127 A boost to community recreation was given when Mr. Cousineau erected, and opened his Hall to functions various: Movies, dances, dinners, bingo, etc. A new electric shop in the Gamble Block has been opened by a returned Local boy, hwart Campbell. Mr. Clouthier, a pensioned veteran, with wife and three children, has bought the H. 13. Hamilton property, Mr. Hamilton having purchased the atanley Carson house as his permanent home. The "Booth" Clan observed their eighth re-union this summer, with an approximate attendance 125--150. On December 24th., hr. and hrs. Dan Wilson were "At Home" to their friends on the occasion of their 50th. wedding anniversary. The Macdougall Bark cared for by the local Horticultural Society is being used more and more, this year the United Church Sunday school having held its annual picnic there. This Society has expended well over $100. in the care of this and "Central Hark" --- increasing membership makes this possible. it is the hope, and expectation of the executive, that another year will record a general clean--up of the John Cumming property, adjoining the United Church. In 1948 nussell Continuation School dedicated their year book to their Janitor Chester Loucks. Dedication read "In respectful admiration and in sincere gratitude to our faithful and considerate Chester" Miss Norma Stephenson. the daughter of our W. I. member hrs. Stanley otephenson, was married December 18th., 1948 and went with her husband Perham Stanley to England for one year. During their stay in England Mr. and hrs. titanley were entertained by the r'almouth, Cornwall, England W. I., and given tokens as a remembrance of that W. I. The Falmouth w. I. was adopted by our W. I. during World War 2, and parcels