Sunshine Women‘s Institute Tweedsmuir History Book 2 searchable pdfa OCTOBER 1996 No formal meeting was held in October. It was replaced by a C.P.R. course on Saturday, October 29th in South Plantagenet Municipal Hall. Cost was $25.00 --â€" twenty-four participants took part and brought their own bag lunch. NOVEMBER 21,1996 This meeting convened by Ruth Proudfoot began with a guided tour of the local library at St.lsidore. The librarian, Huguette Bourdon spoke about the history, structure, circulation, operation and budget of the library. She also talked about changes which might take place after amalgamation. The meeting continued at Janna Remond's home. Marie Wilkes was welcomed back after a fiveâ€"month illness, Valerie Reid as a new member. Present also were visitors Zeta Davidson and Eileen Garde. Treasurer's report showed a balance of $2445.29. Two ten dollar prizes were donated for 4H Awards night to be held at St. Bemardin on Nov.29th. A gift of $25.00 was given to Fournier Ladies Softball team. A donation of one hundred dollars was given to Bob the Beaver Fund -F.W.l.C. As well, twentyâ€"five dollar donations were sent to the Erland Lee and Adelaide Hoodless Homes. Not a W.l. project, but some W.l. members catered a dinner for a car rally and raised $623.24 for the Chernobyl children. Ruth and Erin reported on the Fly High convention, a W.l. project held at Cornwall. Dr. Linda Ambrose, author of "The Centennial History of the Women‘s Institutes in Ontario," was one of the guest speakers. Erin reported on the Area Convention held in Perth and the W.l. tartan being introduced. The next area convention will be held at Carp on Oct. 20, 1997. Ruth reported on a restructuring meeting. Prescott has been paired with Russell. There will be a joint district annual Monday, May 26th at Cumberland United Church beginning at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Anne reported on the recent District Board of Directors meeting. DECEMBER 19,1996 Anne Nicholas was hostess, convener, and on the lunch committee for Sunshine's Christmas meeting. 26 are