Sunshine Women's Institute Tweedsmuir History Book 5 Successful searchable pdfa 'RiCCVille Fair by rum Constantineau RICEVILLE -- This was one of the "most successful" fairs we have had, said Gregory Rynn. Secretary-Treasurer of the Riceville Fair Board. "The weather was a big contribut- ing factor." he said. And, although the ï¬nal ï¬gures are not in yet he estimated that approximately 2,000 people enter- ed the gates at the Riceville fairgrounds last weekend. Aug. 23 to 25. Along with the senior citizens aeti- vitics were events for young people including the children‘s pet and friend show with Sparky the Clown. There was an educational goat display and antique car and machinery displuy which were well received. Ryan said. The Sunshine Branch Women’s Insti- tute was there as well serving up meals to hungry fairgoers, The horse pull featured on Friday evening which is only in its second year drew six teams for the light horse class and nine teams for the heavy horse class from as far away as Gatincuu. Que. (photo by R. Coiislnntineuu) Rhonda Kinnenr of the Riceville Cnlf (.‘luh now only shows hut owns her calf. Rhonda purclinSed Bonnie Burn Imperial Petunia us part ofthe herd she is building for herself -- thondnle Jerseys. Her calf came in first in junior Showmanship, Riccvillc CnlfCluhcompetition: took home the Prescott Countyjunior showmunship championship and came in Second in the confomuition championship. Jersey. In addition to the plaudits she received at the Ricevillc Fair lust weekend for her calf. Rhonda: won reserve grand champion (I! the Avonmore Fair and grand chumpion Ctlil“'dl the Euslern Onturio-Wcstern Quebec Jersey Rally. (l-r) Dinnc Ryan-Shun: presents Rhonda with the Junior Showmanship trophy. 13