LEICESTER ADVER'HSER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER '4, T970 by PAULINE CAUSEBROOK o . . ' " K V'A , s Helke nahm die Partnerschalt ganz emst: ' W HE N LEICESTER twinned with the West German city oi" Krefeld just over a year ago the IIEIKE LANZ WmWWWWWW object of the "marriage" links, material ties They have been makin" month for the past year. specimens ranging from below ground at old minesi was to promote Closer i'IerLIlc exchanve risits ' ' - ' " uraniuni to copper that lie (3 ueational an cultural bP'W-'en humid and 4 » - i d d .\cwton Harcourt my), a has collected alioie and l through trade and the encouragement of ex- change visits between individuals and parties But it's taken a Leicester shire man to bring real heart into the twinning rela- tionship -- ncxi \Vct'kclid . t ' it n' ht so Mr. Robert Boilers. elder son that Robert, a director m some is months to pal}m (the bridegroom having set {figtbrfggtd'j'gogmng the . .im.,.i.,o.maiaomm.t anion."ammonia. of Mr. and Mrs. it, the family business of it. 1:. her English and tackle a" camel, Wm] ms car by w" 19 start 0" their ,,, (may\i'i'lglumniw;:n'mmu~ns no lianfltxnlvupumk'nlin954:"?y Bowers, of "The COPPK'C , Bowers and Freeman Ll secretarial Ih boat) m. a CM] comma"), l1 i i at y n .i o Lam irl MI wild on ignoniiaoo Monti Newton Harcourt, marries at the Church or Peace in Krefeld -- his bride is 29» Year-old Heike La . And niotherrinJaW to be iS that popular w.i. oer. Snnugc, \irs. Olive Bowers, v.c.o.. chairman oi the international Sub Coni-- inntee. who is a areal girl tor in iating international iriendsnin herself. But it was back in 1964 Engravers and Diesinkers. of south \Vigston, first brought Heikc home to Newton Har- court for a name oi tennis, i i l to play Robert's She came over here {Dr , position hendall and Sons Ll ramp-ear and concern. . . . in And it was in Match1 5 year that the Bowcl'5 "mi? (muni flying strand"t ' from a w.i. cngagmf'kei'l Quorn) went over to "cand to delight in the COM" y of a formal engage'" party--German stylcv m Will be starting _oit_niarried THE LEICESTERSHIRE ' my»; M m b, mutant" hm it started, she tells mac» lite as a houscwite in a riot romance has already WWW" WM " W .WLJHMWW'ZK m" around 11 o'clock 1". morning, and cqfll'é'rufi'é throughout the remam'five, that day and evening. V V Gilt was aeconipanie d "'3 bouquet oi ilowers 6" suf couple iind thcniseivus D; rounded in a bowery to blooms on this occasm" a," when wedding IMF .the ezwl'flllged to be worn "' E right hand. n "gt waiter today. s 5- owers, yOulI' John. and his wile (ram "I wedding "listnw, will be flying over which takes place on Friday, at a Register Oilicc. the church wedding is on the lnilowing day, The two ianiilies getting to know one another rind that Hcike's brother Vls married to a London girl, who has now made her home in Germany (Heike herseli at South \Vigston). V She is a girl who onioi-s tennis and classical _music and her rather Reinhold Lun who is in his seventies is I\ieleid's over 95s doubles champion at tennis. The Leicestcrshir room, an 1 Grammar School hay, enjoys sailing and has a twoton sloop on the North Norfolk coast, is iaseinatcd by mineralogy and has a collec- tion of approximately 600 WWWWW between .'\ member of Leicestcrshire \Vildtowlcrs, he is it keen shot. And one German wedding Custom Mrs, Bowers is wondering may take place to relate with relish -- its cus- tomary apparently {or old crockery to tie smashed on married lite together shar- iiig the most menial task _ cleaning up. A surprise honeymoon hit the German news- paper headlines . . . Heike tank the twinning really ser'ously it says . . . Love in Lei- cester . . . Wedding in Krefeld. To an omce colleague I am indebted [or his translation of the German news story, "Let's make our own private eontrilnition to the link of understanding Leicester and Krefeld," decided Heikc Lanz, from the silk town Lind Kuliert Headly Bowers. from the partner town. They are doing just that with this result. They got to know and to love each other in 1964 in Leicester, and now, on Sep- lcliiher 12, they will Step up to the altar in the ChurL'h of Felice, in Krefeld. "I shall simpl have to learn some Engish now," said Heike Lanz's mother, "for my son is already married to an English-- womnn. Indeed she comes from London." In contrast to the daughter-inrl'dw the so -- in~law to he speaks but it little Germans Huike Lanz acquired hPI' first knowledge of the lair tillage in school. She then secured ii post in Leicester \yhei'e she could perfect her English. "Thch we got to know each other, for Ittihei't's parents have an engraving business there." Ileike recounted. For the f ycars the now 29-year-olds only seldom saw each other. For alter a year llcike had to return. _Biit the association \izls maintained and in the past year the couple have visited each other once a month, in iliirrli this your the engagement wus ('t'l('w orator! -- and consequently the Lain family had another Elitllish member § § WWWWWWW [T A n BRxkaR gu muflun in d" nun-mun Mmlmuu min in: m m l _ Liebe in Leicester- 3 ' Hochzeit in Krefeld ' sun. uo Imn itme noun nu on tuna-mm, sue to. :1 an in. m wia 5mm .u not «him mii lm ilknn ionioimig: N0 . vzdirgs no. toodori- llu 11¢ om n. a». sat." and» i nor on eriquvwhnrum spa lam: n n . mm Mom «no. tarn on; m urn: ' xvzri'lnue iii dc! 50m" u Nlunl inns rinr Sim dating-twlmunun tension: in an on e roiitoooiioo inure to on or» am. \earrnuc Room "Wm norm o sann moi «ism Jan and» Hqu moor on ) mini. mum lrden Moo , J-tim wind» «Ami ii i. I wt oai: tar-n . on m oi .oi u< The German liuwsiltipcl' Cutting announcing the zi'etldnlg between . Sh luk- -la in" i. llltulu no". no mount-nit an a ma us In lanai-mi. or. prlrorniium to. an aim «mm, r monitor a the » an 4 non lbw" «unmiunar is "or .am mum two in. . lm mini nip inn n ru (Eeltoilxr «niimisngui monsoon a in! smoo- oiaaia its. um. ind Miiitlmi .otn on aim r moi t or. m oi on tong. Fur m Kiowa ll»! gloat. mm on «mien-mu soot ,m Lclculu Dim bag-An or. anvil! bummer-n ""an England who: m-n Lani ma Minn "at!" Room willalldmn momn sour Vbtumthnnlwhu llclkc and Hobart After the wedding it's back to Leicester -- where RDIM'J't II. ROWE s is employed in the parental hllSinesS. For Ileike Lanz, who worked as foreign correspondent for (our and a hair years, the change in position will be greater, tor She Will (ian busy herself there its housewife For the most part we shrill spend our weekends on the coast. Robert has a sailing lJDfll there and we are both writer short enthu 'zists. reports iicikr. In addition silo "ill iilsn may tennis irhilo lieig hiishnntl is occupied \i'lth his mil; vollcvtimi. Ilc has} n] eddy lI'IIi. {viii to iinll'ci'iitit luld n no .oo non an ANN." (mm in tamin. noa outgrlirhvrtv «no idir Mini ifinoll' Won sell "oihxtinfllfl .ii-innnr: ii ~ Au»: on the! mail morn schools many of his collec- lie bi't'ZIllSE (or many followed mineiolosy as a hobby, Still. beinrt' llolke and Robert move into their hoth in LG Dstrmhiri', they will, oi course, have a honey moon. Where they'll go 15 not disclosed. "No one except hotrothril 1 misc liiiu knoWs that myself." llciki'i "not explains even my Want to Sill" But this much can be said. it run involve no great Jmirnt'y tor the young man should get to know a hit more about uni-many berm-o he and his will' England. i'i'lili'n m WWWMM" 1 ["t '11