BEAR EPP, left. director at the Durham Art Gallery and Clndy Carson, admlnlstrator ol the gallery polnt out the tlne detalllng lound In Jop Knechrel's The Secret Slde II. The qullt Is dlsplayed with the underslde lacing both or Walkenon. have thelr qullted and Susan A. Rankln. the vlewer. Ms. Knechlel works on dlsplay at the gallery from Feb. 5 to Feb. 29. (Fast Photo) I {/71 Quilting as an artform gives new relevance There's a new twist to a pioneer tradition at the Durham Art Gallery. Inp Knechtel and Susan Rankin. both of Walkenon. have their variations of traditional quilLs and wall hangings on dis- play in an exhibit entitled Quilted Paths. Durham Art Gallery Admini- strator Bear Epp said the original concept of quilts being strictly for functional use has changed and works like those on display are artforms. “They‘re artists and the me- diums are fabric. just like some deï¬nite difference in style be. tween the two anists. with Ms. Rankin‘s work being more ab- stract and using such materials as ï¬berglass, plastics, stones and wax. Ms. Knechtel prefers the traditional materials, although she has incorporated photographs in one of her walks. She manly uses traditional styles but uses bolder color combinations and has a two-part series on The Secret Side. which takes the viewer to the inside ol the quilL The Quilted Paths runs from Feb 6 to Feb. 29 at the Durham Art Gallery, which is open Tucs- artists use clay." she said. About a dozen pieces can be seen at the Gallery. Time is a day through Saturday. to am. m S l l I fTWO OF THE BEST qulltars ltt Ontario have staged Ihelr thlrd qullt show thls year. Susan ‘ p.m.‘ Rankln. loll, and Jon Knechtel opened lhelr show In walkerton last Wednesday evening. . J, ‘ (I Z