steps is a challenge to younger members of the Shore family. Shore Holsteins Interna- tional Ltd, was founded by Hardy Shore Sr., who was in- ducted in the Ontario Agriculâ€" tural Hall of Fame posthu- mously last June. joining an elite group of 80 inductees. His citation immortalizes the life-long work of a man de- voted to improving the Holstein (dairy) breed. “Hardy Shore devoted his lifetime to the breeding. im- provement and promotion of Holstein cattle." notes the ci- tation. There were many firsts for Hardy Sri, who died in 19M One of his Canadian milk champions, Challenger Sover- eign Princess, when retired in 1974 was the first Holstein ever to produce more than 300.0001bs.. of milk in a lite time (the final tally was 318,413 lbs. and 12,177 lbs. but~ terfat). In the mid-1970s the highest price ever paid {or a Holstein â€"â€" $125,000, was paid for one at his cows. Future Hope Rocket Flicks. His two Master Breeder ti- tles, his skill as a cattle judge, the building of his top herd (started in the 19805, dis- Following in the founder’s A rough act to fâ€"o-Itoril.i V Hardy Shore was dedicated to bettering the Holstein breed JohnWfley. persed in 1981 with in head selling for $561,925) and his tireless devotion to breeding improvements are part of the Shore legacy. As Canadian Holstein Asso- ciation director for many years, and president, Shore was instrumental in having red and whites recognized. In 1974 his work garnered him an Ontario Agricultural College centennial medal, HARDY SHORE SR. ...liletime devotion to Holstein breed His export work was no other reason for the nine ci- tation, snidOntario Agricultu- ral Museum general mime: and Hall of Fame