Monday. meeting District President M t 1 ' i 1.: Johnston conducted 11125.1 busmess program in V' Presbyterian Church with tful if it wouldbe possible to the scholarship this year. has to'be approved by the cial Board and a girl has e chosen by the scholarship mmittee", said Miss Phippen. ' 'I think you have done exception- ally 'well in. the short time you have been contributing to it and it will be a great boost to the girls in Algoma." Miss Phippen said membership ianomemaking Clubs in Algoma has almost doubled and she cred- its some of this interest to the scholarship fund. "Some branches who h a ve never before sponsored a club are doing so now after pledging :dshare of the fund to _be rais- Miss Phippen also outlined the 'courses available to the branch- ._1 es again this year. The girls will the studying the unit "Cotton Ac- ? cessories for the Club Girl's Bed- Provincial board me _ mb Ti'lVEI'S,' Thessalon commer Mrs. ' distr t con an i . 'made sp'ecidl."l ' mention of the report on Histori- cal Research and Canadian In- dustries presented by Mrs. Alec Wilding. Mrs. Wilding said this commit- l tee was an appropriate one for her this year since the annual : was'held in the part of Korah ' where she was born and spent her early life. h Mrs. Wilding appealed for as« ' recovering a poe ) . . 'de-nt at the annual meeting of ' tote Monday at Victoria Presby- mitted the slate of officers which Korah scribe about 2.5 years ago. She would like some clue to the year it was written so she can search the Sault Star files where it was published. Mrs. W i 1 din g advised the branches to start now clipping all major events from the papers. Both townships have new munici- pal buildings and sewer systems. They have started new schools and installed electric lights along the roads. "Remember. current events of she said. . a report on 4--H Homemaking Clubs revealed only $500 of the $2,000 scholarship is needed after only one year of work and Mrs. Suddaby. scholarship committee chairman. said she thought if the 3500 could be raised along with A ex IQO oyth firstVyeau" ' Jc i KORAl-l' --- Mrs, H. Johnston was re - elected District Presi- Central Algoma Women's Insti- tcrian Church. The nomination committee sub« 5 accepted by the representa- s of the 13 branches 1 n the w rs. Bert Yeaman was named orary president, Mrs. Wes ding, first vice - president; 5, Wesley Hill, second vice- d vice - president; Mrs. Ralph to", secretary - treasurer; , B. Yeaman, Federated ,R sentative; Mrs" A. 'Marsha . amate; Mrs.-H. Johnston, Dis- . ct delegate to n; Mrs- C- F ., 5, E. Ptitchfil' . ,. alterna . taday are tomorrow's history,"l 'room" and there will -be two leaders training schools and two achievement days. She asked the branches to dis- courage gix'ls under 12 years from taking the units as they are not eligible for credits. They take up valuable time needed for those who are eligible and dis-- courage both leaders and mem- bers by slowing up the work, she said. Entertainment was provided by Mrs. Fuller and her pupils from the R. M. Moore Public School _' T 0 Stress Safety Star Staff Special KORAH -- Greetings from the Provincial Board were extended to Central Algoma District Wo~ men's Institute by board mem- ber Mrs. L. Trivcrs at the annual meeting Monday. This is Mrs. Trivers' first year on the provincial board. and she pointed out the theme this year is "Safety" and all WI members have pledged to work for» safety in the home. Mrs. Trivers said children have to be raised in an atmosphere of safety to make them safety con- scious. "The WI 15 making a positive approach to the idea of safety", said Mrs. Trivers. "We will give a safety flag, an Oscar or an Elmer -- to the home who has had a whole year without an ac- cident. as an award for a per- fect safety record." Mrs. Trivcrs says use of un- pasteurized milk after a 75-year- campaign against raw milk by the WI is one place where homemak- ers can begin the safety pro« gram. A survey reveals that over 50 courage farmers to modernize. Members are urged to suppor Wl sponsored projects before giv ing to'other funds. These pro jccts include the foundation fum which supports the FWIC office the fund for the purchase of tin Adelaide Hoodless home which i. a national project and the Schol arship fund of which there an several. She said two special studio should be made in all branches The committees on citizenshil and education are being asked in study a booklet on "Ideology am coexistence" and "How to arn ourselves against Communism". The other special project "Ea to Live" comes under the conv eners of Home Economics ant and Health and deals with rule: of good nutrition. Mrs. Trivers said that in spitv of our high standard of living am the abundance of food in tht country, people are not eating thi proper food for good health. Wo- men's Institute members are urg ed to pay more attention to goo: nutrition and prepare and serv: wmell--balanced meals to thEir tam es. . An invitation to hold the hex annual meeting as guests 0 Of C ntrai 'Aigoma District Institute i lutions and Mrs. F. Duggan lic Relations. tion from Highland Park branch . concerning censorship of crime magazines and other literature. re - wording and have it. pre- Campbell Floo ing committees are Mrs. A. Mar- shall, Agriculture and Canadian Industries; Mrs. Russell Rich- ards, Citizenship and Education: Mrs. A. Wilding. Historical Re- search and Current Events; Mrs. R. TyyneAa, Home Econo and Health; Mrs. L. Ray, R Mrs. Ray presented cue resolu- After considerable discussion it sident: MrSuE. Siegman, was decided to return it to the ' branch with recommendations for seated at the Area Conventio - the rewritten form. Mrs. Roy read literature earning SucceSSIOn 'Dutiés p pointed out that m'ér'hbei's (of 9d M": F WI ffshould stu y. 195'! I accompanied by Mrs. O r r i s g . better and fairer laws for wo- men. Mrs. E. Atkinson welcomedthe 'siting branches as pie the Margaret Mars) i-*M.e1notl- al branch to which '" . . is year's District Tea. The Prince WI extended an, in- ation for next year's District per cent of farm homes in the Prince branch was extended b: province are over 50 yea_rs_old .Mrs. A. Marshall. South Taren -forus branch volunteered to ink: Enlarge of the tea for the annua "bazaar and tea in October; . gPreSident Mrs. H. Johnston ap pealed to the branches to sup port the disbict in the annua open house and tea at the F. J Qavey Home for the Aged. ' rs. A. Marshall presented I rt on the Public Relations 06 »5 Conference in Guelph an: Dunn presented the re ~ «r f the courtesy committee. Members of the Margaret Mar shall Memorial branch serve( the noon meal. in the annex ot the church. edth -.A special welcome 'was extend ' .,