money Creek WI longratulations. From Around "World lrrive For Jubilee Celebration . birthday celebration that s noted with aiicclion by non throughout the world was i Tuesday at Stoney Creek's cs Hotel he occasion was the juhilee :hrntion oi the world's Moth-- nslitute -- The Stoney Creek itute -- and morc than 150 nhers. friends and civic dig» ries packed the banquet a to capacity to pay tri-- to their iounders and to e the mammoth hirthday 'he framed. ,md accorded a 2 of honor in the Institute I-r.. ' ht ahlc guests who broug $2352; included Mayor Jack- E Hamilton, 'fllelinowmson of Stony .Creek. who were present .Archivcs, was 1 letter of Con- gratulation from the Queen, Sent 1mm Sandringham, Norlolkr Floral tributes, birthday cards, l telegrams and messages of col» gratulation were sent from wom- ven from every corner of the globe. ' It was an especially proud Occasion lor the Live charter members present whose com- bined ages totalled 402. To Mrs. H. P. Van Wagner of Stanley Creek, the eldest of the original group at 88, Went the hanur of cutting the three- tiered cake, I gift of Mayor ' fusion of blooms. and Mayor with their Lloyd D. Jackson oi Ilamiitan Miss Muriel Baslwick oi Ham- iillon, granddaughter of Mrs. Adelaide Houdless who ioundcd the institute logcihcr wilh Mr. Erland Lee. lighted the candles. and Mrs. McKinley Mordcn so, oi Hamillan, blew out the l candles. Other clial'tnr members. all of whom sat at the head table and were distinguishable by their gay pink corsage bouquet: were: Mrs. J. B. Smith 85. Mrs. E. J. Smith, 75, and Mrs. George Glidden 74, all at Stony Creek Mrs. Angus E. Jackson. pres- identt welcomed members and introduced the 22 head table guests. The head table was dec~ oral-ed with four floral tributes. They were (rum: Mrs. A. E. Walker oi Hamilton, a past Dominion president of the WI Brantiord WI. Saltflcet WI and 'Mount Albion WI. Daffodils, yellow Chrysanthe' mums. pink snapdragons, iril and tulips made up the guy pro- Miny Tributes The Rev. John L. Anderson gave the blessing and following the dinner Mrs. Cecil G. Hop- kins, secretary, read several Eongratulatory messages. From Natal in Africa Came I message from a new group: "The Natal sapling greets the parent tree." From Bergen. Norway, came a letter from. one enthusiastic crusader Whn' [Old 01 wamen who "fight their way in small motor boat; or ski! for miles to reach I meetinx' - hall." twich Miss giggfig Eagebgi Lake Hill wi, Victoria. 13.0. , 'Torcnto. rep c at Agriculture the'oldest wl in 1m. lent n - tarlo napalm?" D ccnant ot iretxonate greetings Ind sister- and Mrs. commr é, d... ln-st 1y congratulations" Chllrmnn Oshawa. dons" resident. Mrs. oi the'Natlonal Federation oi lswuey Cwek 1' Women: Institute: in London. Christina Describing her mother as "a iricnd "facilities. Conant rend trim a less. , report in ing describing the progress 0! [the Motherl ] ' ' t at at l _ I" Ennant presented the In Stitute mat with one 0! the first . h. Ann "mm" 5"" England Lady Bar-horn Dyer _ . . wrot like .1 diamond the Iii-n 0' M" "m ' land light of the movement ll i held in your" Greetings were also sent from ; Mrs. Hugh Summers, area vice< ypresident Associated Country l women of the World of Foothill, ' Ontario and [rum St. Kitt'l. , British vilesLLndies. her mother's handwrit- lnstltute Soon after a on Page 35 I} El I} EH) BE] BH-IZQBHIXE HI 4: i E, E lEIBEHlEl E m I H EH? Al I; {I hfl'BkI-B i. to U.(lL(lb£l continued From Page 33 'cnpies oi lhc institute consult», 'lloll and hylaws which had; .hclcngcd to her mother. snci 1commcndcd the Stoney Crcck linslitute {or its latest pl'ojecl.i With a SLDOO hcquest lcit the: ; institute by Mrs, Muriel llood- lcss Pct-k. a sister at Mrs. ilncd- i lc.. members will cndcavor lo: lraise 52,000 to he used as a lhursary iund to send girls (oi Macdonald Hall at Guelph. Mrs, James Haggerty. pro»- jvincial president. proposed the lhe Mother institute and its charlcr members. From l the "tiny seed planted hcro in Sloncy Creek 60 years ago." the lnstitulc can now hoasl 1.50» lbl'anclles in Ontario alone, Mrs. i Haggai-w said. i emphasis on a cultural as well i ins practical program at adult' : cducaiinn special sneahcr Tucs- ,day evening was Mrs. John E, .l-louck, oi Brampton. a rrceni 'dclcsatc lo the UN General Assembly. ' ilcr subject was Cannd s international Role in the chi oi Peace. "Adjustment ca t, ,always come lvom thc other .iellow", Mrs. iioucl: told thc' gathering. You can't judge, other countries by our slall-' dards." Countries who have widely diiierent backgrounds, traditions and helieis cannot be' expected to rail in with the iWestern point or view over- 'night. she s , it was [or 1 the West to learn patience. , The success or the UN can't. he measured in a ten-year per--' iod. out rather in its acrum--l plishmcnts in the iicid or such. humanitarian projects as limo, l ll'ao, UNESCO and UNICEF-' War-ganizalions that receive top :liillc nuhiic - said the 5]) The UN will hr silcccssilll. , . , i believe in the luiure oi lhe Hm and world peace it we} Sidney 'C'réek' y do ollr share". hirs. Hnuck dc- ' in keeping will. the lnstiluie's 1"; ciared. in a liglllel' vein, Mrs. Hnucki described how she had met . and partly broken through incl reserve ol a iivcavoman dclr-l gatioil iron. the Soviet bloc while at the UN in Ncw York. Molotov, whom she had uncoun- lei'ed acmss-ihe-tahlc at a lunch» ; con. had told her through an i to interpreter that the "UN should Th. have more women like voin-srli kr working ior peace hcre l r in Mrs. Houck was introduced by l 3-". Mrs. Chester Nash and lhankcd go,» by Mis. Harvey Clough. '5, Mrs. Vol-net still lhankcd the l ill-z president. secretary and Mrs. i F( Walter Scott, treasurer, tor the ' till: many hours at work they spent: in ensuring the surccss oi Ihc an-l llli niversary relehratio l ql lli