Sunshine Women's Institute Tweedsmuir History Book 4 searchable pdfa <47. . 50cm NNIVERSARY 50 th Anniversary Sunshine Women’s institute Ruby Proudfoot, Area President & Leah Bradley of Sunshine W.l. our the 50th Anniversary cake CALEDONIA TWP. â€" Decked out in the blue and gold colours of the Women’s Institute, Sunshine W.I. members welcomed guests to their 50th anniversary evening at the Community Centrehere June 16. It started June 8, 1938 and names on the first executive include Alma McGillvaryI Alice McCusker, Hannah Kinnear, Millie Wilkes, Sadie Sproule, Violet Bradley, Ethel Surch, Char- lotte Scott, Stella Lalonde and Charlotte Sloan. Emcee for the evening was Leah Bradley, Sunshine W.I. president and introduc- tions were made by Marie Wilkes. Guest Don Boudria, MP for GlengarryPrescott- Russell, remarked that the W.I. motto of “Home and Country†was never more important than in today‘s society. The MP presented achievement certificates to the branch with congratula- tions from Prime Minister Brian Mulroney; John Tur- ner, leader of the opposition, and a special plaque from his own office. . in memory of the many members who have passed away since the 1938 founding there was a reading from the Bible, 3 song in tribute and two minutes of silence. Sunshine W.I. correspon- dent Pauline Ryan reports on the address given by guest speaker Margaret Munro, president of the Federated Women’s Insti- tutes of Ontario. by Pauline Ryan It is good to remember, without dwelling on the past. We must concentrate on the present with the future in mind. These were the opening remarks of guest speaker Margaret Munro. She spoke on the structure of the W.I. describing the branches as the grass roots where the needs of the people and community are kept in mind. The Institute, she said. has woven itself inâ€" to the fabric of every comâ€" munity. She referred to the WI. movement as allowing for :selt-growth and learning for v its members at all levels. When one door closes in life, another opens. So much depends on one’s perspective and attitude; whether it is seen as work or enjoyment and accomplish: ment. 08 Mrs. MunT) remarked she I had never spoken to such a mixed age group of ladies and visiting gentlemen. She referred to today‘s genera- tion gap and described life . as a two-way street where all must be tolerant as we learn from one another. The highlight was her . message to the young ladies to become ‘Women In- volved’. “Don’t give up! Do what you can when you are able! " There will be. times when you can offer more; there will be times when you can offer much less. Work or responsibilities in the W]. was never intended' to be shared equally. What is most important is your in- terest and support. Always remember that others have faced and sur- vived the same challenges as yours. No one is more un- derstanding and willing to fill in the gaps when working with younger members than the seniors. What they lack in speed, they make up in experience and having extra time. In expressing thanks to Mrs. MunroY Isobel Kinnear referred to her message as refreshing and encouraging. ; She, for one, finds it difficult ‘ to meet all family needs and give enough time to the In- stitute. Don't give up lsobell Together we can all work to . tmon anehinn etrnno Life Membership â€" a pin and certificate for 25 year's membership was presented to Yolande Gadouas by Mrs. Munro, assisted by Lila Howard. Ten members were preSented with their F.W.l.0. pins. The History of Sunshine as well as the names of all us members over the 50 years was put together in a souvenir booklet and was available for anyone present. To add some humour to the evening a skit “How the World Sees the Institute" was presented by all mem- bers with Marie Wilkes as leader. Ruth Proudfoot extended the courtesy remarks at the end of the evening program.