BELL ACCEPTED BY lllfll'illlH'AL Slil'li‘ITV l‘llE. ll')F,\T .\lr». Janice \\'imrr)‘ Ami (‘Vii‘x‘ Krill: iilml iiwminr ii. Hislorical Sociely Given Sleam locomolive Bell (. l mum nmm W \x mm \l'wva' w , mï¬ï¬a' my“ nun-mum I'hmul il.\4rl;i.i.\\I\(, llilii.\m\iv llLll’. lmnl‘ ('rmgu le Jim T. 3 (WIN Hl'NTER STREET ,\'l‘ START OF (‘l-INTIJilY~â€"Iiuuil-r Sin-oi. nnrlll Allin I nt‘sl i'rnm Water Siren! hm not changed a grval deal in man: than 80 ‘ )rars, TIIL- Pmi mill-c al the cnrner has been rcplm'cd by n new gun-m- Inrni building and the (‘roun iluit-l rm tho nnrlllrnsl n1er is now an aim» hniitiinc nith nparlmonlt rm lin- nemnd and lhlrd ilnnrs. 0n lap 01 iho Post Ollie-v “as the hol] nhioh for many year»: was nlanuxlily nperalod. imnlrdialriy “Mi "1' llw i’ml (lifltc is Emir Eve 5 hardware stare. which nus lulu-n uu-r in IEIIIS in his hrutilcr Ray and William Cnlnpbell. when Mr. Tim t‘nlvrml .\' iunul YMCA “ark. ii has remained (0 tin- present under ilw name ni‘ ('umpin‘li and Boil. chl flour “as "In real csille niiin- M J. T. n'i‘unncli and occupied Jnlnliv niiil 1hr CPR i-prrens (‘um- pnny fnr mam war“. \lmvo \rm‘ ihr law niiiro oi [innit-i D'Cnnnoll. Nut “as Rn)‘: Silltliu. badlv Ilnnlnzmi hv lire January Ii? 1901. and an Illa small annin: is‘ the name Gnu-n. bollnved in ho Crux-n s Qindln The niiu-r awning can-hm lhc nnmr of “2 li. Grvairu's llruz Stun (in "10 rnrnrr and not shnnn in lhr‘ pluluro um‘ )iarilnnaid's Drug Sluru, later owned 1 by W. J. Koni [or mnnv wnrx. ...., /, r H .1?! 5’ wwfluu. mm.‘ “min \T 37‘ Pl’Tli: c V\[‘I)IT0HHTH I . ’prh (lain‘ivzi J