Sunshine Women's Institute Tweedsmuir History Book 2 searchable pdfa SUNSHINE W.I. 1997-1998 MAY 15, 1997 President Erin McBride welcomed ï¬fteen members and six visitors to the May meeting held at the home of Pat Bradley. Yolande Gadouas was able to be with us after several months of illness. Guest speaker was Debbie Luce of Metcalfe, a herbalist with a business called “Herbs for all Seasonsâ€. Debbie has studied and learned about many kinds of herbs and their uses. She has a green house, display garden , and a mail order catalogue featuring skin and body care products. She stated that herbs are being rediscovered and should be used to compliment other forms of medicine. The Manor Birthday Party was planned for June 26‘h and a trip to Morrisburg was discussed. The District Centennial Tea will be held on June 7‘“. A social hour followed with a delicious lunch. JUNE 24, 1997 At the Maxville Manor Birthday party gifts of corsages, photos and cookies were given to seven birthday celebrants. Entertainment was provided by dancers Melanie Proudfoot, Sasha Nicholas, Leigh-Ann and Hannah Wilkes. James Dixon and the Old Time Fiddlers provided music for the evening. Erin McBride was MC. for the occasion. During the business it was decided to donate the cost of two plaques to the 4H Beef Club. Twenty dollars will be donated towards the cost of cake to be served at the C.C.E.A. as part of the 100th anniversary celebrations. An invitation to Cassbum W.l.’s 50'h anniversary was received. JULY 18, 1997 Members met at the home of Janna Remond for a “pot luck lunch†to meet and welcome four children from Belarus. The children are staying with the families of Janna Remond and Eileen Garde. With the help of a video and the many interesting anecdotes of her May trip to Russia, Eileen Garde took us to the homes of these children, meeting their families and visiting their schools, even experiencing a “Village Picnic†with brown bread, boiled eggs, potatoes, and fish stew. We got a closer look at “Red Square†and Moscow. The evening concluded with a pot luck lunch. 40