" "1'st G. "Rankin. no mews," J, , ,fi'i : lul) Achievement Day ,,,___ RUSSELL, May 23. (Special) » r 1 Standing Mai/M, , ', Ottawa. Friday, April 5, 1946. '?Women's Institutes Russell Mrs. L. A. MacEwen was elect- ed president of the branch at the annual meeting, when Mrs. David' Carson presided. The Central War Charities fund of the branch was. ' 7 announced closed. A resolution is to be sent to the [municipality asking that Russell go on Daylight Saving Time. The contest was in charge of Mrs. ,R. W. Gamble and winners were Mrs. George Mccaffrey and Mrs. MacEWen. Mrs. Kenneth Boyd presented the slate of officers and associated with the president are: vice--pres, Mrs. M. R. W. Gamble; sec.-treas., Mrs. J. C. McArthur; assistant sec., Mrs. George McCaffrey; district director, ers. George Browne; branch di- rectors, Mrs. J. Dempsey, Mrs. C. (Miller. Mrs. C. Scharfe. committee convencrs: agriculture and Canadian Indus- tries. Mrs. Russell Young; house- flihold er; historical research, Mrs. C._ E. McCaffrey; social welfare, Mrs. T. '1 Wade; citizenship, Mrs. David Car- son; publicity, Mrs. George East- _nie.n; auditors, Mrs. A. Shelp and 7 ,_ risen economics, Mrs.' Milton Walk- 7 7 V L k Rm'filage The retiring president, Mrs. David '* 'Carson, presided at the meeting at s W NW the home of Mrs. J. C. McArthur, when the secretai Y-treasurer's re-- " port, read by Mrs. Milton Walker, showed a balance on hand after a uccessful ear. ' '5 Mrs. E. yCw. Rankin and Mrs. T., Wade were appointed as the corn-i mittee in charge of the local insti- tute library and it was announced that the district annual meeting would be held on June 12 in Russell. _ a 7 Mrs. George Eastman, Mrs. D. Car- lson Mrs. Milton Walker and Mrs. R. Gamble were named as dale; 7 "WV > ' gates. Under the direction of Mrs. Leon- ard MacEwen, assisted by Mrs. D. A. i McArthur and Mrs. D. Charge? ' iior irls' achievemen a ll: heldgon May 22nd in the United ,7. 'chui-ch hall from 430 to 6.30 prm. At the June meeting the followmg _ new executive will take office: Mrs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L. A. MacEwen, pres; Mrs. R. W. Gamble, vice-pres; Mrs. J. C. Mc- Arthur, see-trees; Mrs. George , .,,,, McCafirey. assist; Mrs. George Browne, district director; Mrs. J. W .. .Dempsey, Mrs. C. Miller, Mrs. C." .» w w Scharfe, branch directors; Mrs. R. Young Mrs. M. Walker, Mrs. C. E.' N ' ' McCafirey. Mrs. T. Wade, Mrs. Brig." , 7. i Carson and Mrs. G. liters'rrrnall'il com- mittee conveners (fl Holds 1 The local achievement day' of the /" 7' ' ,homemaking club unit of Junior - . . . ,_,Afi,'7vkfi_"Institute work of Russell. was held - l at the United church hall, Wednes- 'day afternoon. ..,.,_M__%_fi___ .T'he local coach Mrs. L. A. Mac 'Ewen, was in charge of the two '27 G projects, "The Cereal Shelf." and » 7_._-.__-'mn#_..the "cottons may be Smart". Carleton County coach, Mrs. Wm. 'Hayes of Westboro, came to 'ud e 7.,.', M'fig,7.e,.i 7....the work. J 'g 7 Refreshments were served the'"_"" "u' ladies by the hostesses in charge F' / _ «Mrs. D. Carson and Mrs. D. A l ,, , .7 quArthm'. .