; ,J'iiiiiii Lt 1m] ii STUNEY iiiiiii -- 845 n ' v Stoncy Creek, May 4.----Tilc an- anoc at 250. An Miss Elizabeth Christmas, national organizer at tho highlight of "'11: meeting. ii The meeting opened in the usual rm tion was made at the charter 19 members present. who Mrs. Walter Deane, Mrs. B. E. Thompson, Mrs. H. P. Van Wagner, Mrs. McKinley Morden, Mrs. George Glittdon. Mrs. John Budge and Mrs. Fred Madden. Accompanying Miss Christmas \vel'u Mrs Hugh sum- mers, provincial p Miss Edith Collins. 0: the depot meat. ouicr guests included M Finrcncc Walker, Mrs. Carey tile district and the institutes of Parish. Minutes 01 lhe first mael- were made tor iho annual tag tiny mml meeting oi the local W1. was yes held at the Bottieileld House yes. dny returned members at the armed terdny axlernooh with an Mend-tos-- forces last evening in the United address byml ' Woman's ln- 9.. stitutes in Great britain, was the mg manner. with the president, Mrsina, Angus Jackson, in the chair, who or, welcomed the guests, Special mon- m1 included ng Saitileci. .ue H. Montague told oi some oi i Favourable annual reports were 'nst experiences and snake brieflboz given by Mrs. Samuel Lee, secre- by "1.9 Plans of rehablllmllon being wry-treasurer; MrswuilomSlmem n1. laid by the Government for secur- ton. Mrs, Lyle Nash and Miss Clara .m 143 me future of our boys and L._ girls on their return to own- ing of the insillulc in 1857 were .5, ion lite. interesting talks were read by Mrs. George Gliddoh. Plans c_ also given by W0. Garden Bone t RETURNED MEN fiiVEN WELEDME Sloncy Creek, June 22. 7 The habilitatlon committee were hosts at a banquet and reception for Church hall. Receiving were: Rev. Dr. w. H. Graham, E. w. Hind, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Twaddle. Mr. and Mrs, w. E. Scott. Mr, and .5 Mrs. Fraser Giiten and Mn and - Mrs. w. E, Bland. There were 18 honour gucsis present of the 20 who_havo returned home in this district. They we] Barbara rehabilitation committee. 1mm at the piano. Liam-Col V . Signalman Jerald Simpson. Cpl fur jam [or Britain to he hold .9 Kenneth Roderick. Cpl. Barbara my 25. ' we Boose and Bert Thompson. of tilt Olliccrn Eicnlcd R.C.N.V.R. Stanley Hall, Hamilton. accom- The election oi ot'iircrs resulted «1 mum by Hamid H Johns" may. as iollows: Honorary presidents, Mrs. J, B Jam-5; 'Davls and Mrs. Losiie ie piesidcnt, Mrs. Angus Jack- "' thc W.M,S. ot the United Church. ed musical selections. Ii Mt's, F. T. Green. president of son; vice-presidents, Mrs. Joseph 'Sv was hostess to the society yoster» Ploli {Ind Lil's. Chester Nas ' secretary-i roosurcr, Mrs. Lyle Nae directors. Mesdames J. R.'Fillhrcr. samur-i Lee, William McNeil and Thomas Roderick; pianist. Mrs. D, l R. Eurwell; district directcr, Mrs. " Leslie JONES, auditors, Mrs. John |' J_ P_ Janine Bates and lit , J. R. Twaddle; building hind .ecrctary. Mrs. w. simcnton; tlower and card. Mrs. W. Moorc; war charities, Mcsdames F. T, Green. Hugh Bertram and E. w. Hind: secretary oi war charitics. Mrs, Lyle Nash; war work. Miss Clara Parish, Mrs. R. H. fingers, Mrs. Elmer Milmine and Mrs, Joseph \Vnodiiitc; silver-- ware, Mrs. Roy Springstend; cur- Ieni. OVENS. Mrs. Chester Nils jam, Mrs Leslie Jones; standing committee agriculture, Mrs. Ken- neiii Emberlcy', social weiiare, Mrs. Thomas Dale; historical re-- search, Miss Edna Smith: citizen- ship, Mrs. Thomas Roderick; pubh it Mrs. D. H. Rogers: economics, . Joseph woodlitte. A presentation oi a lite member- . ship was made by Mrs. Leslie Jonest to the retiring socretary-treasurer.:, Samuel Lee, who has thee unique record at having misscdi- only one maetlng in five years A reading was given by Mrs. Brucei. Waliacc. and solos by Miss Beverleyi. Clark, accompanied by Mrs. w McNeil, and current events by. Mrs. Chester Nash. n Mrs. Hugh Summers prrseniedy 'Miss Christmas with a cheque torn .7200 tram the Federated institutcsn to the institutes of Britain tor_as- slstnnoc in their etioris in reliev- ing the liberated countries, An intcresting hour address by Miss Christmas was enjoyed by all. Alter the meeting tea was served by Mrs. Joseph Plan. and her group? with Mrs w. .i. McEvoy anda Mrs. E. . Witt-acre pouring. '1 The May meeting at the WA" of the United Church was held" Wednesday attemoon at the home1 of Mrs. Thomas Armstrong, Mrs?~ Hugh Bertram presiding. Others assisting in the program were Mrs. v l W. 1. Meeting * day afternoon at the Battlefield Honsc. The guest speaker, Mrs. J, P. Jollitie, oi Harmon. gave a most interesting talk on the wont-g on at China. She lived in China 20 years, where her husband, Rev. served as a mis- smnn .. d as per ccnt. oi the w nen at China had a college education, and she had on displa~ 'mixny intorcsting cxhibi ~ oi Iii' country. Mr John Hmle and N George Giivear sang, nocompa by Mrs. William Hamilton. « rcnt events were given iv' John H. Lee. and the (15' service was taken by Mr Ton was served. with * Blaxili and Mrs. Wil' lresidlng. at Stoney Creek Stoney Creek, Jnnc 15,~The ; closing meeting at the Stoney Creek wt, was held at the home at the president. Mrs. Angus Jack-- i on, yesterday a crnoon. A re» ' port on the district annual was given by Mrs. 0. F. Bnrtnmn. Miss Wildo Nash outlined her wor- in the Hamilton Transport Corp A motion was passed to us ii the Men's Club with the carnival Songs by Miss John Stewart and Miss Mary Lou Allnster. Hamilton.. accompanied by Mrs. C. P. Bur- woll, were enjoyed. Alter the meeting an otternoon ten in aid of the jam rund realized over 530. Mrs J. R. Fluhl'er and Mrs. Somuol Leo poured toa. M s. Chester Nash and Ml". D. H. Rogers. converters. wcrt- assisted by Misses John Stewart. Mary Lou A'llastcr, cnthcrine Jocltson. Pa- tricia Hughes and Barbara Bur- well. A Dunltv'llle Guides W'W" Mrs. Joseph Woodliiie and Mrs. John H. Lee. Mrs. R. E, Wallis- ton's group werc in charge, M."-- A iFl'eii snciling. Mrs. J. E. Jones. D'ihwa.*" a; ____---- JLI L C Boosc, M w. H. Montague, 7L0 M {crald Simpson, w. H. Montague. (Rangiion hMillen, Fred Possmorc, . ~ - o crt 'icNincn, Jmnes Andrews, 4 4 g . Horace Stringer,. Kenneth Rode-- i e rick. Walter Law. John shelling, ' . gnri'y Barnes. Bert Thompson, 1 most Williams, Gordon Bone, 1. 0.4 a mom, nnd_ Watson Fisher ilml Waiter Gar. /'( y. side. [up Atter the address of welcome by Meakius, Mrs. A. . an. Rev. Dr, w. H. Graham, president and Miss m1. 01 the _ _ Brown. at North Wentworth; Mrs. "as, community shitting was led h' J. Adam Inch, representatives irorn um R. Twaddle with Mrs, w. H, Gr "Frankly. caunsellor, all that's kept us together so tar has been the man power shortagei"