Sunshine Women‘s Institute Tweedsmuir History Book 2 searchable pdfa JULY 20,1995. in place of a regular meeting, the Sunshine W.l. ladies sponsored the Maxvilie Manor Birthday Party . Entertainment was provided by the Pontiac Jazz group from Quyon.Que. There were seven birthday guests and they each received a sun catcher as a gift. Lunch was served by the members and other family attending the special evening. AUGUST 10,1995. Twelve members met at Julie Guay's home . After the Manor party , the balance on hand was $798.17 plus $32.50 petty cash. The group is invited to visit Plantagenet Branch on Sept. 6th at Pendleton Church. The Area convention will be held on Oct. 16th at Embrun with the cost being $28. The members agreed to send 2 tickets to the District President, Mrs. Boa, for meals at Riceville Fair. Participants in the Fair Follies at the Riceville Fair will be Jenna, Darlene, Anne, and Julie or Erin. SEPTEMBER 21,l995. Lila Howard welcomed 13 members and two visitors (the guest speaker ,Pat McBride and Alma Presley from Plantagenet ) to our September meeting at the South Plantagenet Hall. Erin McBride introduced her sisterâ€"in-law Pat , who had had a liver transplant in July 1994, and Pat shared with us what her life had been like before and after the transplant. Her sense of humour and attitude were admired by all. She brought information about the M.O.R.E. (Multiple Organ Retriaval & Exchange Program) and donated two T-shirts with Anne and Lila being the lucky winners of the shirts. ' Erin reported that Sunshine placed 3rd out of 13 exhibitors at the C.C.E.A. Nine members will attend the Area Convention with Ruth being the delegate. Roll call was "Have you considered signing a donor card?" late entries for 1995 - see pg. 169 - 170 12 12