'S INSTITUTES or CANADA, to permit us, as an organization, consisting predominantly of women of the city and the town, the privilege of recording _ with you as a worthy representative the high honour and gratitude in which we, your sister women and, in fact, all Canada, rightly hold the women of our farm and agricultural homes for their magnificent and unselfish service through the war. The untoward fortunes of the struggle, in the dark year in which we British folk stood alone, left all the fighting forces, the dauntless people of the British Isles, our shattered Allies, and the straining workers of our own land largely dependent upon Canada for food That he did not fail was due to the Dominion's rural women more than to any other Single factor. With your stalwart men gone from you to the battle; with those less fitted for combat and uitll your daughters leaving you for the war plants and war's other varied needs, you bent your backs to the added tasks » of field and fold and hearth, and, in your thousands, know little rest from the grey of dawn to the darkness of night. Even then you turned weary fingers to the plying of the needles from which have come, in millions, the socks and other knitted goods, the colourful quilts, and neat warm garments which have gone in unfailing supply to the need of warrior and civilian alike in the allied nations. Of your own stocks of food you took, and in the burden of the day, made and , packed alld sent, by the thousands of pounds, your own fruit and Vegetables to eke out the meagre rations of the beleaguered British home. And in hundreds of millions, your own earnings you have lent to further the cause of battle. All this you have done in il}e_s_imple, patient course of the daily round without question or complaint, and with little or none of the glamour or inspn'ltlrlg companionship, voucllsaicd to its who could work toge or club rooms of the urban community. We pay our homage to you who have so richly proved that there still abides iii the womanhood of this minim" the same unselfish love and faithfulness which sustained the lonely hearts of our grandmothers and all those who laid, hrm and enduring, the lleartllstones of_llome life in this land May it be given to us, you of the larnls and we of the towns, to go forw of this nation which so many free men have died to make secure. On behalf of the National Chapter- (Signed) ISABEL NEW, Presidem (/It/EWMW flaw" (607" may, $116721! ther in the organized group m-d in the rebuilding, in truth and honour. '