Sunshine Women‘s Institute Tweedsmuir History Book 5 searchable pdfa Moved from area: Esther Ryan (Carl) 50 years Active Life Members: Eunice Hill 48 years Ruby Proudfoot 44 years Beth Guay 42 years Pauline Ryan 41 years Patricia Bradley 37 years Marie Wilkes 37 years Leona Ryan 36 years Yolande Gadouas 28 years The following are our current members: Anne Nicholas, Ruth Proudfoot, Leah Bradley, Lila Howard, Theresa Ryan, Erin Turpin, Georgette Surch, Angela Ryan, Rita Lalonde, Isabel Kinnear and Julie Guay. “Old enough to have made History, Young enough for a great Future.†Sunshine has been proud to be associated with the Fournier community over the years and extends warmest greetings to the souvenir book committee and an- niversary committees of St. Bernard’s Parish. Your efforts are appreciated. Pauline Ryan 18