fififi THE @fifi CQUNTRYWQMAN Founded bt' Mrs. Alfred \V/alt, M.B,E.. M.A., Flul Pas/rim! A.C. IV. V. Pub/ullrd by we ASSOCIATED COUNTRY WOMEN OF THE WORLD 167 KENSINGTON HIGH STREET, LONDON, \V.8 napalm: WEStem 6941 No. 264 USA. The Bulletin of the Garden Club of America describes one of several gardens which llnve heeu created tor the enjoyment of rhc blind during the past few years. A guide rail leads the ri 'ror into rhe garden, following the paths on the sides away train the walls. Labels in Braille are auached [(l erery tree. shruh or clump of flowers. All plants :lrt- chosen {or their fragrance tn torture. .\l2ln_\' oi-ler inter ~r lo rhe hlind in a way which would not occur [0 a person Willi sight, although the feel of the relreiy leaf of lainh's eru- (Stacllys Lalliuil) is appealing to everyone. "Blind ehildien linge spelling out eror-y lahel, relish. ing every plant. burying their fae in larender. resting the cool snflncss or Arteniesia Frigicla." llcyond, in the wood, guidance is needed so [hill the iiitors can enjoy the shady peace under the old ll'm's and listen to the birds and the sound of a small brook. The texture of the different tree harts may be inrestigated. the varied shapes of the leaies. and the fronds of the torus. In contrast to this intcnsc apprccizltiou tif nattuzll beaury numht'l' article in the same issue draws arreruion to (ill: devastation . used hy cheap building projects in rural areas. For as long as the standard or living stays high people tend to ulm e our train the rowns to a "better cnvimnmcnl in which to raise their families". The usual steps are purehase of land- hire of land learing contractor. with a modern hulldozo. who strips rhe property of any living thing: laying out at so ets- huiltL ing or a few model hous - an artering [0 the ouhlir 1w advert sement ro huv rpi ldu at sensatioually lnw prucs nd enjoy "an itlvllic rural lift-l" "IV/ml can he done to reduce this deplorable wzlsll' or trees, [0775017 and other natural raxallrcex, i/n' L'urv /ln'rellcc of whiz/i maximum! [hr m,- ' Ironically/Her to wave {um the country .7 Onlv a concerted prmzramnw or public rclarions and education will change this trend of dernolishment . . . Preserving existing rrees adds ro rhe huilding Cost.7 arely eaceeding Stonilnlt many buyers won't pay the additional cxpcnsc This is a tragedy as the innocent new owner could spend several times Ehar figure in an errort to landscape and pl'nvitlt- shade. and almost never improves on the selective cons scrvntinn of the original growth." ' - - ' - to have a lliurrilo; snc culovs ollnl sho ) )ln , shc llkcs I Ens it to [l]; Ipicigurcs. So all she goes to the town and comes luck retresherl in mind and spun to her rat or home-making and llnllscleCCplflg. Surely thls is nut unreasonable?" ' So the SW RI. continue to approach the appropriate 'turhorilies and one step taken to rcsiuforccn their case A fire [0 Institutes in lu'cas whch bu. was a questionn ' u services are unknown, but desired, Gold Coast Our C(lnsliulcnl Sticicty the National Federaziloltt of Gold coast Women has llecll tllscussmg [llc Iii-nun» which aria: in the markcts whcre n'lan'v or their hm 80" their mods. First a lustrald centre is Illltkftl'c- Evidence showed that if (lnc had cxrstcd, itfusciultaglcl and accidents, which in stun: cascsl pioretl am ,Icn'u lime bcen attended to wllh first--aid treating"? " Tr,' being mkcn [0 linspital. Nexr came lhc Iirmlslnn u r l'rut'r/t/lt: Mrs. laraus Virz-Pnritim/r: Liar Cuoil/lrtAsw rr; Mrs. DauLLRul- PE'lLIlSoN; Mrs. MACDONALD. Arm l/i/z- pmr'doi/r .- Africa, Mrs. s-rorannn ; Asia, Lam nu sprsa ; Canada, Mrs. Sorturns; Ni Europe. Mrs. ltrsnac ; s.Eurepe, Mrs. xterm; 5. Pacific, Miss Parse; U.s,a., Mrs. Arrnnso - ['Ifl/I. Trevimm'.' Mrs. McGaraou. Hall. Itrnlar]: Miss Pam; C/Inirmuu EXIIII/I'l': .- Lam thxry. MARCH, 195 6 4d. India Then: arc tu'u main flirts illltmi lutlizl: Rcligiull and Poverty" . . . "No endearour that is gr ar is likely to sllt'ccctl in India unless rh ' springs of union "I'L' tlcrlrcd rrorn tht- livillgioumofi'c giousiee ng. i\'tl:linl otrhe Strut- can be so grcnt as the almlitlun of purer-l}. (All India Rural Credit Survey.) All :lrticlc on the Survey in tllu Madras Journal of Co.0pei-ation explains [l'ir'll one oi the ohjeris or rural t'nsnpcrutil'c stlcicri -s is to Free the cultiver [lulu lllc mils of the- money lendcr. But Illiu'ring' alu-a W rreaies a problem. "Indian village cusroui demands that a hay and girl shall he married by a ct rain age, and taste demands thar so large a suru shall he spent on rhr- lnalriagv that few can [ind il "illltiut llnrrmring," Th l0") ncvitzlllly lmt'uln ' a sulu't't- nf :l us. llntl su-icrly speaking cooperatit e loans are not aiailahle l'oi ulzlrriugc culchmtions. th tu r fusc is llmlutl (I) Scull tlit- mom-rink mumbels lletk [U tllt- much lt-nder. Some Committees are therefore considering thr nrtranisntinn tlf special contributory funds in meat this handy pmlflcmfillnl unknown in other trulinll'il'x who'll rorlnoi ul' 'n'lml 0!]er pcnpll- rriI/ my driver [nut'll 3 In spend more lllml they can afford rm arm/mgr .1 France Enquiries mine from all over llw WOI'lll tn the School of Nutrition at crerail (Seine). keplie go har in tour languages. to the many oucstionne s oho ask How to nvcrcomc scareiry and filminc If |lIL ("(15 to avoid and. at Cure cancer, (l|l)L'YC|Ilr)SiS. (llfllll'l plague, cholera, heri heri. typhoid. leprosy. slunllan and lcukmnia {which is becoming nmrt- scrimls zlnd \vitlcsprcntll: or for growing fatter or thinner? Some of the- questinnncrs get tliscmlrnuing :ulswt-rsg "ls thcrc a diet to cure stupidity"? Reply--"Nothing um he done. it is incurable!" Olllcl' cries from lllc hCllrr quoted were: "Is there a dict it) take the [)lZK'L' of a lulshand?": "Can one live on him. fresh water and fruit?"; and "What should one eat so .15 "(It to gut inehriated when one drinks too much?" ' slllllclcl'fl nunmct UL nuuocaeepers. unis . Div inn 5 'clwtll of Domestic Ar '|f|cl'l\'i|ri'ls lllt'y may act as .1 uuior I'Ioust-lu't-pt-l's, but the lV'uu- Zea/mid (Jululirytr-omml explains they are so capable by than that they soon get married to [lie neigllhuuting faintch and more llollsckccpcrs have to hc ltmntll Again llIL' W.D.F.1', Rust Home zit Awnpuui is llliltlc l0 scrl' a double purposc. Mclnllcrs go there for r_es[ periods lultl hnlitlays but the ludtlun is also training Maori girls as housekeepers (Thc-ir services, as Junior Hmtsckccpcrs llmr- l}('CI\ cspccially zlpprccizitcd by lck morhurs with young children) Annthr-r issue nf the mzlgaaint- [lulllisllcs an article by ex-W.D.F.F. hou, keepers in lllt: hope that it might help to answcr lhc conslr'lut question "Why simultl it he so Ilzlrtl to find Housckccpcrs, zlurl hnrd IO ltccp them when [llCV are found? They agree the Work is satisfying where areal need is rullillcd and rim employer is properly grateful, not to_ them, but [0 the Division. Mast prth Icins can he- orctcolne if the HnusckccpcrrSct'l'cmry and the members oi the local WD. lh-aueh take a pCX'SOWll in- :05 A Iil. las ed 33' lie on m: tn an mi )se ass all m. Ill-