WI CONVENTION _ Exchéngmg" notes at the annual area convention of Gillespie, East the WI at St. Joseph Island are, left to right: Mrs. James Haggerty, provin- cial president of Federated Women's sland.' St. Joseph Island Institutes of Ontario, Napanee; Mrs. G. Algoma District presi< dent, Thessalon; and Mrs. Fred Smith, area convention chairman, St. Joseph Star Staff Photo More Than 1200 Attend Annual WI Convention RICHARDS LANDING--Over 200 members of the Women's Institute registered here Thurs-. day afternoon for the A r e a Convention of the North Central WI ing this year is "Home is the centre of a woman's interest but it need not be the circumr ference." In her address to the dele- gates, Area Chairman Mr 5. Fred Smith said the theme is' similar to the motto of the or- ganization "For Home an d. Country. "While the interest of the rural woman is primariIY- in her home and family, th e WI offers her many opportuni-' ties to become a better mother and homemaker. Mrs. G. Gillespie, Thessalon, president of Algoma East dis- trict, presided at the first ses- sion of the meeting. She called on Ruth McEwen, Hiltbn Beach to welcome the visitors to St. Joseph Island. ' Miss McEwen compared in e advantages 01 living in a rural community, sum as St. Joseph Island, with those in an ex. ' elusive residential area in Tor- onto. 1 She urged the members to introduce poetry tovtheir child'- Theme of the two day gather- Miss McEwen told her listen- I ' ers. "If you are unable to find any, I have a telephone." Mrs. F. Cullen. of So u th Tarentorus WI, replied on be- half of the delegates. Guest speakers Mrs. James Haggerty, provincial president of the Federated Women's In- stitutes of Ontario, and Helen McKercher director oi", Home Economics Service with the Ontario Department of Agricui-_ ture were introduced by Mrs. Smith. _ Minutes, of the convention were read by Mrs. A. Brayley and recorded by Mrs. C. Coul- ter. _ Greetings were brough the District annuals by. federated representatives C. Coulter. St. Joseph I u and Mrs. Cecil Hunnals, Barrie Island. ' Mrs. Coulter, who has served her final year on the privincial board, commended all th 0 s :2 who had served their organiza- tion 50 faithfully. She said she found everything in the best order when she Visited the dis-- tricts at the annual meetings. She complimented all those re- sponsible for the arrangements on the cleanlhalls and line has- pitality. During the attemoon reports were presented 15y Resolutions Convenor'Mr' Brock Suddaby I . , > . fl 5... .A them to' think them over care- luily and be prepared to vote on them at the Friday morn- _ing session. A report on agriculture and Canadian industries was prE- ' sented by Area Convener Mrs. F. White, Echo Bay, and on citizenship and education by Pearl Cranston, Spring Bay. . Mrs. Sid Dool presented a re- port on Public Relations pre- pared by the representative for this committee Mrs. F. Dug- gan. Mrs. Duggan paid tribute to the local press for th e "splendid coverage and co- op: ,gubhcwn . I