Glasgow (-lihfllw lnitul Umrdt is telnbnlim; its .‘Uth anniwr- .sar.‘ nn Suntan), Etta) it}. The church has Hflitiallyyps mm m “w laht Sum-din} in May, 197:â€, ant-r a ymr lung cran- .str.ctivw. [Alt-gram, for thy lwk’lJ.‘ arm nut; 11cm» tin-mm thu L‘hhtu‘l and a lntlllkttk'dlflt‘l' mu plat'l'd tn thy bflhl'nxl'lfl Mn 1hr mvrflnw‘ (mum. Uurre undd hour lhl' wraicv. -\t tht- muniw; \lJi’ViCt', Hm. ‘fl‘ l-La CuuMuI Hmcnmnr. mm:- man at me Rtflren‘t’rcsbgter)’, receide the keys ut the church [mm Andrew Hamitum, the chairman or Lh u bun rd of trustw 5. Rev. H. G. Newman, the Iiraes‘tde minister Mmalso ser- wd the Glam“ church, made the pasmnl prayer. He .1130 read messages utgreaingtmm Rm'. (LA. Puttunham n! Trm- Lon. I tanner pastor, and Rex. D.H. Roadhouse n! Amprtor." The C-taszuw church their was accompanied by the late Mrs. Celeau Humlllan It the organ. An ("tuning service wan alm ï¬lled and Mr. Newman ha.» in chargu nt the whim. H(' was assisted b) Hm. r\.F.TIylor ut “hitc Lain», Or: the “may C\Vflinfl,.i‘ (hutch mwcr has. held hallo“- t-d b} a pmgram denim-uln- ment in the Ct!m|’l1un|l_\' Hall. Arman: lts participants m-n- Mrs. .\. Jnhn, “alter Rtmtt, Archic Murvh} and .IackCamp- bell. Iva- »isttitu clergy-mm whn bmwht greetings tn the hum†won: Hun. :Umandt‘r Mills ul Ampn‘ï¬r and Hex. C. \‘ias .l anhnitumrh, ï¬rminutly those In Clasmm Statimt usud lu jmmcy tn flow‘urnillo andaltmd Ht‘t‘HCt‘N then». M. nnv [in v Mmuiist wr- \ict‘: were held at [hr arm-I- homer Alt I.Imn_\‘.~ turner. St't'kitiw MN awn held In Datis' Hall mt'r the nld bluckv smith Quip. MIA-r1913 \mm 411(- lummu 'lg't’fl“WJ!D(1H[,I.IHJI'CI’I .‘ut‘rhtt’l'i- mn-hrldtJu-rr.mdlhr mir'ntL-r [nun Inchwinmu‘h mum prude mu ‘ IE‘t-n- mrv mm at L" H: ‘ ' nited To Celebrate 20th {dim Klillt'r 1m: ltznat'll Lawl- lu' um Sept, 2; MikR (inria hand Htlhu'lt .131! “MHz-1n: 'n Ilnmillm un Sept. 16; .md Xitw Jinn Nurtr And [Lanna-tun MC- larim nn Oct. 9. Ike first babics‘ thristmul were Sham" ituu» t'urrcsl, Un- dlmhter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamâ€" es turn-st and Guam Runner: “llmn. the daudtlt-rut Mr. and Mrs. Manly \t‘llum. u“? f. ' ULFA BARF“ holdh a call with MICII :x a dam-mm mst- “him Ms‘ he addwj that the defurmily bdm‘v but tl H ‘ hrllcr is burn nu his 1m .. \npnnr lumithp. Hr hype-s that the calf farm on Sundae, Mn} "L \[I‘_ will gmn t h ' I†- \' hand) mid he huh r.r\rr'.~u-m :rul, n "I m" mu“ 3â€- 4 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF McNAB .-\ Sanitary Land Fill Area will be opened Tuesdays and Saturdays. from July 4, 1970, during thv huter [rum 9 am. to 8 pm. Loca- tion, [.01 18, Can. 6, off the sixth line; entrance from thv Iurnsttmn HoadV east of the former dumping arvu. New area will be plainly signed. Yer cu-upuratiun is requested. MCNAB TOWNSHIP COUNCIL SIS-2: