Farm l/V DJfll‘Ali’l‘Ml'iN'I' Ul" NII’I'IUNM, HEALTH AND WELFAHE FAMILY ALLDWANCES ‘ ONFAKIO REGION 122 Front Street West. Toronto 17 Ontarto INFORMATION REGARDING FAMIIJ AL[DWANCES AND SCHOOL ATTENDANCE MEJEEMLQLOJ..EMELY ALLOWANCEs ACT "The Family Allawannau Act, 19th" as amended stateafl "Thu allowance shall cease to be payabla 1f the child doze not 795“1arly attï¬nd school as required by the laws of the province where he resides or does not resolve tralnlng which; in the opinion of thn competnnt educational authority, in training equivalent to that which he would receive if he attondnd schooll" "The Family Allowancna Regulationa†state: "A parent shall be deemed to canon to maintain subatnntiully a Child Who is not attendlng schoal or rncciving cquivalcnt training and ' who is gainfully cmployed"~ After discussions with the Ontario DepartMHni of Enucntion, it was decidud that a Child“o oocaulnnal instances of unlawful absence should not be considered a rcason for distentinuing payments of Family Allowances. Howâ€" over, as soon as absence has hcoome a sournn of scrloua concern to the responsible school official, the child should forfait antitlnment to further bunefltso Further» as this Department haw no Jurisdictlon 1n reglrd to the School% Administration Acty wo must rely on the Elementary School Innpertor, or thr Secondary School Principal concernnd, for a correct apprnlonl of the chihiâ€˜ï¬ statue regarding absence from school†CHIle LANFULM ABSENT 1711.014 SCHQQL In this oonncction. Family Allowances are cont1nurd for n nhild who is considered by the Ednnationnl Authorit1ea as lawfully abnnnt from regular day classes and who 12 not working For wagesr as follows: (a) A ch11d holding an ordinary Homa Fermlt. (b) A child, undcY fourteen years, holding a "thnol Chlldrenln Enploymcnt Ccrtjficato†(valid for 31x wcnks of nny ï¬chnol torm)y but not actually worklng for wages. (C) A child absent on th: luqin of illwhnnlth (:5 911mm by rMcdinal Certificate rccognlzcd as valLd by the Diurxt1wux1 Authorities. ' (d) A child residing at an cxmmslvr distance from nchool rm outlinod in the Schools Admlnlstratlon Act†(a) A child rccnlvinn uqu1vnlnnt tralnlng of 3 nnturn ‘n m-rlt offlclul rezognltionn (f) A child duprvrcd of t‘dlmntinnnl opportun.‘.ty due in Irv |< of acconmodntxcnrin Lhn school he has a rJnht Lo ALLHLJ. (a) A child who haw passed Junior m4tr1;nlnt1nn or -\»mxr\!lov for cntranco to a Nnrnnl School,