~ '-'-â€",’â€"‘ - ' ‘2.- - . .. r ‘ ‘ “an ~. second nun-mac, wu widely nnd gamma favor-lily known. At a tinie "when .1]; nu' .m' “5.3, ' telephoneâ€"s were unkncuw'n and auto- v y 1 m J “a . “mm. mubiles not chanted of and roads were pour that good lady 'ï¬lled it great need in the community and 21;)an mothers had learned to depend on her in their time of greatest need and sllv: did not fail them, Her services'wre in great demand and 'lnclors seldom called ih'nt such times \l Chsrbonneau was a lady of um energy and a great helper in chutcn work and her memory is «5‘1 kept green by all who were whilva tn know her. The Melhndists and Anglicans br-th held servinu H‘ Purple “War at an early time erected ’ .1__.‘ Miter: Onward: nlso the «emailst ’ L 7 w. Kaitlin Ind Willinm and their sons. . NF"? '3'“ "gm" lug, .3, ï¬nd mu. Wright ma several others "l n a. J u the same ilk. notably the Hugues, ml- “ “an†“6"â€: . ns. Wilsons. Woods. onigs Kuhn W and mm n“ “mm m" a As became the plum of their on- MR ï¬wgsï¬eh,“ or in these men were enthusinstic nth- sub Mutation uni-ï¬lt- u Ounce-Jen nor were their women .1 Mn flw mm the “ï¬lm:- {all one whit. lesg truc- in drvotipn to tun-«vintka Pin-ma pause. - I ‘73th Ind lb. mm un-um. Thenforenpne of the ï¬mtï¬hlngs at II a. “if?! unheardâ€: Grey did win to org-rule an Orange that"th than nuns! null! 32. The Lndgmï¬tst mot ï¬g; ‘41 ' ml for getting that. to- Bny but a few years ‘31:; ï¬lth perhap- itut I little more 1 huuso WIS bhm. of ‘i an the mug: mount a! worry gl hgilï¬ph a! that ti . Ind wing to niches in the (nmily. giant: was also mied «.3 mt run an, I have not bout Able to rat to- ll-nnd for church SPH'ICOEE on SW "my: naming lib .- complatn'l ndyg. This bpilding continued to "neanl a! pram m to then serve the communitv. then known nsl 'urty days In I had tepid. the W‘Itehorn Settlnment. in this‘ we re and both (lenmn i nntions churches (ht-1‘0. thx- Mum: odisl’s about IRS? and 2hr Anclivnlr‘ some years Inn-I: And now I must claw. l 13:30! that through [nrk of timl- :lllll annu- l have had to (unit the I‘|'l:|lllll.’ or . _ lmllll'y incidents that might h.\\l- ln-vnl I m [and flat on of my chm! triple cunnnty hr in gundly num'br of inure“. Had I been “by†I ‘diflkuhin bu bun flat I «not gut of yeaâ€. when it was wwwedï¬â€˜l in mum with mum “f u... I... et-l‘ vlr ll the [net dim u! mum, such u by present school-house anti th“ cunld han- learnud numy nu "l' ilevns lulu-n the flat utum moved in. but Ornntomen built nl hall of their awn of inter“, : M it iS I “m .MW (n it mm In“ been Ibout al- shortly close by an the sill! of thu present 10â€â€œ, that task ,H “mm. .mth Hm“ "IM the dike nf Confeder-tian. hall. "mm l I! has been pretty wall outlhlilhed During llmw yum: there had sot- l 'um the lat: Peter Cameron with his thd I number of other fumilirs be- ' vile lad funny rm tln fllst per- aides thou- nlremly mvnlinnod. such I Ions ta uttlc in what is now known as the Chnrhnnncnus. Hmmblrys. u Ml: Valley: duh- ï¬nt borne Hunt: and several others on thr- l-lth via an whit In- Mr many yum line I5 it wns rnlled wow besidr l ullud the Johnson ulna. A-ï¬w Peter (‘nmI-mn the ("rmvrurdex nml ‘ ms. Int-r they moved to the {Inn Kt-nnodys. the Schnlen. Cntvtxnoy. ,l ’ who! “:1 young!" Ion. Donnie] Hurst Ind Armstrong nml Inter thn (Tuna-m and h" wit. my. rank. Ferguson and Pl'lll'lt‘r fnntiliI-s and 'Thm [nu-r may". Ind hi. wire noveml othom. On whnt wns rnllml ; “and lthdr family and eluted up the loth line wort- tho LnWH-nrr, Ind euftlntrd tho km on which hey wk. (‘huvinu and Whilmnn fm: both lived until an mm of t air lien. heniden the (‘rninz and Plague I do“; at. I ripe old a fly. M. families nlrrndy nwntinnml at the ' "{1th wik,wh 1n nun: south and of llll‘ llltll line were In. W“ Johann. we“ both Howea, Rnthwrlln. Rubinlun! and burn in Soothnd Ind both migrated Prndurn. ‘ - to Cumin with their parents :1 In A! the upper nr nurthrrn rnd nl curly a... , Uta 12th line were the hfrlvt-r. Holler In th: Mme [afflict Peter Cun- (Judah and Andrew). ll‘nrhdn nml Dun- mn rattled in P111171: anley. but a an (amine. nml latlvr tlw Mrbonnn. my]: uf month- llkr. Charles. John Bin,ng Ind {Trial-hath nwl n'hord. _ Thou-u Ind Henry Wutchorn Ind The umuvr sunk-mum. through that w Rothmll with their “lunch Eflflm (If Jï¬hn .Mclvvr, who wnr n in than nnd bullies. settlud ln llrge llnd owner Ind n mnn 01‘ en- l-Purpln anlq. can... the slant at III-print and prozmsplvr Mons hml nl- ‘ the four VII-whom Mothm, luttlm! rndy zulnposmflimmnonmi in 1875 on my ï¬lm «bun hi. mama, Wm, ï¬nd I school. both a! which Ht-rvml the If. Witchern, not raid“. John . rod: of the northern unni of [M- Wlkhorn utthd on the lot now munity. 'I‘hv Wntchnrn ï¬l‘ltlï¬ by Wm. I. no". Ind appalng mum hid in yet no past! nfl'inu. n|~ on which Inflow. redid“. thouuh thry hnd thr <r‘lamvl nnll Watcher]: haul-d on the lot Granite I'ntll nntl rhurvh Inn-inn: hnxh' "and by Jun- Mclnan, Ind lMMhmlinl Mu] Anrllrnn, Hwy [horr- h huthu III-Ir: not up u“ lot on Jun at shout rottlnn ans. 7. W. C. Humble, 11-hâ€; Ed. Chll‘lvn Wntrhm-m- wnn n tun"! l pnst ofl'irn mu nerurorl, Mr. Manill suggested that n- the Hum-r ï¬rm". thu new port oflirn hr rnllml \anvllnrll nflar Charles Wntrhnrn, hut ("harlx-u hm hm. WItcllurn would hnvn nnm- u! it. H:- IMn.) crying pointed thll Lhr nnmr on [hair . 1.. w hub.“ lain hlnnnr wn- |Pnrnle anloy No,» on. d m 988, Ind it wouldn't do when thry 1.. has... mud-ad on thr 12th to crmw rm.- n“ ‘ DI.“ IIIde difl'wen'ly from that an. ' ‘ h“, the hurl-r. In Pun-h- Vllloy it be-l J l I l l . m and I'- Mr dauh 'rt- dutlm "I. nkun over by Mn. Sarah A. Mann. who Md ll'rnrl)‘ start- ed I Th- n'nnajntvnnn' mm a mum. in "a. Chlrhnrnnnu. Mn. mum-n through her 0 n. 9an 7mm†[WHITE TltIIJJUM IS , ONTARIO'S EMBLEM Ry 1m- .uwm- Hr Hu- Hm"! rm. lull-m Bill Ill "11' Unlnrlu l'nl'lizlrm-nl an Mnrch 1'15. lilfl'l, lln- \Vhilr 'l‘nlr hum butnnirnllr know" u. 'l‘rxllmu; (:rnnrliflul'um. nun- Iu-mmm lln- lmml llm‘nl emblvm ul' lln- pwwmm- nu Inrin lum lu-ru 3hr“ =n Ill-nlnu', Will! lhv qlmsliun .»r n [n-uvnn-ml flown-r mnhh-In, f-vl H1» ()nlnrw llmllrullurnl ll‘txn‘ut‘inliun hnvl A‘"ll.“lflll’l’lll\' ul'uwl ‘runxitlvrnuml ul' “‘1' nulnjrrl for Lin- punt 20 'Vl'lll‘k um] ilw u-lrnrtu at in oll'iren nml m:-Inlu-r:~ lmw nl hm! ln-cn nwnrrlml 1.3; the lI-xrnlmnlnn nf tlw whit" Iuillxum whirh Wm mlnplml nl ll‘ll'lr‘ .«mrLrv-dinn. :\~< u rnnllur of' Jun, nu lll'lll'lllt‘l‘ nf l‘nnndu hm over ’slmwn nn)’ l'l‘l'lll llll“l,(- in llxu «uh-r. lian M n Ilnull wmhlmu. ln Nnvn Svalin III lH‘Jl'v, lin- qmwlinn mu fun! moon-1|, hul n um. nul unlll Hm] that Lho 'l'l'nllinu J\rlu|luȢ, lut'nlly known in» lln- \1ny lll'ltnw-I', wn: Intr- nlly aulnplml, ln lhu full-mun: Mar Mnnilnlln nlmlu ull'lt'lnl u-lvrliun 01' “It Wind Flvmm‘, mle lnlrr an Al- ln-an clumu lln- Willi Rnxv um its Hut- «1 v-mblrm. 'l'hr Wild llnw it .119) the llul'nl Imdlu' of lawn, nml lhr Il’miriu Wllll Rum» rl'flrll'iflllld North annUL v ll. in “I'm 150 yu-nrn um) that the: OnLnriu Ilnrlirrullurul Anubcmtiult dis: (unwed the (I‘ll-(illun of u lflurnl (unâ€" hlnm fur thl- Dnminion, nml. although thv initiallvr nl' th- Ansocintinn led m connilh-rnlmn of lhn stlltjlél't by horticultural auricliL-H, univrrnitien, and other inallt‘utiann thmughuut the ‘Dominiou, n0 flnul dorixiun was ur- rlvml nt. ’l'hu anle .lA'Rf hns‘huen accepted by the neoplr of Canndi‘ without legal lnxtrumL-nL or qrubl" prtwlumnlinn ml their emblem and ‘ V I thus been m-rtnrrlcd a ï¬xed plnca sit) with ï¬lm row, the thiktlc, thmroc and leak of the maples! of the Girl Inlet. Thu rum: is nlln the flé ,' anlblem of New Yé'rlt Stutc,‘ whi , wellâ€"knnwn rmtionnl emblem! app in the Fleur-de-liu of France; Linden :1! Germany; the Adam ‘ of Swath-n ; the Lot-us of i . the Chrymnthcmum of‘