Westwood WI Tweedsmuir Community History, 1964, [1954]-[1972], p. 4

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Allend Meellng PETERB nout'fir' ,1 4 DISTRICT LAKEFIELD (ENS) â€" Repre- of a lusler child. They will also Mm- Huward Hamilton ol the Senlatives (rpm 15 branches at. affiliate with tho Peterborough llu tended the district annual meet- Hmnmal Sucmy and Mid 3] by Mrs. Willinm Harris was l ,memory of the eight member Glen branch was elected .who have died since the 1983 .. Pro duut of the district at the meeting. One minute's silence ' l lath flnnual mectlng WedneS- was observed, one white carna- Llny in Kecne United Church lion placed for each departed ' 113“ member. Organist Mrs. A. Flcb l\ s. Clarence Mann presided. chel' played soltly while Mrs. w‘ i ‘ . Vir included Mrs S. R. Harris read a suitable poem. 7 ‘ . Runll, of Madoc. presrdent til Reports were given by the j the Trent Valley Conservation standing committee convener ' Area, Mrs. W. A. Gundfellow oi “Ed olehedWoLucn’s Institute. “figmgebfli'f Havemk o u . ' g ' n Haws GM“; :13; wifiljrfigfgme"; behalf of the district branches. by district president Mrs. Clar- .fm‘f‘: i“ v.2”. °' “mm “mm wee Mann and the deputy 'os ranc or their hospital- reeve of Dummer Township. “y‘ Ralph Hamilton. There were more than 120 ladies in attend». 1m 14/ v If Wl roups ‘ Meeiing Agriculture and Canadian inâ€"j ‘ .i ance. . I > Cudl‘lngmn. provincial bourd" dustries. Mrs. Henry Sharpe” ‘ An “mtg-non to hold “Ext . membcr; Mrs. Brown. presidenti citizenship and education. Mrs. 1 years ‘rneuhng at unwind. was I I . at West Norlhumherlancl dist.‘ G. Mcllmoyl historical rev 1 extended by Mm JV wondbeck Women s n e net and Mrs. Morrow. preslv Search and current events, by A. and accepted. Institute Mrs. William Mood: home eco- i _ Board members for the come mg year were introduced by the federated member. Mrs. H. G. ‘Digweed of Warsaw and the horn: public relations. Mrs. P. Leal. Lakelield: cilirenship and Cook. Havelock; home econom- ics and health. Mrs. R. Fergu- son. Nm-wood: histo cal re- Harrv Msnn‘of Trent River. a Elf! from her branch The han- ner was the work of Mrs. 'Mnnn. Mrs. F‘ Vilnelf and Mrs. Oscar Creighton. Home economist Miss M. Wad- the Peterbnrounh arca 155 girls lhnve cnmnlclcd their nraiectd "Renarates for Summer." ll. .‘ ’Wndr‘ell also reminded the ‘members of archievement day to be held Mav 25 in Memorial Centre. Peterburuugh. A sing suns. led by Mrs. 'R, Puffer with Mrs. Payth at the piano concluded the morning session. During the dinner hour. the guest sneaker was E. A. Horton of Feterborough who make on citizenship. A memorial service for three deceased members, opened the afternoon session and was con- ducted hv the past district pre- sident. Mrs. W. Harris of the Belmont branch. Miss J. Armour of the home economics department. uullined the courses available for senior members and a demonstration of stuffed animals was Elven by NHK Ray Brady of Warsaw. The report of the (ii rir‘l delev date was given by Mrs. .1. Hampton of Warsaw in the ab- sence of the district director and Mrs. H. G. Dizweed of‘ Warsaw gave the report of the board meeting. The report or the nominating} commiltec was given by Mrs. Roy Frankish as follows: dis- trict prrsident, Mrs. Clarence Mann. Smith: vice nv 'dents, Mrs. H. Hamilton. Halls Glen tederstrd representative, Mrs. nigweed with Mrs. George Rig- bv ol' Haveluck as the alternate; v Bullock. Lakelield and it‘ll? Harry ShParer. Buckhorn. m'cnérs named were. cill-. zenship and education. Mrs. G. Mcllmnylo: agriculture and Canadian industries. Mrs. H. L. Cook, Havelock: home ecnno-l mics and health. Mrs. George 130. Hsvelllt' historical re- nrch and current cvs-nls. Mrs. Eldnn Johnston. Lakelield: nub- |licllv rind public relations. Mr5.i in Lcal Laketirld and resoluâ€" tions. Mrs. H. Clements. War- isaw. i Activities WESTWCIDD .1719 lute. Tuesday evening. Mrs Herbert Pacey was Pon- ing an event L‘UnnEcled with the topic. A splendid paper on Cooled- etalion which had been prepar- tend the rally at Selwyn. where Mrs. Clarence Mann will give her report (If the convention which was held in Woliville. N.S.. in June. They also made plans to help in the Women’s tosses for the evening were Mrs. Herbert Pacey. Mrs. Everett Eirdsall and Anne :Vlood. o 4 BELLEVILLE (CF) â€"- Some 200 members of the Women‘s Institutes of the Trent Valley area combining the counties of which continued today. Theme presided and reports of the years work were received. “if there is a cry (or good- Ml's. S. R. Beatty ol' Madoc was named president of the area with Mrs. Shearer first vice-president. Mrs. James Haggerly of Nap- anee, past Dominion president, dians. SlyfidWaflleal , Symbol For OTTAWA (CPlâ€"‘I‘he centen- niol commission announced to- day a stylized maple leal com- posed of ll. triangles will be the symbol [or Canada’s Confedera. lion centennial in 1957, It was selected by tho com- mission lroni 496 entries in a design competition. but placed fourth in the judging. Centen- nial Commissioner John Fisher said the symbols ranked first. second and lhird were too much like Commcrl‘ial trade marks. The symbol is copyrighted and registered under the trade works not. It will be used by the commission on its stationery and adve “sing and its with“- use publicly is being stodird The rlcsign mlgilmlt‘d with an arllst with lhe graphic design firm of Cooper and Realty, nt t "n. the sloped to develop it more lolly. "to c a m m l Winn annnullCPs $500. .I' design: were two llnvcs c' rest-e, similar to the trade math at a paper iirn Conr Curtl' Cs similar to ' trade ninr'»: of a can romnnny; and a C embracing 10 stars. similar to the trade mark of a meal packer. Vlr. Fisher said the new sym- bol, unlike a controversial sym- Cenlennial b0! chosen by the lllli7 world exhibition in Montreal. docs not need parliamentary approval. Nor does the centennial sym- bol have the same uses as the world's lair symbol. The world‘s fair corporation is licensing the use of its symbol for conces- sionaries at the exhibition and for use on souvenirs. Mr. Fisher said legal restric- tions on the use of the centen- nial symbol on souvenirs iro- ported from abroad are being studied. but the commission hopest he Centennial symbol will be widely used in decorations. travel promotion and centennial. events advertising by the prov-i inces and municipalities as well as by the federal government. “We hope thc symbol will have the widest possible use and Petrr Alrioyd. director of speâ€" cial projects for the commis- cntrlcs, 307 used the maple leaf motif. The ll-lrinagle destgn can be copied easily by school Children and rlrawn In any size. It can also be constructed out of any building or display material. can be reproduced in any color or colors. and can he used as a pattern for illumination: or llrclvorks. Jdenl hast Northumberland dist- rlct. l Mrs. Alex Nichols. president of Lskefield branch invited the now board of district directors as follows: Mrs. M. Wilson. Aps» Chandos. Mrs. Ernest Garbutt. Halls Glen, Mrs. W. J. Clarke, llavelock. Miss Viola Wilson,1 Elmer Milburn. South Smilh,l Mrsr Oscar Creighton. Trent. RIVEI‘. Mrs. Ivan Payne, War- saw, and Mrs. Earl Lee. West-l Wflfld. There were about 150 present, A letter was read by secre- tary Mrs. Herb Pacey from th district adopted child in Hong Kong. It was decided that each n g branch will give 51!) toward the purchase of a tea service to be given to Trent: University for use in a women‘s residence ll'l the name of the Peterburough District. Women's . Institutes. Gifts will also be continued to Provincial and County honorw 4-H girls. Miss Marlon Waddell. home economist for Peterborough County brought greetings train." the Ontario Department of Agri- culture. Home Economics .Branch The projects taken by i' the 17 girls clubs in Pelerbur-‘ Dugh County this year were. “working with wool" and “drc ing up vegetables". Thir» teen girls received Count. lionr ors and five girls provincial llDllDl'S. The coins for friendship cul- lecterl at each branch amounted lEI 551.55. Mrs. Albert Harrison. district curator, reported she had re» ceived histories lrom Ihe branches anll lrum past district presidents She will compile a history oi the district. Bruce McCorqulndale. counly agricultural representative was Clarence Mann and thanked by Mrs. llowartl Hamilton. Mrs. S. R. Bwtlly brought greetings INSTITUE‘S GROW TH W o m e n ‘ s instiiiitI-s have grown [mm 7n plumbers shortly alter lls {minding in 1897 In more Ihan 5.000.000 lotlay. founwmg m m5 we” then _ . , n . district institutes to Lakeiield report of the work of the [odor , lemma. secrete] ..s Mr. .nrle. Mrs. Herbert Pace}! was hos- Has‘m=5- ,Pnnce Edward‘ tor the annual meeting next aled board. She ex lained the PS ._ 5- o [255 for the September mm”... Northumbeiland and Pelerbnr-l ens Mr w A G din . p mas Pam“. Lakefiem: and“ of the wesmnd women‘s 1M; “ugh met hem Monday m y . s. r. , on e ow rwro scholarship fund. She tors, Mrs. Harry Shearer. Buck their 38th annual convention gave fflrmal ratification m the “Rh-Led me study Drum use . » oi the meeting is "triondship is , education. Mrs, Roy Fronklsh. 3);}? éfififeii‘fii'h'ii. [he only cement that will hold WWW; Hazfil Harem. Hel-1 occurs to children. Kfim'. “"“E’l‘l‘” “‘1 Cm" roll call was outweigh u. inn. the world tusethen" "mi ‘5- at.” Meal“: . An idea for Wlmen's Insu- ‘dlan Industries Mm- L. H. * Mrs. ll. Shearer ni‘ Lakeficld Buckhom. MFS- Victor Tanner. llutes is to petition township Search. Mrs. E. Johnston. Lake- . . - will 1‘ mus‘ mme [mm the Keene. Mrs. Howard Bullock; cleaned up, she said. . field and resloutions. Mrs. E. f";firygiageefggffzga'wéiogfi: .wumen m the world," “ml Lakelield. Mrs. Loren Woo PresideotMrs.ClarenceMan , GrEenlcy, Trent River. showed'sfides of early days, and mm. L_ R’ mvers “f The“ ruff, Nephton. Mrs. William gave a report of the past year's A flislrlcl banner, which will of present life in Nova Scotia. salon. president nf the Federâ€" mm": “WOW! M'se Fri‘ work as President- be taken to all distrint meet- Anne Mood rendered two ated Women's Inslitules at 0n- DEW“! Ohm" We“! M‘s-i M“ W- A- GWfle‘IW con- * has. was “Mensa r... Mrs. sums plans were made to at. tarm. Donald Haddon. Selwyn. Mrs. ducted the election of officers . i dell we a rennrl of the work Institute rest centre at the describedlicr_trip lo the North- repreSenting the 16 branches . rotary treasurer, Mrs. Herb donezhv the girls' clubs and plowing match Oct, to. Miss west Territories and gave a r in the district. Mrs, W. A. Both} Pacey of Weslwood; assistan stafnrl that last veal-16MB girls Stella Boswell auctioned the sums of the work_ of the Instl- of Chandos. gave a report ofI secretary. Mrs. Reg Payne of in notarin had narticipalr-d, 1“ articles on the sale table. Hos- totes among Eskimos and In- the Trent Valley convention. ' Warsaw; Federated represent ' 'l‘homas Payton. of Lakeileld, ~ trict_ delegate. Mrs. Howard Coolie. Mrs. W. A. Gnodlellow, pro- vincial board member gave a and misusz of poisons as 76 per- cent at all poison accidents _cuuncil Io have all dead-shrubs small trees and brush killed by roadside spraying completely as follows: President, Mrs. Howard Ham. iltnn: first vice president. Mrs second vice president. Mrs. David McIntyre, of Keene; sec- tive. Mrs. William Harris. of. Belmont; aloernated. Mrs. Lion- el Edmunds of Norwood; dis- Hamilto . alternate. Mrs. Ern est Vaness of Trent River; audi- tors, Mrs. Dcvld McIntyre and Mrs. Lionel FAlmunds" Standing committee conven- induslries, Mrs. Opal Sharpe of I HR 4.i Pelerborough; citizen ' Ship and education. Mrs. Mcllmoyle of Selwyn: histmi col research and current events Mrs. William Mood of Wes wood: home economics an health. Mrs; Earl Deeps of West‘ wood; public relations. Mrs. H G. Digwsed of Warsaw; resolu i tions. Mrs. H. Clements of War i saw; representative to the led ‘ erstan ol agricullure. Mrs. A Clarence Glen of Keene; fa‘ committee. Mrs. Howard Him. J iltoo. Mrs. Herb Plcey. Mr Clarence Mano, Mrs. Glen Brit ton: public speaking. the presl dent. secretary, and Mrs. Ger aid Baker of Norwood. Retiring president Mrs. Clar- .' ence Mann presented a gavel to the county agricultural com- V milieu and ABBA meeting. . _ I raisins and Montreal. Alter itnat it will glvelhe public some- gm. speak... and M“ 131$ng 59.33:; plhrcrl imith Ill tiiu wuipeti. thing to focus its attention on." He was introduced by Mrs. Delegates treasurer ‘ ‘ - ' llrm was commis- Mr Fisher added. Arrive fun/E moi? ' , . i l» i tho ml Willlull prlLL- sian, said the centennial plan- f m T V I] Sm“ (mega... Mrs wpgiey‘ t V I . H v . ram e rent a ey area and gel] laridrsnorth with Mrs. I “an a“ d“! *0 Gilles ""5 3°“?h‘.3 51mm] Wm" announced the convention dates ' e Mcllmovle ol' Slevn 35‘ l u. Mollll'L‘al. $2.200: Homer would epitlmize the prestige ol‘ September 14.15 in Belleville [. are ex- ng‘i ~ auditors Mrs’ Ho- l' :m. Poinle Claire, Que, the state and Irproscut Carla-v Ammma. .mm conducted About an delezafs 1. Vue 31‘8"“ 9' ‘ ' .n “lo and Harry Ashn, Mont than unity. or the 495 contest * ‘ peclcd in thls Anndlmis a y town lotlay for lhe opcmng ol the third trienniaiconventmn ol' the Women's lnslllules of Can- ada. The live - day cunvcnuon Will be held al Acadia Univer- v. 5"Mrs. James Hagserty of Nap. I once Onl.. willlpreside over iopenlng ceremonies. Theme of ' the conference ls “home Ind counlI‘Yâ€"md . Business nomics and health. Mrs. L. H. it ers: agriculture and Canadian G. in“ to the district. Mrs. Hawanil l'w' Hamilton and Mrs. David Mc- ‘ . ' lnlyre were appointed delegates . ‘ ‘

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