‘ Searchable Stewartville Tweedsmuir History 7 Book 1 digitized by Jim Austin Origin of the W . I. --5_- In 1898 these progressive Institute women begs: writing papers for the Farmer's Institute meet: ings in other countries and shortly afterward: they began writing articles for several agricultural publications. This, together with the fact that the Mother Institute in the earliest days, had been a ward of the Governmer and placed under the Jurisdiction of the Dept. of Agriculture, did much to spread the gOSpel of the Women's institute to other parts bï¬ the provinces. In 1900 the Institute began to co-operate with other women's organizations in matter 0 pertaining to women and children. Gradually their work extended more amdï¬â€™more into the community. During the First Great War. the Hother Institute endeavoured to do her hit. Since that time, community work had claim: . -ed her attention. Valuable assistance has been rendered the library, community park, schools etc.. and thanks to the W.I. every school today in Saltflset is under the super» vision of a properly qualified school nurse. The members are very proud of their pin -ichosen in 1903, and I trust each member is endeavouring to live up to the ideals em- bodied in the constition and in our motto. penned by Laura Rose Stephen in 1902. "FOR HOME AND COUNTRY". the underlying principies 01 of which are co-operation and service based upon kindness and love. "Long may our Institution stand, To bless the home and native land, Aye, stand undaunted in its might, For home and Country, God and Right.“