anion 7:01 :L/a/I (girls uxsdny morning on ‘ 9th the town hall at in: completely (lesâ€" dire. : ‘ ‘ e Allan Bristol of the «Police Foroe discover- riire at 4:30 tun. and the alum. Firemen yery quickly and made attempts to enter the to save any valuable _ they mold but were buck-out by the dense They were unable to ' I ntzry wearing the smoke ‘ ‘ ' as reported by the fire. J nt the fire started in the am of the building down- , This Iran was the rust omen tried to put out. . point during the fire 9. ' in the roar of the build- oke allowing a strong to curry the flames to the front of the t 2“ re. it was a very short 7 'i nlil ï¬reman realized the u g would he a complete on l ‘:00 am. the fire had x its way ‘Ili through the dry building; Upon dis- the fire siren was ‘ ed for A short time but l ad worng nt which time on of the fireh'aon runs: the in “ oi; on the town bell, um“ ' l w sod an an alarm before the SI was installed. . I I v n time firemen were run- «n - with the fire spreading : er buildings along the . street as the strong wind I “ nrryiog live cools to the they were lending on the pa! the ndjocont buildings. ‘ - nt snowfnll still cling- . the tool; “the! mild. ,mon "'_ mhlfrom, apertâ€" qL V ï¬nding > madman“ l. _ 3 “W245 citizen! ' _' {lid 1015211! wenth‘erl ‘ l- the ï¬re, the biggestl x, n he had in many yearn. Inn! of the town hall is ‘ blow to Winan having .. everything that was in the' ' .v Hing. The Buchâ€"Blmpson ‘ mpnny lost more Hum $7,000. worth of equipment they were using in the auditorium for the training of future employees. that will be working in the new plant suw helm: built. it 13. not known if this set buck will have any bearing on the etarting dnte of operations wh- ich was to he sometime in Feb. All the instruments of the Wi- nrton Citizenn' band were lost in the blaze and estimated to be worth 55.00.00. Niam- Liocuments nnd mum‘s datum: hock before the turn of the century were lost as well us all the current records iron) the clerk‘s office. with one pos- sible exception. the large mult that hold currently important papers and money quy still be intact. although the fire was extremely hot. The Eu'blic Utilities office lost all documents and records, with 11 number of oloctrir "rotors and other electrical equipmunt, and some water works tools. plans and documents. The newly rrdocomted and installed port of the building that housed the library for lt‘ll‘ than two yenri, wne u will?" ‘ loss with nll ilw lmli‘;« u'ni. paintings of lncourlisz. Mirror Cllflon TIIVIOI' .‘fllii that first concern of llu' l‘nlllu'll i. to find quarters for tho uh-rk [to net up on offlrc. us wnll as quurtors for the PU!‘, Lo curry on business no usunlr Firemen poured ions v-i wu~ tor an the blnzo. writer runniu-z nwny from the building sonu froze on the straw in n ilunth nf shout 4 inches. Dense ~mum- hillbwed from the fin- null cou- inq some unnlenruntness to no... plo Along the main “rm . At 8:55 run. the 1mm unll o! the building enlapst-d unto the street,. nt 11:80 firmnm pulled about half the south wnll ,Wmï¬'gq “Q v lint by. 9: t girl-window with on electric wire hnnz ' “wimp ' Ti: Mibï¬end ofvtbr- 5mm 7 _, (in ï¬remen had plum-nail the Will: down but the buck one. dominating nnvuhmme at them 7 falling when not expected to do so. The fire hnll nml polir'r nin- tion recently erectcll aznlust the south ride of the ibulldlnz wow ondomnged except for water and smoke. l l The Wiarton Echo, J an. 19, 1967 " Uncle Ozzie's Philosophy " By crncky, folks. Centennial Your, for Canada, at lost is here - n land. of opportunity, whose wings are Spread from Son to Soul A vital fact we all should know is that a hundred yours ago a great and noble statesman sought to mould o nome we've near forgot. Sir John A. captained quite in rrew - the first RM. our country knew, and held the reigns of Government while wntchlng o'er the efforts to builan Nntiou proud and strong, embracing right. how- ever yrumz, "l‘is true he liked his little drop which meant fur him n :ul'l n' prop to help him steady on his feet while In wars in the driver's >ent. Sir John hm gone long yunrs nun, but one thing sure. we’ve come to know - mot change is wrought by Governments, and some which milks fur lilllv wow uxccpt to prm'e it'll come to puns. the poor mus! give to tin-m who: horn To-duy, Sir John is “lvurk with uni" widat our hick- l‘I'illL’S nnd fuss - ContL-nninl Year has surely brought to liuht the noun: we nunr l‘uxunL Hi3 monuments, ngnln, lul- clmm; make no mistake. we really mean to honour him tllln Expu-YNH‘: what follows that, is not so clan. ’l‘lw while in“ "wk hr nughtn see that place in Ottawa. by ir-v, :uul lvgiun lmw amuulllly it is run, and just how quickly [lump urv ilullL’. .\ hundred yeure of ups and downs were ollmnxl-d “uh n pnlr of “clowns†on Die! nnd Lester mm to but - ll‘l's hum- \\‘\"\’r soon the lost of that. Big Pnlo [I‘m-u squat on Bed Mon'o soil, (I dish in uhivh (he lied .\lun hull), acquiring nearly nll his land rxcept for hm of swmup and Band. Of nouns, we let him hunt for gnmo. but own that in not the . (m. l-llwml "will is source thut's rouinin‘ flee. :0 now. wn- . hi! slioollli'-snrur. Prrhupn we btlll mu Illiihl: nun-nib in rmnpensutu our ll'lilliil'i friends for wlmt uppvnm n lvl‘hnl blow â€"- "CMIU (‘rokur's Chief could qu Lln- ~lw-.\". Urlwlul ll. Mm...