Sunshine Women‘s Institute Tweedsmuir History Book 4 MCKINLEY, John Daniel In hospital on September 27. 1993. John. beloved husband of Lucille Lalonde. in his 78th year. Dear lather at John A. (Jack) McKinley. Brother oi Viola Marion. lrere (Mrs. An Brown) of Ottawa: Therese (Mrs. Ray Milletle) at Chicago and Florence Wald at Toronto. Fondly remembered by his grandchildren. Randy and Lisa. Friends may call at the Wheten Funeral Home, 515 Cooper Street (between Bay and L ). on Wednesday lrorn 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 :m. Fir neral Thursday to St. Anthony's Church tor mass at 10 am. interment curran. Ontario. SCOTT, Stunt lri‘Gtengarry Memorial Hospital. Alexandri. on Tuesday. March 17. 1992. Stuart Scot of Maxville Manor, lormerly cl Ricevitle. age 76 years. son at the late Ambrose Scott and the late Nettie Scott Predeceased by one brother Lloyd and one sister Vera. Resting at Munro 8r Morris Funeral Home. Main Street. Maxville. Funeral Service will be held in the lunerat home chapel on Fri» day. March 20, at 2 pm Spring interment Franklins Corner Cemetery. Visitation on Thursday from 2 to 4 pm and 7 to 9 pm. lrrynemorlam donations to the charity at you choice would be appreciated HOULE. Rho-L in hospital on Sunday; October.24, 1993, Rheai'l'iouie. beloved husband oi Leona. Hogan‘mubois). Loving brother oi" Germaine \(Mrls. Guy Frechette). Dear brother-irï¬aw qt Donne Houle and Beatrice Houla. survived by many nieces ’ and nephewsflradeceased by brothers Lumen and Hugh and a sister Gilberto (Mrs. Leslie Hall). Cremationh Mass in Memory willbe held at a later dat. . Funeral arrangements ingcare ohthe Kelly Funeral Home, 2313 Canine Avenue. WATMIER. Rose Ol_St-isidore de Prescott. on March 16. 1992. at the age at 79. Dear wile oi the. late Clement,_Wathrer. She is euwived by her children, Jacqueine (Henry McCullogii). Marie-Marthe (late Alban Grenier). both at anier. Huguette (Gregoire Leroux) of St Bernardo. MarieRe'ne (Roch Leroux) at Orleans. Gilles (lone Clemens) oi Burlingâ€" ton..Je_an-Pierrle (Lise Rouleau) ol Ste-Rose de Prescott. Angeline (Ronald McCullogh) oi Mariam, 3,0,. and Denyse (Michael Stewart) ol Kenxplirille. She '5 also survived by (brother Bruno Laionde (Aline Cer~ here). oi Alexandria. 1 sisterâ€"in-law Vvette Lalopdeol St-Eernardln and 26 grandchil- aen and,6.greai~grandchildren. She will be ‘ resting at the Joseph Roy Parish Hall 'in St- bodore de Prescottfuneral Service wil be held on Thursday. March 19. at 11 am. in Stâ€"Bernard Church ot Fournier. Interment in the spring in the parish cemetery. Visitation Wednesday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 pm. Thursday (mm 9 am. until time oi funeral. Donations to Cancer Society would be ap~ predated by the lamiiy. Funeral details were‘ ertlwstéd to Lalieur_ a Robert Funeral Home at Casselman. For intormation please call 443â€"3286. “AN' c1: Li 13 1991 in ion Tuesday. 9'15 r - gmï¬Ã©ar. Beloved husband at A. Esther an: [nee sgpir). Dear brother‘ol Eliza- hem (Bém),.Giray and the late Clifford and Murray Ryan. and-Edna Shaver. Also surâ€" vived by several nieces and nephews. and geamieoes apo‘nephews, Friends may call at the Central Chapelrol Hulse, Playlair a MoGarry. 315 McLeod Street. on Thursday [mm 2 i6 4 and 7 to 9 pm. Funeral servtce m the Chew) on Friday at 1 interment Franklin Corners Cemetery. RiceViiie. Ontar- io, in lieu oi llowers donations maybe made to the Canadian Diabetes Assoctation or the Bible Society. HAMELIN. Marc in Montreal on February 12. 1992. at the age ol 57. Husband ol Leona McAiiister. laA ther oi Carole (Jean Belisle), Montreal. Syl- vain and Michel (Repenligny). grandialner cl Melissa. Sandra. Vanessa. Brother oi Ger raldirie (Laurent Lemieux). Ottawa: Carmen (Bud Gimblelt). Oshawa: Jean (Gisele Brazeau). Plantagenet. He also leaves his mother-in-law Gertrude McAlIisler. as well as numerous brothers and sisters-iri-law. nieces and nephews. Resting at Lamarre & Fits. Allred. Ontario. Friday. February 14, 7 to to pin. Funeral service at 4 pm. Satur- day. February 15, at St. PauFPientagenai Church, thence to perish cemetery. LABRECHE.Jean-Louis . On Tuesday. Novem~ ber 12. 1991. Jeanâ€" Louis, age 42 years. husband of Marie Granger. Dear lather oi Anick and Mathieu. Dear son of Leona (Denis La» . breche) and the late Georges Labreche. Brother ol Conrad (Claudette Bercier) oi Plantagenet. Gerard (Lucille Chenier) oi Orleans. Jean-Marie ol Aiired. Rene [Suzanne Bourdeau) oi Or- leans, Rev. Sister Georgette Labreche at Montreal. Odette (Real Berube) cl Hearst. Denise (Guy Larose). Diane La- breche, both at Gatineau and Helene La- breche ot Orleans. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Resting at The Kelly Funeral Home. 2370 St. Joseph Blvd. Or- leans. where the lamin will receive friends lrorri 7 to 10 pm. Thursday and from 2 to -4 and 7 to 10 pm. Friday. Funeral Saturday to St. Joseph Church. Orleans. for Mass of Christian Burial at 11 am. interment St. Bernard's Parish Cemetery. Fournier. Ontar- io, at 1 pm. Donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Canadian Cancer Society appreciated. ; SHANE, Lambert (Bert) l Mr. Lambert (Bert) Shane passed away at j the Cornwall General Hospital on Thursday, - March 19, 1992. age 66 years. Mr. Lambert ‘ Shane of 9 Anthony Street. Cornwall. On- r tario. beloved husbandol Lois Muldoon. Dear son of the late Dora Margaret McAllis» r tar and the late Ernest John Shane. Loved ; father of Ronald Joseph. Kenny, Kevin. Ar- lene Lauzon. Marilyn Shane, Marie (Mrs Richard Regnier). Sandra Shane. and Cathy Leger. all of Cornwall; and Deborah (Mrs. Reg Golhard] ol Ingleside. Ontario. Dear brother ol Evelyn (Mrs. Keith Warren). Green Valley. Ontario: Lewis,_Carleion Place. Ontario; Marion Leblanc and Jean (Mrs. Jack Price). Ray and Arnold of Corn- wall. Piedeceased by 1 brother Eric. Also survived by 13 grandchildren Terry. Tammy. Tommy. Jason. Sherry. Kevin. Joey. Megan. Melanie. Christopher. Kayla. Chad, and Va- nessa; and 1 great-grandchild Jena La- pierre. Resting at the Wilson Funeral Home, 822 Pitt Street. Cornwall. lrom 2 pm. Sat urday. March 21. 1992. Funeral services will be held in St. Peters Roman Catholic Church lor Mass at the Resurrection with Commendation and Farewell on Monday. March 23. 1992. at 11 am. Rite oi Commit- ial St. Josephs Parish Cemetery, Lemieux. Ontario, at a later date. Visitation Saturday and Sunday 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 pm. and Monday trorri 9:30 am. until the Funeral Rite. if so desired contributions to the Eest~ ern Counties Lung Association would be apprecraiedby the lamiiy. LALONDE. Laurette Suddenly at home on Tuesday. February 25. 1992. at age 69. Dear sister of Dorima. Laurent. Lucien and Gerard Dear aunt ol Liliane McKennirey. Friends may call at Ra- crne. Robert and Gauthier. 260 Besserer Street. Ottawa. between 2 to 5 pm. and 7 to 9 pm. Sunday. Funeral Monday. March 2. e1 11 am. at Paroisse Ste. Anne. 528 Old St. Patrick. HOWES. Edith Mabele Passed away peacelully at home. sur- rounded by her beloved lamlly. alter a cou- rageous battle with cancer. on January 19. 1992. Edith Barton. beloved wile 0t Lloyd Howes. RE. 2. Daikeith. Dearly loved moth- er ol Shirley (Stella). Vankleek Hill; Carmin (Doreen) and Murray (Lillian). Dalkeilh; Lois Meaty, Sault Ste. Marie: Ray (Linda). Martintown; Dorothy (Dave Read). Port- land. Ontario: Garry (Cathy). Moose Creek; Donna (Wayne McMillan). Alexandria; Lyle (Barbara). Dalkeit‘n: Harold (Kathy). Beamsvilie, and Connie (Ken Davrdson). Ottawa. Much loved by 26 grandchildren. Dear sister at Robert Barton. Jean Schai. Beatrice Wilkins and Dorothy Munroe. Pre- deceased by tour brothers and three sisters. Friends may call at Hilicrest Funeral Home. l51 Bond Street. Varikleek Hill. Ontario on Monday January 20. 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 pm. Funeral service in St. John’s Anglican Church. Vankleeir Hill on Tuesday. January '21 at 2 pm. In iieu of (lowers. memorial doâ€" nations to the V.O.N.. Eastern Counties . Branohwouldbeappreclated. l9 searchal)le pdfa LAPENSEE. Llumtl ' « , At the Ottawa Gen- eral Hospital. on her birthday, January 1, 1994. in her 9151 year. Laurette ‘. Lapensee (nee . Tierney) at I Plantagenet. ' » . ' beloved wild at the late Joseph Lapensae. Daughter ot the late John James Tierney and the late Catherine Lapalrne. Dear mother of Marcella Downs. Agatha. Monique (Jacques Beauchamin). Robert (Louise Lagault). Lise Dervin. Nicole (Retean Belanger). and Jacques (Micheline Lelebvre). Predecaased by 5 children. Marie-Marthe. Jean-Marie. Laurent. Gilles and Marguerite-Maria. Sis- ter of Rose Theauvette. Also sadly missed by many grandchildren. great‘ grandchildren. nephews and nieces. Rest- ing at Lamarre a. Son Funeral Home. 398 Water Street. Plantagenet. Ontario. Friday. January 7. from 7 to 10 pm. Service Saturday at 2 pm. at St. Paul's Church of Plantagenet. Saturday visitation from 12:30 9'!"- CONNORS, John Horton Peacefuliy at the Hawkasbury General Hospital. on Sunday, November 14. 1993, John Horton Connors of Little Rideau. Ontario. in his 84th year. Beloved husband of Kathleen Montgomery. Loving lather ct Barbara of Montreal. Quebec: Linda (Clarke) of Orleans. Ontario; Ken 01 Guelph, Ontario; Bill. Bob and James all at Hawkesbury. Ontarlo. Dear brother at Margaret McNie ol Vankleek Hill. Ontario and Edith Stevens of Danville. Quebec. John was loved by his six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Friends may call at the Hillcrest Funeral Home, 151 Bond Street (corner cl Stanley Street). Vankieek Hill on Tuesday. November 16. 1993 from 1 to 5 pm. and from No 10 pm. Funeral Serrice on Wednesday. November 17. 1993 at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. Hawkesbury at 1:30 pm. interment at Chute a Blondeau Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations to the VON can be made . atthe Hillcrest Funeral Home. and would be gratefully appreciated by the lamily. CURRAN. Elsie Suddenly in hospital. at Hawkesbury. on Thursday. March 25. 1993. Elsie Curran. in her 72nd year. beloved wrle oi Stuart Cur- ran ol Hawkesbury. Ontario. Loving mother 01 Joan (Mrs. Laurent Garceau) oi Lasalle. Ontario. and Dor's (Mrs. Lorne Sinclair) of Toronto. Ontario. Dearest grandmother of 7 grandchildren. Dear sister at Marion (Mrs. George Cole) 01 Lachule. Quebec. and Grace (Mrs. Walter Eilingham) of Ashton. Ontario. Predeceased by her sisters. Violet and Laura. Sadly missed by her brother-in- taw. Tom and his wife. Phyllis Curran. oi Martintown. Ontario. Friends may call at the Hillcrest Funeral Home. 151 Bond Street (corner at Stanley Street). Vankleek Hill. on Friday lrorn 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 pm. Funeral Service. Saturday at 2 pm. at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. Hawkesbury. Those who wish. may make a memorial donation to the Heart and Stroke Foundation at 0n- tario. Prescoll~Russeil Chapter. PO. Box 361. Hawkesbury. Ontario. K6A 282. D’AOUST, Lucien Alter a briel illness at the Cornwall General Hospital on Sunday, February 23. 1992. in his 86th year. Formerly oi Cornwall. Beloved husband at Gertrude Farrell. Dear lather of Rita and sonâ€"in-lavv Roger G. Leblanc. Dear ’ brother at Gracia Duportt and Gilberte Bou- lianne. Kapuskasing. Ontario, Yvonne Du» ' pant; Ottawa and Paul-Henri. Burnaby. B. C. Also sinived by 4 granddiildren. Robert. Richard. Rachelle and Roxanne. Prede- ceased by 3 brothers Rerni. Homer and Ar~ mend. Also survived by 3 sisters-in-law. Maâ€" rielle D'Aousl oi Orleans. Catherine D'Aoust 3 cl Kapuskasing and Cecile D'Aoust oi Sud- ‘ bury. The lamity wil receive relatives and I lriends al Boulerice Funeral Home Ltd. 218 ' Montreal Road. Cornwall. [ram 10 am. Wednesday. February 26m. until time of lu- ' neraL Fineral Mass ‘n Nativity Co-Cathedral at 2 pm. lollowed by cremation. in lieu (oi flowers donations to the Cancer Society or charity at your choice would be appreciated by the lamiy.