A REFLECTIONS, / 0F " gWalkérton’s Past‘ l l l l I l l BY The Cordwainer iTWoi Hun ' 5E When Thom-a Adair and Ken- neth Kinny stood on the clay hnnhl' north of Walkerton (where Vlllnylide Deielopment ia- now) and looked more tho valley at the future site or Walker-ton. they were directly above the are: that later became Walkertou'n limou- park of the early 19001 man up until some time in 1940. this w“ the one Ind only picnic and swun- ming park ll- Walkerton. and lawn a boil! summer place (ex- cept [or the Incidental 5 Every spring, the town m played two change shed: by the gator“: edgn and placed the '» mkhouu under the hllBe elm tron}. Then rope swing. were hung mm the hlgh elni tree hrunehu. 1116 thy wnter wan men turned on. to (lowlrrom the town supply {or plenicken. The all: was mowed. the hall diamond. as ouch, levelled and. wrinnt here. ‘ . For the next law month. the hills I'IIIE with the round] 0' summer fun. A stout wiro was strung heron the river in. a hand-hold. so swimmers could undo the shallows and climb and slide the slippery‘clay bank: to hint in the deep hole on the north side of the river. The more daring climbed higher to where the sand swallow nested by the hundreds. It was "the" spot for church pleura. factory pit-nics, family municns, or inst I day in the run. an a nice weekend, it was really crowded. Come fall. me huildlngl were movod from the flood plain, the water turned oil our] the swings taken down Immu- was (Naming. ----------------- tired At AThiar The Cordwainer Wm’flzï¬mâ€™ï¬ SWIMMING HOLES Long before the days of swim. mlng pools, the kids lived in the water during the hot months. just as much as they do today. M doubt they swam and played under more dangerous condi- tions than presently. but maybe that added to the fun. Probably the most popular swimming hole in Walkerton in the 1930’s was at the “head- gates.†This spot was situated just below the gates that con trolled the waters that ran Into the mill racc above the Truu factory. On a hot summer day. dozens of kids gathered here. The boys changed their clothes while hid- ing under the bougha or a large Willow tree. and the girls came with suits already on under their clothes. It was wonderful, â€" swim» ming under the gutcs, â€" jump ing oft the cross beam or diving from lhe'top. The more advanc- ed swimmers made the quarter mile swnn tn the footbridge hy the factory. Anodler set of gates at the head of the power dam raceway, made a similar swim- ming hole for the kids at the south end of town. A less crowded but popular swimming hole for kids ol‘ the west ward was along the break water behind where Walkenon Motor Sales is now. Many of the braver souls would climb the girders on the west end bridge and lhcrl dive m, to swim to the breakwater. And the “hand†must he men~ tioncd, â€" that ever popular swimmin and« family picnic Dark at the north end of Jack? son Strret. TE staff consists of thril- timo nnd 4 part-time employees under the capable leidership of Mr. Bill Desmond, who has worked many long-howls duflng the months yrevious to the ad miltance of the first resident last spring. preparing programs and wilh‘the varied nspeck of administration. 7 This capable start is on duty 24 hours a day. working with the residents during their transition into communal living. Mrs. Marion Tait. president of the Walkerton Association for the Mentalily Retarded deserves the ultimate credit for her ini- tiative and guidance in the crea- tion and success of Schumacher House. To‘ assist human re- sources to operate at full poten- tial is the answer to many of today’s problems. The Kinsmen 2nd Klnefles Df Walkerton have also worked very hard in the renovations and preparations of Schumacher House. Assistance was also re- ceived in the form of a cash donation from the students of Mildmay Public School To those who have helped in any way with the promotion and success of Schumacher House. thank you all, And to you the public. thank ynu for your enthusiastic supr Opening Of Schumacher House Wednesday evening, Drtoher 15th saw the official opening of SchumachL-r House. a resldence for the trainahle handicapped in Walkcrton. More than 200 people toured the home helwern 7:00 and 9-00 pml talking with the residents \vhlle enjnylng r‘lllfcc, squares anti LOOlUE‘S Tllt' Walkr‘rlnn Association [hr the Mentally Retarded worn very pleased to 5w the intrrcst or so many people in this arrn shuun hy tht turnout. Tllo rK‘Slllt-nls‘ tllrrmsr'h'l'x nort- ll‘llll 1y n-slmnsihlu for mu sucvoxslul w 'lllllllv grunting lhl- vmlwrs ul ll.» [IHIII' Fl’ly'v'll'llllg guldoll lllllls of “W Iliill\t‘. nnll ~I'll'll’lti n llrll u ms lllllih. The main objective of the pro gram at Srhumacher House is to help the trninable handicapped to become assimilated in com munity living and work. and in help line residents bCCOmC conr iitlent, capable cltizens, contri- butlrlg in society. while L‘njoylm: the fromdum and benefits it can gll‘C The term trainahlc handicap pod ls used to clarify the {ins sihle misvnnt‘epllon that Schu» mauher House .nuvlurlrs only the mentally handicapped. Otllt-rs mm ['llykllnl m lmrnlng (1.x alullllr‘s lll'C also Considered 'l'lll- vlsllnrs llf WmlllPSllJV (\'l'llln;: llt‘l mm. would m mm} hwhfy lllul sl-uummhm llnuu- l, [in! :ln lllxlllullun, lull a real home. with a warm family atmosphere. very L‘Ondut‘lve to the personal and social develop~ ment of the residents The hmm- rrmtams nbnnt 2500 square feet of livmg space. in Cludlng IIVL‘ hedrnums, three baths, a large kilcht‘llt living room and dining room and laun dry faullllwe. The cxtrnor i5 mm hclng n» fllrbishml And the grounds lulldr St‘uperl to [no poml Ihat hcforr lung. the home will no duuhl he one ll llu' :lrt‘n" Inlwl bl‘aur l..’lll llolnl'b Th4" l‘C‘SlflffllS ul' lhc adult li‘z'lllllvg lmnw lullsl tlv .nnp‘ny .nl m m» t‘ulllllllllllll. '\l the Int-sum. llll- lunh lit-lululltn lmn until .‘L'l' m as [ho mum inn-mm port and your welcome to the 'Inew residents that was wit- nessed on Wednesday evening