/?¢5 URBSHOT'T â€" SMITH Rev. G H. Millnr Officiabeli in SL Paul's Presbyterian Chur- r'h. ermn, January 23. when Nnrmn Wilma Ruth Smith, Jinuphirr of Mr. and Mrs. Don- 'alii Smith of Lion's Head, was rir-rl Lu Hnrlwrl Urbshott, ‘I‘Vynflâ€" ‘ "l. lair ('inyton llrhshntt of Wiar- inn. .\lrk'. Huber! Fruit: was r-IuZini-l (‘lml snli~t, ML,» Kathy Millar :lnni.’ “Whither Thnu Gu- i-sL†zintl "Wulk Hand in Hand". " l l l l l I \VEI) IN \VI.\IK'I‘UV 7 Hr uml MIKE} “l'l‘ll l'l ilrr shown frvllnwlni: illl‘ll \i'u-iliimr m ['uili'H l <l1_\i1:rmn Chum-in Winn-tun .Vll'm Urlu Imil u'im Hu- I'nrun-r Normu VVilmn Mull; Smith. :quizhli-r M Mr, uni] MrK lJnnnlil Smith of Lillil'w lllml. \lr. lll‘l)~'.l|llil i,~ Hill “In nf \lH, l‘, Uri!» ~holl mul illn' In!» ('llu'lun llr‘lvshull “T Winrinlv 4mm Ivy w, i-u‘m-i Wrghg 5" mm Hr Mr, F. Urhshull and thei The church was decanted in white shasta mums and pink carnations. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a lung guwn of silk faced peau de soie. the front of the bell skirt. was frosted with re-emhraidered Al. t-ncor lacey it had a sump neckline with lace Chapel train, fitted hmlice and applique and lung fitlmi sleeves. A crown rii' mnhair with crystal held the silk illusion veil. She carried a lmuquet of red roses and strenhiinniis and fern. I Miss Rusemnry Smith was bridesmaid for her sister and Him. Austin Thnmpaon. the L'ronm's sister, and Mrs. Marvin Weir, the lJl‘ldK"! sister, were ‘hridesmnirls. They ware full skirted drcqes n1 shouking [Jan 'pl‘ml (in <uie, featuring SL‘tIOD necklinh and elbow length nil:- Thn skirta featured prim-l in front with hows a; 5!. All Wars inatch'im' wedding I'H‘JLZ him; and currii-d r‘nscnrll‘a m“ white om-nniions. Bevel-I Rinhnrrlsnn, brillfl': nirer-i-, u.’ l'lowr-r girl. Slu- wurr \\l~il. m‘gunm with pink r-ilmnmrlmwl :Iml mntrhim: \veilv illrlL’ uni: lilil, Shv i'nrricrl n llllnlflllli'l' xnwmlr‘ Hf whim mmnhun- with pink satin Sll'~ v-mm-ru Elnluri [whein of Guelph - wrmimmmi nnd usher‘ I‘mle Smith, Lion's ilwml unrl Amiin Thinmlw-n. l‘ilh‘lli‘n' U Minn llt'plvllrn. m-nhr-w ni' Ihi- yrunnl. \lnH rinuin-zirrr. F-rlluwim: :i wwltiinl! Alinni-r ll! llnr 4â€qu mum Hf SL i’nnl' l'ri~|wlnrii|n (mun-h. in mm,» i..." “1. MA .-.I l,inrl:n_\' Tuu'n- ‘lliyi Imll. Till“ lrl'ltll'\‘ mn'in-r I'l'l" i-md ..I iiw vmiun u H'in. -: lluu-y c‘ navy Illl\ll|ll knit Int \‘Ill’l :1 pink rm'nnlinn rur- Shr “"5 i|\ HLQli liy 1hr . rln' mnilwr will! \VOH' n lil|l“ lilillliiv km! [lrvvw with pink i.|l H lilnnx, i-‘Hi 1| \\‘wllli1lL’ Iriri tn North l'l'll UH! ||'|4> :Ind lllr' [illlilll Kitiiw llw l-rule wnre :l linew IMM- ymlu lulun (lulllilu knit wit will: muhlilur :Iccnssurir ull'll u in: mm or pink roses. (In il’wii' II'lilI‘II llm ample \iill rr 3' Iv in erlun (illl'ï¬li u ' ‘w. v! pruspnt from illmniliun. I' 5nanl‘I. Guolph, Kiln-In n01" Mary's (‘lH‘SlI_'. riuu nn-il Hm Drum Penin-