Purple Valley WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 5, [1937]-[1964], p. 10

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. V. r as. r. a. mcDOWELL .nr Mil< ‘vgrton. who at the present time, holda the position 0! Provinâ€" cial‘Pruuident of ma Federated Women's Institutes o: Ontario was nan-Mid, chairman or convention area 15 at the Institutes at “In GlDSlflS session at the convention held In McDonald's Hull. Listowel. The convention. which took place yesâ€" terday and Tuesday was a. moot succesriul one and from it the memhora‘ zathernd much uleiul in» ton-notion. which they will take back to their branches. . The other officers named were: Vice chairman, Mrs. Rubcrt Cut.- ting, Drayton: convention scorc- tary. Mrs. Malcolm MacBelh, Mil» vorton; recording secretary, Miss Lily Dempsey. Stratiord; executive, Mrs. R: White. Ripley. Mrs. Bert Clelnnd. Liaiowel; convenera of standing committees, health and child. welfare. Mrs. A. Hammond. Moorei’icld; community activities and relief. Mrs. R. White, Ripley; agriculture and Cauadian Indus- tries. Mrs. James Walpole, Lion‘s Head; publicity, Mrs. A. McCosh, Ripley; education. Mrs. R, L. Tre- leaven. Lucknow; legislation and resolutions. Mrs. E. Ackert. Holy- rood; historical research. Mrs. A. B. Samcils. Parkhead: home châ€" nomlm. Mm. D. G. Leitch. Chaley: ‘ Canadianlzatiom Mrs. M. Black. Southampton; pcacc. education and international relationshi . Mrs. J. Splez‘, Brussels: Federaive reprev aentative, Mrs, George Crozler. Walkerton. Mrs. L G. Crozier or Walkerton, presided over the morning session. ‘ which opened with Mrs. Howald of Listowel. leading the community singing. The first report of the morning was on education. deliver- ed by Mrs. R. L. Treleaven of , Lucknow. Sho pointed out she had i been oonvener tor three years and the reporn this year were more . favorable than ever before. She stated it was evident that the new, curriculum had been the clue! topic for discussion in the various . Institutes. Mrs. Treleaven also said talks had been given on adult edu- mtlou. training of children prior to school ago. travel taliG, sell- cducatlon. and other educatlo i on- terprlars. The report was agspleo- did one and well received. ' In the legislation report, pro sented by Miss L. Brigham. of Clinton parllamentary procedure was outlined and the Institutes re- ported such topics as "What every woman should know about legal documonm." "Government in town- ship, province and Dominion." and ‘ a_ talk on the motto. "The law as- sists those who are vigilant. not thoso who sleep over their rights." Miss Brigham's report received many :iavorable comments. In presenting the report of the historical research committee. Mrs. A. E. Smell; of Allentord. sug~ gested holding a “pioneer night" and seeing to it that all the elderly people in the district wet-o invited to attend. She urged the members to become history-conscious. Anâ€" other s lendid suggutlon was that o! slorng a complete costume of present-day clothes for tutors his- torical work. Mrs. D. G. Leitch of Cheslay, gave the report 0 the home economics committee. 5 airing of how to choose and cook but supper dishes. appia growing, canning without sugar. sldestepping dangers in the home. honey. its uses and recipes. a. resume or “what happens be» tween the farmer's field and the consumer's table." and dozens of Chairmgn of Area other interesting and helpful tips. . The Speaker Mrs. ’1‘. J. McDowell. preaident oi' the Factor-steel Institutes a: On- ior:o,-gave a. most interesting map sage. In opening she brought the greetings of the Provincial Board and then went on to explain in de- tail the work of the individual branch. the district. the convention area and finally tho Provincial ‘ Hoard. She stated aha felt there will . be a. readjustment in Bruce Conn- ? where an overIApping has been ‘ mount-ed. Went Hump branch . > she ,said may log to London at“ in the 11 Euro instead at i joining In area . Mrs. McDowell L also. made the statement there wns ovrynpoaslbiilty the urea meat- 1 lugajvmild take place in the future yin Gillilih since it"appearhd to be {the wish or ii:- uea. The Board is l in“! wondering the matter. Mrs. 1,13 wellsf'termogrofiioo an prest- ‘ cl: tho mmted Institth . “overall”. .Sha urgmh' xv" 5; Fox: 11) .._ l venerl upon the splendid fashion in ‘ l Mic. T. .l. l I (Continued irom Page 1m l her listeners to study thnir hand-l hooks and congratulated line can- which they had presented their rm! she asked the report: he the poria. passed on to VQDQI‘F. "Bongo We Sing. was the inter- esting topic Mrs. MCDDWIll‘Ch-ne lo speak upon and her hem-ere were indeed delighted with it. in a charming manner she spoke of “1!! l origin or various songs. and told something about the life or the com- ‘ Provincial ctm- posrr. First she touched on the ln- . slltuta Ode which wan first used by the Good Templara' Society in‘ John Bull, was then reierred m. Mn. McDowell told little details about the character at John Bull which were interesting and anus. Speaker were "0 Canada." Canadian Naii on oi Anthem; "Rule Britannia." and the "anle‘ Lea! Forever.“ written by John‘ Alexander Muir, in whose memory- a rock garden was constructed in Toronto. Mrs. McDowell thought: there was much to he said for the composition. “When You And i; Were Young Maggie." which was] written by a young' school teacher as a tribute to his sweetheart.‘ Maggie Clarke. who died one yearl after their marriage. The writeul George Washington Johnston. was connected with Upper Canada Col-‘ lege and the John Hopkins Uni- versity. "I think world’s most famous personal love song. It was written by Wm. Dougv ins arid it was afterwards re-writA ten by Lady Scott who set it to music “Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyu." is another of the famous ones. as well as “Silver Threads Among The Gold.‘ "Home "Annie Laurie" is the great pity that many of the song writers never receive! their just recognition for the .oongs fit from them. At the close of her she conducted the question box which is always a- teature oi the convention and l through which many of the mem- bers have their problems solved. i Just before the lunch hour the Elma Centre orchestra, composedi of Miss Alice Dickson. Mrs. Charles l . Danbrook, Mrs. George Hart and Mrs. L. Cughlin contributed an en- joyable selection. Mrs. Joan Ham- ilton Shearer of Poole, introduced the subject of asking that a school l for judges be conducted in West-i ern Ontario. later in the day Mrs. Poole again brought up the matter and a. motion was passed that the , convention request such a school he ‘ held for judges in Western Ontario. More Reports . When the membeis gathered for the afternoon session Mrs. E. W.’ Vernor gave a, fine report on the work of the Canadianlzation com: mlttee. Papers had been given on "The Birth of Canada," "Our. Flog.“ and other topics of interatl to every member. Mrs. Vernor nointed out that Canadian prob- lems are mony and serious toâ€"dsyl and she laid streu on the fact the foreign population presents a real problem. i “There are more than 110 long; uages and dialects spoken right- here in Canada and 54 per cent or the children are of foreign parent- age. Conadinnization is an indi». vldual matter and every memberl should work to make a 'Bettet Csnâ€" l lam-7.. Two minutes of silence were ob» 'nerved‘ in memory 'of the late Mrs. J. J. Elliott of Wingham. a nuem‘ her of the executive. The members were asked to pray at the same time that the question of the day~ the European situation would find a proper solutill. Tho report on peace. educetuonl and international relationship was- lbly given by Mrs. Malcolm Mat.~ | Beth at Mllverton. Mrs. "moan » thought the subject at peace is of momentou. importance to Institute . members an wives and mothers. "The members are realising this ‘ and studying it more. The situation In Europe In indeed grave. The greed of a few feeding on tho tear or many in. oaused this to be and all in order to swell the prom; 3' armament mums. wan ‘ 93 no alum-1y; You Int . no" ‘ . fine addres. Sweet Home." and others. 1 a Mrs. McDowell felt it was a very l ; Uniting} another was; In! if! ior work. the the early seventies. The National “The Milky Vi Anthem. supposedly written by Dr. ‘ hLatory or the milk from it came from ing. other songs referred to by the ; make dirty milk the '2', least make [them imadn p’bsslbl lrevory I'u'al ‘ :he a mambor at they .. wrote and never reaped any bene- Un Dew”, , units of Work ' part - Inf?" the Minn II I”. an important on. and the zlris hour was Introdurnd by Idl- Fiorn Durnin or Dvmgannm 3h- ILaLul IhIJ. two uf the drone: all uhihit were mam. by Brut: mirth and the olhcr try 7: Peru. pri They were ahnwn in the Wornâ€"n1 In- stitute dlcplrr av lit-r Vi . Fair and in the unlm at a) a! the Stratfm‘d Fail Pmr Mil! Dwain r-alerrnd u. m; r H mm it.» garden kfld cannlng tlun a! Lin-rs - nxd i130 prr cam Ch'l»p:r!vl;fi when 15 unusual Filimq. 1: ll- wry-wad H1! n and iii-um. , .J shunted . air sun-ion» 5r... whim upm Mie- ‘riuriel Harkwtil and Mil-F L! Mcinloah of E‘ m M. ; a or onotratmn on ' "m. .5 Navmr: for the Club Gill‘ B/rdH/Hr. ' The": ymmg lame. rw'ir my". their do! and aha“ . room can be mad very little Cos! Miss Mmgarm Ilngvliln, was, r-allr 'varéd (he 'lmE rm mar: un'v. z: - to H: Lame 3! a! pL not iound its Lennon str teurlutlon. y the various mil most hoalthi‘ul [erred l0 ths dlshe Mi Della Mtlrmrw of to whom the ‘ronm best garden m :b» rung speaker . work of the Club and ’ 'd r 9.- girls took a. km. in a! in ".9! gardens The L'nuthul [a1];E and demr clearly the value of The sPnlor memo-31's ed. Miss Helen 31a Dublin. popu clun ll L: am) urn an icon no donoâ€" lnes Mar n-nnr anna. Iramin: a ools would b» North Wrumaton at Ea October Accessan 1.1.," . and in No war . =l-le sleeping garment Cal|8d upim [0 words. Miss burn: training scrim]: or: \Vay" at Tara. Qatar and at Waikervon On: ubvv on [he 53ml: Octohul :7 and :: importance r What one an\' member _ . 'obligouons it l5 dL o1 :Zamzatxo she loaders desen’s .1 mad" {or the urn? 3 :hey KlYe R DT'lfiou ‘ ni'rr li‘H‘ aitrmoon 5 cd regret that West be leaving 'he aria tr London. )1 “'omrn's 1 men! of A the mambo [hr ("or ‘ itch and u-istied them tht‘ll' future undt‘riaki ihni the branches who dclt’Z'kiES lfv [hr any ‘ lmiss a. great npunr’umli’ En\\1rdF making Ii‘lt‘ll’ institute a l'r'ir: and stronsrx one Variou \‘ui of thank: u ‘- en, naming {in r‘ K'ha laid in or" way [wiped make the u'nnrt‘nuon a - â€"q-. succc Anion: ammo t '10 l ed resin-d y worn in lran Harli- llloil‘ Mrs Gun H M Cnrnlin. . vs c ran . Alit‘o Dickson ‘mo‘ .lr ‘ Thompson of Atwood Mr. N Smith. Gfidt’hlll Mrs F: r \‘illt‘l‘ nr Sli'alimd' MISS Park M‘s CCnl'gs L‘lelsnd of L“- mwcl: .‘I . M Fisk. Mi fins Lemheclu.. \\'1lk~§r[nl‘. Mr: \V. J. Herdrlson. “1.5mm Mir. FE. ‘ ‘iiioltl: liliJCno'l‘N uâ€" ltfrsml-igrr ‘ , J Wirksieati. MES )i Elumair; Mrs Clark Ru» irk Mrs. Eldon Renâ€" with ma Mis .ln‘in Horus ‘ 7 f

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