,‘URPLE’VAQEW. Li . ‘was held at: the "ni’e _ Mrs. Chas. I ‘Ihert with a f . ego attendance. ; I ingv Bed With Mrs. Herb. Gilbert In The roll was call- edrand answared by three favorite v'eï¬eï¬blesl The .minutés of the last T Meetingmere read and adopted. Mrs. E. J. Knight and Mrs, Allen Howe thanked the Institute for the baby .blsnkets. Mrs. Hyatt gave a very interesting report on the district anâ€" nuai held at Tobermory. V The prizes were then awarded for ' "ye Sterling and Hawk drive, as folâ€" ‘ws: lst, Roy Strappe: 2nd, George att: 3rd. Jimmy Urbshott; 4th, Hay; - 5th, Jackie ‘Urbshott; , Gladys McCartney; 7th, Elsie bert. . Moved by Miss Mary Howe, sec- :i‘ lied by Mrs. Coveney. that we pur- “ yï¬se four dozen cups for the Orange l dge. Moved by Mrs. John Crawâ€" d; seconded by Mrs. Ben Howe, t. secretary pay for foolscap used programmes. Miss Dorothy Hol- gave a demonstration on making d drasing made from, Eaglef nd milk. Mrs. Herb. Gilbert, as- d by Dorothy Holler, demonstrab‘. lthe new mayonnaise oil dressing, ‘ jack-straw salad, stuffed tornaâ€" _, and made a very attractive cu- ,éumber basket salad. Meeting closed with the National Anthem. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and ilunch committee, after‘ which several snap-shots were takenl of the group. 1% W sax/73%. _ [URPLE VALLEY I. K. {1‘ .‘he regular monthly meeting of ‘held at the home of Mrs. James ig with a real good attendance. 2 3‘» he meeting opened with Mrs. _ _b. Gilbert presiding. The roll “ was answered by a Health Rule. fringes of. the last meeting were and adopted. 'l‘brree new‘inem- ‘ ‘ s paid fee. ‘Moved by Mrs. Wm. Crawford, seconded by Mrs. Hyatt, that a masquerade be held in the Orange 4-1311, October 26th, under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. Moved by Mrs. Veg-ta Urbshott, secâ€" onded 'by Mrs. Chas. Gilbert. that the music. Mioved by Mrs. Allan How-é. seconded -by Mrs. Harvey Hepburn. that a ten~cent lunch ‘be served at next meeting; proceeds for Sun- shine Cmnmitt’:.3_ Moved by Mary lBowe. {flcon'ded by ‘Mrs. Wright, that ' 1E era pay 500. for ï¬rst quilt, 75c. 3 others ; nonâ€"members, $1 each Mrs. Coveney gave a 1-minute *ading. “The Freckled Faced lng closed with the National Lunch was served by the and 'committee. . a £9770ng Cape Croker Orchestra provide thyai ; I’URP‘LE VALLEYWZJ,’ ,. l The regular monthly mo'eting of the P. V. W. I. was held at the home of Miss Mary Howe, with a resigned attendance. J. The meeting opened with the open? ing Ode and repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The roll was then called and there was a good response. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, after which let- te thanks were read. and birth- ‘da paid. ‘ Moved .by (Mrs. Allan Home. second- jed by M115. Hombley, that the secre- ‘ta-ry pay for prizes for apron con- test. Moved by Mrs. Coveney, see- onded by Josephine McElreo, that we .apply {arrâ€"pant. Miss May Howe hid charge of a contest, guessing the mufmber .of kernels on a cab of corn, ofzyhich prizes were given : lst, Mrs.‘ Thos. Coveney, a pair of guest tow- els ; 2nd. .Mrs. Herb. Gilbert, salt and pepper shakers; 3rd, Mrs. Wm. Crawford, 31, ornament. Prizes w ‘then given for a haud~l :made apron exhibit; ers. Dalton Wright acting as judge. lst prized ‘.Miss Dorothy Holler, fruit dish ; 2nd, Mrs. Harvey Hepburn, mending kiï¬i lFatal, Mars. Geo. Hyatt, a needle case} The remainder of the often-dorm was. spent quilting. Meeting closed with the National. ythem. A dainty lunch was served‘ ‘ _y hostess and committee. 1 c i i V‘ m7â€? Ma? PURPLE VALLEY’ w. l. so 1.11. i The ‘Womcn’s lnstibute’s annual so- : cinl evening we»: helvl in the nail.‘ I Wednesday, March lbw, The presâ€" ‘idev‘n, Mrs, Herb. Cdlwrt, preqdmg. .zi TheI meeting opened lll ll": u-ual ner.‘ The minutes of the last n in: "were read and (slimmed. Let of thanks for fruit and ï¬lvllu:l~ , i‘ea’d. Om.- mernber [mul hirihda .' L Moved by .Ms. Wm C‘ Ill-lll'Il, ‘omled by Mrs. Percy Home. that 5e.- lretary nay hall rental V Moved by .‘lK'r. (hen Gilbert winded by )Irâ€"x V' to Urbsholt. ï¬fteen dollars he denoted as a to of sympathy, to n nurw u at ed the late )lrs‘. Allan 'e. ‘was an active member in our inutitulw The April meeting- will he held H the hall. Thursday the iiih. Eltutmn of officers and paying (21‘ feex. coll “Helpful hints Hi] hunt ink." Mrs. Chas. Gilberl ‘dress the meeting. The mwr: 'ed With the National Anthem. " Bernice Holler and Jackie sang The Dear Little Shaner Ireland" and “Twenty Fz'urzie \\ A to School." )‘Iessi stiflth MA- Vhiteï¬eid Craxrimd, Hen-tn: PFWE dud .lim Jones rendered Same T; «iii-dicing. Everyone joined in cuuununin‘ me. after which M . Eu. took charge of many games. Lunch was then Set“ lien cents a plate: [JI’UL'leeli‘ ‘ k. 7 The Royal Family in an iniurmal poseâ€"King George Vi. ( u'n Elizabrih mu Princesses Elimbcth (right? Jnd Mum-nu Hose. t u.‘ 1;: w