‘ REFLECTI'EWS †()F Walkerton’s Past ‘ RY The Cordwaiï¬er The. Church That Became A Factory The Chureh ol England wat- shippers [nnw Anglican] wera probably the firs! seNlers here |u esiabllsh a regular worship servicea T‘Ie firs! semen were held m Joseph Walker’s Tavern. In M58, Thomas Todd gave lhern land cm which h, area a church. This was on Willoughr by’s hill [close In where the waler tower is now]. There was already an Angllcan cam. my on vhe hill and a church wa> soon lcmll‘ nearby Unlor- lunalely, lhe foundavlon was found In be deladive, ea me church was never used. Abaul IBM a red hrirh (hurch was built al' the earner \, Szofl and Péler Shes“ aeph Walker, who was lrymg ï¬onrrdrlxc me Mm, damned lmld Fn. sud! an early dale, me chnreh was large, and bezamo even larger when an addiuon was added lever. ln I909 a m... mm, Ray, Perduc came. He was so en- lhussd abcul bullding a new :hurzh ma! by lVll he Hid rnrsed enuugh Funds m praceed; and rho present beautiful church was erecled on Hm corner of Colborne and Jane Streak Yhe old churzh was vacated Fur a few years lhe amply church was used by a saddlcmaker. Then, m m9 rm- emp'v church found a use, 7 Carl C Larson Srr and Frank Clark from Wuucsvock warned vo esva- blush a melal sramprng mdus- "y, and lound lhe empty church a good ula:9 lo nan. A shnrr llmc lam Farquahar I V .a; h ï¬rm i “at-WI- .w I“ at“: Larsen & Shaw, Furniture Hardware Factory, Walkerton in 1939. The old Anglican Church can plainly be seen engulfed by the Factory. Old St. Thomas’ ('hurcll. Wulkeflon. Ont. Picture. courtesy of Andy McTavish.