Stewartville Women's Institute Tweedsmuir History Book Three searchable pdfa THECORPORAUONOF Q THE TOWNSHIP or McNAB R.R.2 ARNPFNOR. ONTARIO numouu: K7S 368 OFFICE: (613) 623-5756 ROADS: (613) W RECREATION: (613) WW9 January 12, 1987 Miss Jessie Smith Secretary Stewartville Women's Institute R.R. 2 Arnprior, Ontario K75 3GB Dear Miss Smith: Your request of December 3, 1986 to name a portion of the 10th line in honour of the Scheel families was dis- cussed by McNab Township Council. At the January 6th meeting a motion was passed by Council that the portion of the 10th Concession Line from old Highway 17 to new Highway 17 be named “Scheel Drive". Signs will be ordered and installed. Thank you for your suggestion and your interest in your community. Yours truly, WW7 W Murray Yanth , A.M.C.T.(A) Clerk-Treasurer MY/jt cc: M. Langford 07