DISTRICT sxngTIvs -- Replied urer 'Mrs. Ralph Walton; v e- :' sentatives of the entral.Algoma_Dis- president Mrs. Art Court; ederated trict Women's I elected a new. representative Mrs. A. Wilding; first Tu ay 1; e4president Mrs. Wes Wilding. " ' ' emit Central AlgOma WI Star Staff Special Others' elected to the district EAST KORAH 1-- Mrs. Henry executive at the annual in the ' Johnston of the Highland Park East Koran United Church fi'ues- ' branch of the Women's Institute day were Honorary Presrdent, was elected president of Cen- Mrs. Flora Hill. First Vice Pre~ tral Algoni'a District WI Tuesday. :sident. Mrs. Wes Wilding, Second Mr Johnston 'takes over from Vice President. Mrs. Alvin Nott, ' ' ict president Mrs. Third Vice President, Mrs. Art -» e Margaret 'Court, Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. -branch. Ralph Walton. Federated Re- '# ' " presentative, Mrs. Bert Yea- i man, Alternate Mrs. A. Wilding, . ',District Delegate Mrs. Henry .'Johnston. Alternate Mrs. C. Fal- ' mien; Auditors Mrs. J. Weigle and Mrs. M. McMullin. Those appointed conveners of standing committees are: Agri- culture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. A. Marshall. Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Russell Rich- ards; Historical Research and Current Events Mrs. A. Wilding, Home Economics and Health: 'Mrs. R. 'Iyynela; Resolutions .Mrs. L. Ray; Public Relations. 'M'rs. F. Duggan. The election was conducted by Mrs. C. Coulter, board repre- sentatiye of St. Joseph Island. - Entertainment, arranged by Mrs. S. Richards, was provided by the children of the Greenwood Public School under the direction of Margaret Golec. 1 Luncheon. was serVed in the 1 church hall 'at' noon by members '