Sunshine Women‘s Institute Tweedsmuir History Book 5 searchable pdfa and alcohol rehabilitation), Interlude House (battered women and children), Ronald MacDonald House, Rotel, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Haw- kesbury General Hospital, Fournier Children’s Playschool, Maxvillc Co-op Nurs- ery School. So much needs to be done, but we do have to remind ourselves that we have limits. W.I. is not a charitable institution, but rather one of promoting learn- ing, doing and becoming involved. In the ï¬rst 25 years, Sunshine Women’s Institute took an active part with other branches in organizing public speaking contests for elementary school children under the guidance of the Ontario Trustees’ Association. Seeing some children move on to further competition was rewarding. This activity ï¬lled a need for that generation. Today we marvel at the opportunities given our youth in speaking through the educational system and 4-H leadership courses. A Twecdsmuir History, the history of the area and its residents, was started in 1953. Much has been collected about first industries, churches, schools and family properties. This proved to be a place of reference for some articles in this book. History is continuously in the making and the challenge to continue this project has been taken on by all members of Sunshine. With the support of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) and their home economists, many short courses were given to ladies over the years on topics dealing with sewing, cooking, canning and freezing foods as well as child care. This has changed with the times. The trend today is to send two members for course training. They, in turn, act as leaders in teaching local ladies. The latest course on landscaping was given by Marie and Peggy Wilkes. 4-H is another area made available to the youth by OMAF. Sunshine, over the years, has sponsored many 4-H clubs, home economics division, with different members acting as leaders. Today the Rural Organization Specialist (ROS), with the help of volunteers, sets up mixed clubs with a variety of topics of interest to both boys and girls. Currently, the leader of the Riceville 4-H Calf Club is a mem- ber of Sunshine. Opportunities to entertain have been taken; once a year we are hosts to another branch in our district. In January, each year, it is husbands’ and friends’ night when we have a pot luck supper and an evening of entertainment. Each year, we host a birthday party for Maxville Manor residents. It’s an evening for a short entertainment, gifts for the “birthday residentsâ€, lunch and birthday cake for all. These and many other activities have brought enjoyment to many. Support and interest of Sunshine members in the Riceville Agricultural Fair has grown through the years; donations to the fair prize list have grown to $200. Members have been exhibitors and some have served as directors. Serving meals at our local fair, as well as assisting other branches in Prescott District at Vankleek Hill, has been a long-time service which we are happy to perform. 15