V72 5’ IEIIRPLE VALLEY. WOMEN’S HOLD minor wounds and fractures I were taught. The meeting closed with the singing of ‘O Canada’. ' FEBRUARY MEETING The February meeting of me Parple Valley Women’s Instit- ute"met 'at the home of tune I by Mrs. presldent. Mrs. Wm. Cook. There were 10"memners present. Scripture reading was read George McCartney. Roll Dal-l was exchange of ValA entlnes. A paper “A City on your ‘ Doorstep" was given by Mrs Wm. Crawford. Demonstration using "Tea B-isc" was given 'by Mrs. Wm. Cook. The members have a quiilt on rhand and are l (. l . I l liking $10.00 for It. . A contest, given by Mrs. Clif- ford Gilbert was enjoyed by all. Slnglng of the Queen brought 'u- meeting to a close. A delicious lunch was served v hte hostess and ass’lstants. . . ï¬â€"ï¬iâ€"‘ï¬f 4-H CLUB MEETING The second meeting a! -the Purple» Valley 4;}! Club was mld February 8th at 7:30 p. m. ‘1 Mrs. L, ‘Burt’s home. A dis- nusslon of how one can keep j~1~nley fit wasnost interesti‘ I"! and Womaeive. It was -ressed' that physical' and enter] fitness are equally imâ€" n~twnt requirements of a well- ‘xeveloped person.“ The club nembers considered the difterent ways in which 'ï¬me uï¬f' can be men! in :1 Banks. music natune st ‘ r _ - Udy and hwnqgrrafts were t viâ€. Hines. he four pos- Tn sElrst Add the qualities Hons of -a good ‘First Alder’. “he proper treatment of open and Escape Death missed a date with death on Saturday. February 27, when Collin's car which he was driv- ing hit a parked truck on No. 6 Highway south of Fernda-le.‘ The truck. loaded with 4-fooi. belts was left parked on the 32, Barrow Bay. The top 0f the car was‘ sheared off on impact as the car hit the truck 0; glanc- Ving blow. Both young men es- cuped injury by "hitting the declï¬" The ear is a complete loss. Gary, is the sun of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Collins of Wiar- ton and Eddie the son of Mr. and Mrs. Deve'Howe, also of YounEiiocal Men ‘; Gary Collins and Eddie Howe ' highway by Norman McLay,. .Wiarton. Over the years, this has been "upthe third the these two famâ€" . ' '25 have been involved in the > e accideng '1 irâ€"ir 'Weelcend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Burt and family were Miss Pat Burke and Miss Orien Rehurn of Toronto. Mrs. Percy Howe returned harm Saturday after spending some tlme with Mr. and Mrs. meaninqu way. l , thers. Herbert. Amati and A Carmen Caudle at Lion's Head. Mr Harve Hepburn Is a pat- ient in the Owen Sound General md Marine Hospital Miss Phyllis McCartney spent ‘he week-end with Norma and ‘l'ar-lene Urbshott Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Collins and iamin visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Collins in Wiartan Sunday evening. A number of ladies attended ‘ a quiluing bee at Mrs C. H. Gil- hens on Tuesday. A,_J\,_ J. Mrs. Colin Campbell Dies In 68th Year Mrs. Colin Campbell passed away Saturday, February 6. in the Dr. MacKinnon Phillips l-Inspital, Owen Sound, in her nRth year. Mrs. Campbell was Mary Hewton. daughter of the late Wm, T. Hewton and Anne» line Waugh. She was horn at aneness. Surviving besides her husband is one son. Raymond oi Wiar- inn and a daughter. Doris. M . Herman Urhshott of Wiarton. Predeceased by one son Maxwell and 2 daughters Pearl and Mar- ian. Other survivers are 3 bro- [. hert of Lion’s Head, and fl . ters, Lily, Mrs. Jack HilditI-h. Wiarton: Eunice, Mrs. Gm‘rlon‘ White. Vera, Mrs. Emerny Menâ€" erav of Lion’s Head. Mrs. Campbell was a memlner‘ of the United Church . . The Funeral Service fur the‘ l late Mrs. Campbell was held l from the Centreville United I Church on Monday, February 8th at 3:30 o’clock. The =crvic0 ‘was conducted by Rev. Rennvr of Wiarton. assisted by R0“. P l a n t n fLion's Heml. A Hymn was sung by Mrs. Plant, “Hold Thou My Hand". and the coneregatinn sanp: “Abide with Me“. Full hem-M's were nephews (If the deceased. Duncan Hewtun. Ivan White. Nnrman Mammy Alvin Campbell, Irvin Sutter and Earl Slocum. Temporary entdmbmeni Eml- ‘ nor Cemetery Mortuary. l Mr. Harry Pruder ‘Passes In Hospital The death of )Ir. Harry l'rn rler occurred at the Bruw. I msula and DlSCTlCi .llmnr Iluspilul. ‘Wiarton. February 11ml. if :2. Tim late Mr. H! Cunt. David and -, Colno B l Prudel, ehlt 4 .‘ln. I: ‘50:. I’rl (2 r u. llm unity in Ln. 1.. unlll [ . J. “'0 . unw he gained the arm-ml Mr. 4... l‘lHLll battalion. ‘ l“l‘.‘ m. 1!., 1w Allmnn: la l‘mnn r. 4. returning in punk :ed the farm lw Ii\ vi until Ins t'nu ll. TI)‘.\n:hlp w: I'lw was :1 VU l he 1.†null Hmlrln - 3 Km vutw». .i mrmh l'll‘ \':llE«-_\' I": mlw] lull “n.- 1mg]... lir-ml w .l \IJllllt‘. v.l.-. “I'm-mu ' . i‘hwl Immu-ku. h \Inlm . mum. I‘le. .mn‘w A lm-lln‘r Kl:wa wv-‘hn .- ‘1 mm H Suprenwur I'M-l ‘ .-\ IH=HIDHV wf ‘r.. We :‘Il. F‘ \u ‘mL'Pl'.’ Ilmn I'mnnl (in. u \‘mlm Jail in | m t - l. ll m) I . v ' “VII ll_\.' 1.†the Paul I‘nmnxul: ml I'M rl \Il‘illnvr ml HM, “mm, w... 1.14 nu l-‘l-lm. um lill‘ [Llw him Finn-v.1 Wiurrun ‘ lfw .lulm 11ml ‘ Ilrmml Hum I'w'guh 'w‘h. ‘ ‘w-mlu.1ml [he 1‘ a. I . .u l Mr. W. c. Hamny of Pm-piel anlny he: been enraaed lu- the Dunk. Hf ludinn A‘Hirs tn |‘r'~ «low-rum um Agent's residuncv at Cape Croker-Jf yr: «3 r v i w! PURPLE VAU. HIM will" ‘gllj‘lr rmli‘ In‘»'.l'l( 1 ‘li ll 7. n\' :r â€" m and 3m n\|\ \[ “HM ‘-' I‘ ll ': .. m.- r‘n. 4.1}: 1-. summhl