Stewartville Women‘s Institute Tweedsmuir History Book Three searchable pdfa m I H II A n rlor Women 3 Institute secretary Jean Sadler, president Isobel McDowe andpvlce-presldent Aleta Green display the group's histories and awards. WI celebrates 60 years Arnprior’s Women‘s in- stitute celebrated its 60th Anniversary Saturday with an afternoon of tea and lei- lowship at the Oddfellows' Hall on Daniel Street. Nearly (it) women cattte out to join the W.l. as they celebrated a long career of community service. The organization began in 1897 in Stoney Creek, Ontario with the objective to "promote that goal of Household Science." Its stated goal was to improve knowledge and standards of home management and child-rearing in order to generally improve th health of the people. The W.i. has followed that early goal of com- munity service by actively working on the home front while Canadians soldiers were involved in wars. 22 Today they continue their work [or the common good by being active in promoting environmental awarenexs. Arnprior Mayor Pat Robinson addressed the women, acknowledging the way in which they quietly do their important work. The meeting ended with a speech by local historian Leo Lavoie.