; _ I; . NEW EXECUTIVE members of the Bruce East Dlstrlct Women's lnslllule were Installed at lh dlslrlct annual meetlnu. May 30 In Walkerton. From lell: lrom, Lols Frleburger. assistant publl relations nflloer (PM); Margaret lnglls, Tweedsmulr hlstory convenor: Elleen Lamb, treasure Tunla Klngma, program coordlnalor; Llnda Frleburger. past presldelll: Back, Pat Calhoun, I‘ll: vlce-presldem; Darls Osterndorfl, PRO) Lols Ahrens, secretary. Sadie Pllgrlm, presldem. (Hall phvto) . , i " v" w ' ~ MISS GARAGE SALE In reallty Verna Sewers ol the - Greenock Women's Instllute. placed llrsr In a "um-hm: beauty pagem at the Bruce East Dlslrlct woman’s In dlstrlcl annual meetlr‘g ln Walkerton recently. (Flam: iï¬â€˜ (1‘