126 a bus line, Alexandria to Ottawa, through our Village filling a long felt need. The Lord's Day Act is being enforced in Russell. Shops close at midnight, Saturday and remain closed on Sunday. on.unattaconlloco-cool-COIOIoo-oono 194B 1948 finds us showing creditable advance all along the line: Early in the year, a Red Cross Volunteer Nursing Service was sponsored by the Local Institute, with one of their members, a graduate nurse, in charge. Twenty volunteer nurses were graduated, each being presented with a Certificate and ?in by the Provincial Director of this branch of the Red Cross. The Agricultural Society is looking ahead to the probability of a new building being erected on the foundation of the old skating rink. The Well-organized Calf Club has been carrying on with Howard Hamilton as capable manager. Sixteen energetic young men and women receive their share awards and trophies in annual competition with Carleton, and other adjoining counties. The more recently organized Lions' Club havE taken over as new projects: -- The flooring of the Curling Rink, making it available for full-year activity; entertainment on Hallowe'en, and at the Christmas season, with visits from "Santa" and the traditional Christmas Tree, etc.