Sunshine Women's Institute Tweedsmuir History Book 2 searchable pdfa SUNSHINE W.l. l995-l996 MAY 18, 1995, President Lila Howard thanked Patricia Bradley for hosting the May W.l. meeting for 41 consecutive years , and presented her with a gift â€" a W.l. mug. Di Jaggassar from Maxville was welcomed to the meeting . An Eastern Ontario Area Rally has been planned for June 24th at Kemptville College. Following a discussion it was decided to serve one meal at Riceville F air from 3-6 pm. on the Saturday .The branch will pay the cost of program books this year. Leah Bradley gave a report on the District Annual which was attended by 72 ladies.At this meeting , Jolene Bradley and Rhonda Kinnear were presented with scholarships. A donation of $175. was made to the Fournier Scouts to support their summer trip to New Brunswick Ruth Proudfoot introduced the video, "The W.l. Story" which told about the beginning of W.l. and looked at where we are now and where we are going . Pauline Ryan displayed the Tweedsmuir Histories and the entries for the past year were read. Ruby Proudfoot will continue with the year ahead and Pauline will complete the History volume later. Roll call was a plant exchange. JUNE 29,1995, Four visitors from Greenlane attended our June meeting at SF. Hall. It was decided to donate $30. to the C.C.E.A. with Erin McBride to choose the categories for which it would be used. Erin updated us on her involvement as a member of the Homecraft Division where she represents the Eastern Ontario Area. Sunshine will exhibit six articles. The Maxville Manor Birthday Party was planned for July 20th at 7 pm. Lila Howard convened the program on "J udging Standards".Members judged lemon pie, bread, tea biscuits,jelly and relish.Contests were won by Leah Bradley and Ruth McMillan . Sunshine will provide 24 pics , 8le. beans , and 8 volunteers for the Vankleek Hill Fair. 09