Sunshine Women's Institute Tweedsmuir History Book 2 searchable pdfa 'l'hirteen ladies met at the home ofDarlene Hackett .The Treasurer reported a balance of$1653.35 and $119.84 petty cash. Maxvile Manor has requested that we sponsor the July birthday party in 1996. It was decided to sponsor a trophy for the Fournier Women's Ball Club. Convenor Leah Bradley demonstrated three appetizers and they were sampled. Members displayed the appetizers they had bought and commented on them. Recipes were shared and all the food was enjoyed. Darlene Hackett was presented with a W1. Badge. The auction realized $77.60 and $100. was donated to the South Plantagenet Play Group. NOVEMBER. 19,1995, Second vice-president Julie Guay welcomed eleven members to the November meeting at the home of Jenna Remond. Ten W.1.History books will be ordered and Julie reported that the ball club trophy had been won by Diane Henry. Ruth Proudfoot reported on the Children‘s Day held at the S.P.Hall where the W.l. had sold sandwiches, hot dogs ,cheesecake,cookies and coffee. The proï¬t of At the December meeting the members will each give ï¬ve dollars to be given to South Plantagenet Library for book purchases. The district pens were displayed with several being sold. The roll call was "Name a favourite toy or book of your childhood". Ruth invited Jenna Remond to tell us about the SP. Play Group , a volunteer group that has been organized and maintained for eighteen years.A rocking chair will be purchased with our donation. DECEMBER 18,1995. Anne Nicholas was hostess for the December meeting with ten members and one visitor present.A Christmas card to the W.I. from Esther Ryan was circulated along with a tape of memories. The ladies decided to purchase a centennial rose.A cheque for eighty dollars l7