ONTARIO DEPARTMENT FAGRICULTURE woman's INSTITUTE BRANCH Parliament! Buildings, Toronto 2, Dnt's'rio, April 13th! 1945. Mrs. Angus Jackson, Stoney Creek, Ontario. Dear Lit-s. Jackson: Just to confirm our telephone conversation of this morning, I went to assure you that we will be quite happy with the plans which you have made at stoney Creek and in your district for Miss Christmas. I was a little concerned about the election of officers but now I think it will be very interesting for Miss Christmas to see this. It is nice too, that you are giving some recognition to the charter members. Miss Christmas will be in St. Csthsrines Wednesday night and I have suggested to Mrs. Witmer that she meet Miss Christmas at the Vinelsnd Experimental Station at 10 o'clock and that they visit the station and .s farm service camp during the morning. Miss Christmas will have had a late night on Wednesday sndJI do not think it wise to do much in the morn- ing. We will jyprovids transportation. with best wishes for ins Miss Chris'tmss, K 4 Mary A. Clarke, Superintendent .