1.. I awarmm d m AW- Lu“ sown!" linen“ rant): on Iarsday, Juncil. h ' I sun and owning, ith hold “1 gr; 3;!“ midgseflgt $11.29 First Baptist Church, Ulznï¬lnlllt' (rind: and reilliu-s honored [EEHEHM' M “mm my“. many Mrs. Sam-fl is the former Hilda Simian, iThr cuupir hau- mu" “Warm. Mm Don-um ‘ M Um [Ive lawn madcymï¬gxr" Man' ('91â€"‘le W Juhn. Princer Ride Prince Charles mdc in a car [mm Arnprinr during his stay in (harm. The car was a 1570 plumuculnred Cadillac convertible from ReidBroa.carsalvshcrc.The RnyalCanadinn Mount ed Police pickud the tar up on Thursday and it was med to transport the l‘rim‘c around on Friday mornlm. The RCMP rammed the “princely†car on Friday It Scan! Rainfall Rllnhi‘ in my and June this yen Imounladm vary lime mm Jan thal in the drought year 0(1965. ind JuM rainfall this year amnied in 3.83 induct urhlialhe1965rainnilfor lhe some mmtha measured 1.59 inches. Lust year. rainfall In May and June nmomud In 7.77 inches. loci] meteorologist Tam llavey said ycslerday Hubrier I andrieduplhls year, Untaamcrops Ire geneal- h good snipe. He said that about 48 ï¬rm: of duty ruin would clur w the pasture dryerâ€. Ir. Huey remlriwd that lhe 1965 drought ns blamed on the ink or rain but a greater lacmr in it will thni the previews winter had illlle or no snow and thus winur kill took I great tail that year. Redraw Somh MIA Paul \‘akabunki said In I hisphom inizrvlew yesmrmy that dua lo increasad crop insurance proarlms. hrfnors need no longer [ear manive drum such n 2h. 1m me. Mr. he admlmd um the pmvlnu in: no lurin- lltiou on the inch! dealing with droughts. “Drought: Ira mun-Ii dinners," Mr. Ynklbuski s-1id.addm ihaldm‘ght relief must in unused on M iniividmi hula dependixu on ihl lize And mlznilude oi the probiam.