Vzl/f Westminster WHY IS WESTMINSTER IMPLEMENTING A NEW MUNICIPAL ADDRESSING SYSTEM (MAS)? The Town Gmndl decided that an overall system otproperty identiï¬cation was needed for all propaties in the urban areas. Residents had approached members of Council and stalf indicating that with the changesin the community it was more and more difï¬cult for people toloate where people lived. More peoplewere using courier servicm, directhmne deliveries were difï¬cult as fewer people knew who was living in their neighbourhoods and a better system was needed to give direction to those who wished to lomte people in various parts of the Town. The fact that it was no langu- a requirement to have names on mailboxes also created problems. Rather than have a series of piece meal systems in different parts of the Town, the decision was made that a general system be applied across the Town as a whole. FAST FACTS 1. Sample Addresses: John C. Smith 6355 Westminster Drive Box 1270, Lambeth, PD. Westminster, Ontario NOL ISO or, A. C. Apple WHAT PARTS OF THE TOWN ARE AFFECTED BY 3077 White 031‘ Road THE NEW ADDRESSING SYSTEM? RR. #1, London P.O. W - O - All parts of the Town are aflected by the new system in one way or another. In some cases, estmmster’ ntano only theneedtor oertainstandardsizenumberstobeafflxed to thehouseaï¬ects theresldent. N613 11.7 In other 4355,11» the ï¬rst time a municipal property number WE assigned to the property. In yet other case, a streetname was assigned to the legal daaiption of a roadway on which 2- The Town 0‘ weStmmSter the property fronts and a municipal number was given for the first time to the property. will assist, if requested, to erect house numbers for senior citizens of the WHY ARE PARTS OF THE LAMBETI-I AREA EXEMPT I Town. FROM THE NEW ADDRESSING SYSTEM? 3. Town staff are in the The urban area of Lambeth isnot entirely exempt from theMASprog-am. For the ï¬rst time, process of sort-mg property owners will be required to use! house numbers on the front of their homes to . . , . facilitate property identiï¬ation. Secondly, some street names were changedin an effort to property ldentlï¬cahon delete the duplimï¬on of street nam in the City of Iondun. The changes may seem minor signs as they arrive from hut are an Important element of the MAS proyam. the supplier. You will be contacted b phone when the signs ï¬r: available for WHEN CAN I START USING MY NEW MUNICIPAL pickup. ADDRESS? 4‘ Town Council has Effective immediatleiy, all residenls can start to use their new municipal addresses for . personalpurposa. ntheinterim,theMASpro amisver murhinatransition 'odwith removed the ï¬ne (penalty) the last day for implementation 13ng January? 1, 1990. ï¬re Town is nmerntiypgocesslng clause from the MAS by- raident's applications [or property identiï¬ution sing and has commenced with the law to assist property placement of thse signs if requated, m deliveries are made by the supplier. owners during the transition period. This WHERE DID THE NEW STREET NAMES clause W111 be inserted at a ORIGINATE? later date. In the early 1980's Council requmted the Westminster Historical Society to suggest names 5» If you are a tenant and thatwouldbeusefulasnewstreetswerecrealedwithintheTown.'l'hrusuggestionsfrom the have not yet received your Historic: Society andémmcs recommended by Councils over the years, a list of potential municipal address Please zfmpames was eveioped. During Town meehngs and during'the public meetings munlcl addressin s t dditi alln t d contact your landlord/ were reamed by pal d1- ; ys ems on pu an suggauans for streetnama property owner i ediately- Adedsion wasmade earlylntheprogram that theoption to asignanumbertoastreetsuch as 5th Avenue, 33rd Street would not be used as the identiflmtion method. - 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE MEETING 0 FROM 4:00 p.