-2- In addition to these rgmups, unrmployed children whose low intelligl‘nce is regarded by the Educational Authorities no rendering them unable to profit to nny extent from rt‘rwhr academic instruction continue to be ellb’ible for Family Allowances. There is no stoppagn of payments for children over fourtoon years of age who are recognized by their respective Elementary School Inspectors or Secondary School Principals as being actually required to help in the farm household or on tho home farm. Children who - ((1) Have boen in regular attendance at school. (1)) Complete the school year to June, and (c)- Return to school in September. remain eligible to receive Family Allowances even though they work for WEEes during the holiday months of July and August. However, children Who Wm‘k in the summer holidays and do not return to school in September cease to be eligible for payments. Children over compulsory school age remain eligible provided they do not work for wages. HOME PERMITS Children in possession of Home Pormits, or required as Home Farm help, should be reported to this Department. Dtlmrwiso Family Allowances may be stopped, due to lack of information. UNLAWFUL. ABSENCE ‘ Any child considerod unlawfully absent from school may be ineligible for the allowances and should be reported to this Department. Then, bsood on the recommendations of the School Authorities, we cnn discontinue [Jay- ments or Bond a warning letter. Whom discontinuinco of Family Allowances is considered advisable, payments are withheld For the nctunl months in Which unlawful abscnco is reported. Any child definitely expelled from school for misdemeanor is no longor eligible for Family Allowancos, and should be reported to this Department to avoid an overpaymont which would have to be recovered at a later date. Children who are ineligible for Family Allowances for any reason which is not brought to the attention of this Department, are receiving Crown Funds contrary to the provisions of the Family Allowances Act. Many of these cases are brought to light, months and even ycars later. During this period, largo ovcrpaymonts have developed, the collection of which -nny cause great hardship to the parents. Family Allowances are discontinued when children attain tho age of 16 years, even though they still attend regular day classes. Report forms for reporting unlawful abscnc: and the issuance of Various permits are supplied by this Department. Those report forms have been approved by the Ontario Department of Mucation. When completed, they give the necessary infomrtion for locating the files and tho esssntial datos to enable us to make fair decisions when payments of Family Allowmccs should cease. A supply of Forms will be forwarded upon request.