St. Andrew's WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Book 9 1988-1991, p. 6

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i arll/z’lr/Ix/m St. Andrew‘s United Church Glanworth Special Service - 10:45 am. Rev. Kenneth Woich will be the Guest Speaker. Everyone Welcome W St. Andrews Church, Glanworfh Celebrates lOOth Anniversary The Home-Coming Weekend for the congregation and lric-nds at St. Andrew‘s United ('hurch, (:lan worth to celebrate HM) yours xn lin- same building was a huge Succin (in Saturday night. .Jum- :l, a sold-out crnwrl alti-nrli-ll a lit-cl barbecue at ihv (llunwnrlh Up limisi llall cnjnying lit-pl. putalm'h, corn. salads and humcmudi‘ pics Replica (‘hurt'ht's marlv ivy ihr children of tho Sunrlav Schlml we-rr- on display, ulnnu with plrlnrcs anti clippings ur the (-nnurcgutinn, tln Sunday. Juno :‘1, at I045 n in an overflow cruwrl iilll'nlli'il lhl- morning scrvict- With llw llt‘V Kenneth Wt'lL‘ll of Winrlnn use uni-st minislvr Mrs .li‘an Willsw. l‘lci'k of Sessinn. hruughl urn-clings [ruin the t-nngrcgatiun to Hi" lurint-r members and ViSItnl's ailt-nrlxnu The Rev ituth Juhnsinn Ki-nin welcomed RW. Kim and llt'lt‘ii hack in their fm‘mor t'uliurcgaliun “radish was nrganinlv Tho itev Wl‘lt‘ll gaw- an lnxpll'lllfl sermon t‘nltllt’ll “A l’nrnerstunc For The licncratum 'l'n i‘umc" At the end at lhi" st-rmnn, hc sang a beautiful snln, "My Faith Has Found A Healing l’lm-c" At ll’lt' curl of the wrvu-i- lht- cungn-gnlmn made a ltcz-nmmilmivni in lht' nt-xi genera lmn of Si Andrt-w's and cloned Willi smitan thi- hymn. "Thy "and. it (ind Has GulrlI-d“ 'rht-n nut lntu lhr- brilliant sun Khlnl' lnr a walk around the Church nr tn n-ni-w nlrl acquaintances or lnaki- m-w lrir-nilshlpx Birthday cnkc amt punch wvrn Ht‘l’VQ‘d hy the MI-n's i'luh 1‘l11'rt' was also a tlisplny ni pic- lurt-s Llnil vanme items pertaining lu llll' history of "to church in the imscmcnt Unt- item at grcnl in- ti-ri-sl was tht- Sill/0r truer used to lay llll' curnt-rstnnc on June 5. 13M, and thvn presentcd in the late ltev The Choir sang twu anihmm t3hnry§ Emu“ [211 Mrs. Marie. St. Andrews Church, Glanwonh To Mark Centennial 0n lune 4-5 St Andrew's tinitt-d (‘hurt-ii. Glanworth. marks thc centennial of the building that lht‘ present can gregation of St Andrews worship in each Sunday in 19ml. The congregation was founded in 1854 and a small church was built on land purchased from Sum Mcv Coll fur the sum of 5 puundsr iiy 1877 it was found that the church was too small and there was also it need for a Sunday School area The architect for the new church was Mr Durand of London. The construction contract was award» ed to Mr. Fawcett oi Strathrny with the stipulation that any usable material from the old building be incorporated into the new. The car- ner stone was laid on June 5. 1888 and all summer the work can tinned until it was completed by November, 1888. The windows are very wide. so wide that a' visiting Irishmautg'egiarked “sump.” my ' ' 9 st ti ncl-(lcri uny bricks" Anuiht't‘ fenturc ul inleer Is llw block hlah up on thi‘ rust side (if the inwt‘r with lht‘ wards "Jehovah .ilrnh" rhlscliul into it Th!l total rust oi the huildlng wus M584 Otl To mark [l'il‘ tooth Anniversary til the building a hnmemmmg Wt'l‘ltk‘l’lrl ls plunned for the llrsl wt-t-kunrl in June On Saturday. June 4 from 5:00 to 7:30 pm a Beet Barbecue Will he held at the Glanwnrth Optirnlsi "all This is by advance ticket on- ly. (‘nll Doug at «52m or Belly at 644-0451. On Sunday. June 5,“ 10:15 n,n1., Rev. Ken Watch of Wtarton will speak at the special Anniversary Service. All members former member! and Mend; - invt ham: lots V l J 1,7 .» ' ya, (‘7 ‘\ ll f4 I vi “S asst QEaa :: mg. 0"“; . min: i - %%Ҥ 3': 2:3“ ‘ : EEEE: ‘ é’EE'aE __ __ ggg g§%§§€ :gagggsg S I slang) firefight" $536258" sang“; 0.. grog >3 .9“ “a... ‘iv'§~~s‘ 33 “a: g 513 259_95065 s>o g “5 meac â€" a 1: E‘EEOZ: gma.wg;2§-s§ ,g gigngescgsggn“;a§ga g5; gig-{25:6 §$'§%3=%§ e_~- 593 ~”' “a. â€" *5 Eitéé-EEM g §g~9§§§~9=5§§53§§33€w k (n l- - -' “2.9 3*§§;g§§ nzségé'3Ҥz” 8 °s 32-51:"; g”: w':s§=§E33 Fag-22m? mining at? o ’ . ~ t- 3 °" 86§§§§_ sgufi'sgc fists 5-32 ; §-525§s-§335*§ a 3%,.3Enghs: 2fi303§3§g°5 E - â€" 5: >5 ‘u -§ 25$ E§£§2§s§§sss§§és§ no a a :._- g3 13' - § stag e§§§§= sagszgu 5§= 3a Sing-e S ,V’ 5.53 g 5 sagas-s £5- e . â€" eggs 1M 5% Big E 5 £5 33259-953, : t ‘ :53; 3 ‘ fig” 8‘ s 5 . si'i: g 3 3‘ .' E “gésgfisg § " .‘ll

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