Sunshine Women's Institute Tweedsmuir History Book 2 searchable pdfa The Roll Call -- a done ion for the library netted $90.00. The branch contributed an equal amount rea iZing $180.00 for the Municipal Library at Stlsidore. A fruit basket, prepared by Ruth and Eileen Garde , is to be given t Yolande Gadouas. Anne demonstrated a miniature covered basket ( a Christmas tree decoration) which was made by the members. JANUARY 1997 January was a holiday month. FEBRUARY 19,1997 The l00th Anniversary Meeting of the W.l. was hosted by Ruth Proudfoot and convened by Lila Howard. Erin McBride lit a candle to celebrate 100 years of Women's Institute. Leah read the orignal minutes of the ï¬rst meeting held at Stoney Creek-â€"- lOO years ago. District President Frankie Higginson dropped in for a short visit, as she did to all branches,, either afternoon or evening. She talked about 100 years of W1. and asked us to keep up our enthusiasm working together into the next century. The Roll Call "What have I accomplished with a Women's Institute lifcskill?"Many answers referred to the ability to meet new people and to speak to a group with ease. Lila; as convenor of the meeting , followed the suggested theme -â€" Do you know that ------------ and with the help of readers set up a display of mop dolls depicting life skills taught over the years to W.l. members through workshops. Lila stressed that branches are a strong part ofthe Wl. organization. A reporter from the Review dropped in to take a picture of the members and get a short account of the branch's history. Sunshine paid $30. towards the two page display in the Review of W.l."s l00th Anniversary. The regulaar meeting followed with the treasurer showing a balance of $1936.99. Pauline reported on the district meeting held on Feb. 3rd and Anne on a restructuring meeting. The lunch served by Eunice Hill and Ruby Proudfoot also followed the suggested menu of ICC years ago. It consisted of egg and cucumber sandwiches, buttermilk tea biscuits with strawberry jam, sugar cookies, ginger bread cake, and whipped cream. <17 27