MISS BESS McDERMAND 1534-1939 M133 MARY A. CLARKE _ 19394945 MISS ANNA P. LEWIS 1945- " 994$Wifis§§ï¬ifllflhlltitt§ï¬ï¬Â§ï¬ï¬‚ï¬iis was well qualiï¬ed to become the fourth Superintendent of Ontario Women's Institutes. She came from a farm home in Elgin County and was a mad Hate of Mscdonald Institute, Guelph and Teacher's College. Columbia Uni; versity. For a short time Miss McDermand had been on the Ontario Women’s In- stitute stuff and was assistant Super- intendent of the Women's Institutes In the brief time frome‘igaggleydlï¬ Jim Austin‘ . 'n which she served. so cl ’ ieducstional program of the Woman; Institute was placed on} co-opera v; basis offering: a deï¬nite outline .0 study in Home Economics in all its phases, and developing the members of the local Institutes by prowdimz lace} Leader. Training Schools for members appointed to not as leaders . . key with the understanding that t would conduct the local study groups. Many women in every part of the pro- vince found a new 303' in homemolnng' and a keen desire for further knowâ€" lodge. in Alberta and also on the staff of the extension service of Columbia and Cornell Universities, U.S.A. Miss McDermand had 1|. keen una- Iytical mind and devoted her energies to raising the standards of home- making to the highest level. She looked upon homemaking as a science, and the Women's Institutes as :1 means of furthering adult education in all that would assist women in the noble vocation of homemaking. MISS MARY A. CLARKE. 1939-1945 '_ Ma A. Clarke MA. joined the stail' as Superintendent in January IQSQi‘JI'i‘: thigposiï¬on she hrouoht an unusually ï¬ne personality and equally ï¬ne aesdemic qualiï¬cutlons. Miss Clarke whose home won in Palmerston. Wellington County. is a note in Household ~liloonormcs_from Toronto University and holds an .A. degree from palm-ulna University, New Yorlc. Up to the time of her IpDDlI‘IIEIBn‘. a Superintendent she taught on the stafl' Macdonald Institute, Guep . I at Miss Clarke admirably wulded the destiny of the Institutes through the critical war period. Through these war years which were years of_mueh testing for Women’s Institutes, Miss Clarke never wslverednu holding us ï¬rmly to duty and in keeping us in remembrnnee of the high ideals and standards of our organization. As well as zuldmiz we‘deshny of our In- stitubes Miss Clarke ably noted as President of the Queen s Park War service build. a,“ organization of the women members of the Cinl Service Associath of Ontario. 1945 Miss Clarke joined the Department of Education stafl as In- spectld‘r of Home Economics for the Prownce of Ontano. Our best make: go with her in her work. Miss Anna P. Lewis, ILA. present Director > succeeded Miss Mary A. Clarke a Superintendent in July. 1945, and already has won the hurts of all those with whom she has some in contact. The daughter of a Women's Insti- tute member, Miss Lewis was born on a farm near Newmnrket. As I girl she was active in Junior Institute work. The help and encouragement received in this work influenced her to study Home Economics. Following gnduation_ï¬rom the University of Toronto Miss Lewis completed llfll‘ student dietitian internship It the Toronto General Hospital, her teacher training at the Ontario College of Education and has taken postgrad- uate work at Columbia University. She has had a successful and varied career as dietitian at. the Weston Senstarium and Cornwall General Hospital and as a teacher of Home Economics at the Vocational School. St. Thomas. Miss Lewis has always had a ï¬ne sense of community responsibility. Since assuming oï¬ice Miss Lewis has expanded the program in Home Eco- nomics education, stsï¬' salaries have been improved and under her guid- ance many new Institutes have been formed. With her sincere and enthusiastic interest in Institute work. her- know- led e and appreciation out rural lif on her kindly understanding gaff ulity we have high hope for _e fu- ture progress of our organization. (contributed by Miss Edith Collins)